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It is our hope that the information presented on this site will supplement your knowledge of the Workers' Compensation Board and enhance health care provided to injured workers of the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.

Enhanced service to injured workers can only exist when there is effective communication among all involved. To that end, the WCB recognizes health care professionals as important team members and encourages open communication among all stakeholders involved in the process of treating and returning the injured to work.

Opportunities and invitations for your participation as a team member are presented in the guide referenced on this web page. You are encouraged to read the guide and become familiar with the rehabilitation and return to work processes available to injured workers in your area.

Additional resource material and updates will be added to this site periodically to maintain the currency of contents. Your comments regarding this guide and requests for future content consideration are most welcome.

Thanking you in advance for your service in the provision of medical care to our clients, your patients.

Most sincerely,

David P. King, M.D., M.A.C.O.E.M.
Chief Medical Advisor

Page Last Modified: Tuesday September 26, 2006 at 02:53 PM

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Copyright ©2006 Workers' Compensation Board of Northwest Territories and Nunavut