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Information for Workers - Claimant Fraud
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Honesty pays, but sometimes not well enough for some…

The WCB knows that most workers, employers and suppliers are honest, but experience has shown that there is a small percentage who are not, and their actions can be costly.

What is claimant fraud?

Claimant fraud happens when a person tells lies or holds back information so they can get WCB benefits. Claimant fraud is against the law.

Here are some examples of claimant fraud:

  • People say they were injured at work when they were injured somewhere else.
  • People say their injury is worse than it really is so they get more benefits.
  • People work for income and get WCB benefits at the same time, and they don't tell the WCB.

If people lie when they make a claim to the WCB, they break the law. Claimant fraud affects all employers and workers.

What happens if someone commits claimant fraud?

Fraud is against the law. The WCB can charge people if they think they committed fraud. A person that commits fraud can go to court. If the court finds the person guilty, they can go to jail.

Besides jail, a guilty person may have other penalties. A person may:

  • Have a criminal record
  • Be on probation
  • Have to do community service hours
  • Pay a fine
  • Pay back the money to the WCB
  • Lose their job
  • Lose their reputation in the community

How does fraud against the WCB affect others?

Claimant fraud costs money and we all pay.

  • Claimant fraud takes money away from injured workers that really need the benefits - they may get fewer benefits.
  • Employers may pay more for WCB coverage to cover higher claims costs.
  • People may lose their job or get lower wages.

When people commit claimant fraud, it's like they steal money from everyone else.

What does the WCB do to find and prevent claimant fraud?

WCB staff regularly check claimant files. If they think someone lied about their claim, they take legal action right away.

In 2005, the WCB took legal action on 71 files and saved $1,989,200. The WCB works with employers and workers to help prevent fraud before it happens.

How can workers and employers help prevent claimant fraud?

If you think someone lied about their WCB claim and committed fraud, call the WCB. You don't have to give your name.

Toll free phone number: 1-866-286-3338

Page Last Modified: Tuesday September 26, 2006 at 03:48 PM

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