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Safety and Training - Occupational Safety and Health - Accident Prevention Program
Occupational Safety & Health | Health & Safety Program Audit
Internal Responsibility System | Accident Prevention Program

An Accident Prevention Program provides an organized approach to managing occupational health and safety. It is designed to help employers develop their own safety program and/or manual. It looks at safety policies, hazard assessments, safe work practices, job procedures, personal protective equipment, maintenance programs, training, safety meetings, inspections, investigations, emergency preparedness, records and statistics. The following is a list of requirements for establishing a successful accident prevention program.

  1. Occupational Safety & Health Policy

    • States the employer's commitment to safety and health and the occupational safety and health program objectives
    • Defines responsibilities and roles of the employer, supervisors and workers

  2. Regular Inspections of Premises

    • Show if the work site, machinery, equipment and work practices meet safety and health standards
    • Identify conditions and unsafe acts with the potential to cause injury so that corrective measures can be taken
    • Must be conducted at intervals that will prevent the development of unsafe working conditions

  3. Supplementary Instructions (Written Safe Work Procedures)

    • Identify hazards and clarify what must be done to eliminate or minimize the hazard to comply with the NWT and Nunavut Safety Acts and General Safety Regulations
    • Guide and direct workers in the safe performance of their jobs
    • Used as training standards

  4. Management Meetings

    • Must be held regularly to review the occupational safety and health program activities and to decide how to make improvements

  5. Investigation of Accidents

    • Determines causes of accidents, near misses, injuries, and diseases so that corrective actions can be taken to prevent them from happening again
    • Identifies unsafe conditions, unsafe acts and unsafe work procedures along with solutions to prevent a future occurrence

  6. Records and Statistics

    • Document the occupational safety and health program's history and improvements
    • Provide a record of program activities such as orientation, training, inspections, accident investigations and sampling
    • Help identify trends, unusual conditions and problem areas

  7. Joint (Management-Worker) Occupational Safety & Health Committee

    • Identifies safety and health problems
    • Allows workers to participate in safety and health
    • Provides a forum for solving safety and health problems
    • Recommends ways of improving safety and health activities to management

  8. Instruction of Workers

    • Makes workers proficient in the safe performance of their jobs
    • Includes on-site direction and instruction by supervisors to ensure that workers perform their jobs safely
    • Includes training, such as orientation, crew talks, on-the-job training and refresher training, to make workers proficient in the safe performance of their jobs

First Aid and the Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) are also part of the accident prevention program. The First Aid Service Requirements specify the first aid equipment, supplies, facilities and services required to provide workers with prompt first aid treatment. The WHMIS Regulations specify the information, labeling and training requirements for hazardous substances.

Page Last Modified: Tuesday September 05, 2006 at 03:49 PM

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