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Safety and Training - Training - Course Outlines
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For more information, or to register for a course, contact the Safety Education Unit at (867) 920-3841, or toll free at 1-800-661-0792, or email us at:

Programs offered by the Safety Education Unit emphasize the need for and the benefits of safe working practices. All programs are offered at no cost to employers and workers. 

Claims Management for Employers

Through early medical intervention, early return to work programs and open communication, employers can minimize accident costs and take steps to reduce accidents in the future. This program is designed to identify the steps employers can take to manage their workers' claims.

Objectives: What is Claims Management? Why is it important? What are employers' responsibilities? To help understand claims costs, human costs, hidden costs, principles for successful claims management, responsibilities of the injured worker, the supervisor and the claims manager, the return to work and commitment to early intervention.

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Safety Management

A safety program provides a systematic, organized approach to reducing the human and financial costs of accidents.

The Safety Management program is designed to help employers develop their own safety program and/or manual. It looks at safety policies, hazard assessments, safe work practices, job procedures, personal protective equipment, maintenance programs, training, safety meetings, inspections, emergency preparedness, records and statistics.

Objectives: To develop, implement and audit a health and safety program.

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Safety Awareness

Changing the assumption "accidents just happen" to "accidents are preventable" is the beginning of a general safety awareness.

The Safety Awareness program is designed to inform the worker, supervisor and employer of their rights and responsibilities for a safe working environment. It will assist them in developing the skills and knowledge necessary to recognize and correct potential workplace hazards.

Objectives: Safety the Attitude, History and Function of the Workers' Compensation Board, Legislation, Personal Protective Equipment, Noise and Hearing Loss, Eye Safety and Respiratory Protection.

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Incident and Accident Investigation

The first step to preventing the recurrence of an accident is to identify its cause.

This program will teach investigators how to perform a thorough and complete investigation.

Objectives: What incident, accident, illness, loss and near misses mean within a safety context; why incident investigations are done; the basic causes of incidents; when incident investigations should be done; what the legal requirements are for incident investigations; who should be involved in an incident investigation and what they should be doing; how to do an incident investigation, including the preparation, planning, observation, interviewing, analysis and reporting of findings.

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Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) Committees

An OH&S Committee is an integral part of an employer's efforts to meet his/her legal obligation to provide a safe workplace.

This program will outline the steps needed to create and maintain an active and effective OH&S Committee.

Objectives: What health and safety committees do, their benefits and pitfalls, their structure, how they operate, tips and techniques, suggestions and guidelines for committee activities.

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Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)

Learn the three parts of the WHMIS program: labels, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), and Worker Education. This is a generic course suitable for all employers and employees. This course does not replace worksite specific training.

Objectives: Labels, Material Safety Data Sheets and worker education.

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Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) Instructor

The Northwest Territories and Nunavut Safety Act & Regulations stipulate that employers must train their workers to safely handle hazardous materials.

This program helps employers fulfill their obligation under the Acts by training a workplace trainer to train fellow workers in site-specific controlled product handling.

Objectives: To develop, implement and train workers for site-specific training.

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Artist/Carver Safety Awareness

The more artists and carvers use modern tools and materials in their craft, the greater the need for safety.

Objectives: History of workers' compensation, personal optional coverage, Safety as an Attitude, Safety as an Example, Personal Protective Equipment, quarry safety and tool safety.

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Ergonomics Program

Learn to recognize repetitive strain injuries, carpal tunnel, tendonitis, sprains, strains, etc. Identify and control or eliminate job demands that lead to repetitive strain injuries through the practical application of design/redesign principles, to workplace components.

Objectives: To understand repetitive strain injuries (RSI), identify work activities that may result in RSI, identify job demands that lead to RSI, understand the importance of good workplace design (ergonomics), identify basic design and redesign principles and develop solutions for workplace components based on ergonomic principles.

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Indoor Air Quality

The importance of a comfortable, healthy and productive indoor environment is becoming more evident and office workers have increased their expectations and demands for good indoor air quality. Air quality issues are no longer confined to industries that have been traditionally associated with dirty and unhealthy workplaces.

Objectives: To increase the participant's awareness of the issues and complexity involved in indoor air quality. Provide general information on the scope of the issues. Provide information to help participants eliminate or avoid potential indoor air quality problems.

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Internal Responsibility and Due Diligence

The purpose of this course is to enable all participants to come away with a clear understanding of the IRS, Due Diligence and how they affect each and every person in the workplace throughout the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. By increasing the awareness and knowledge of the Internal Responsibility System and Due Diligence as they apply to all workplaces, all employers and workers will be better prepared to meet the challenges of regulatory compliance for Occupational Health and Safety in their workplace.

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Managing Safety

A brief overview of Occupational Health & Safety Committees, the elements of a safety program and a description of the Workers' Compensation Board programs.

Objectives: To increase the participant's awareness of the importance of having a safety program and functioning OH&S Committee.

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Page Last Modified: Tuesday September 26, 2006 at 10:44 AM

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