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Information for Workers - Review and Appeals - Appeals Tribunal
Review and Appeals | Review Committee | Appeals Tribunal

How to request an appeal:

If you wish to appeal a Review Committee decision a "Request to Appeals Tribunal Form" must be submitted. (Link to Appeal Guide and Form) Your appeal should be addressed to:

Appeals Tribunal Registrar
Workers' Compensation Board of the Northwest Territories & Nunavut
P.O. Box 8888
Yellowknife NT X1A 2R3
Phone:(867) 920-3888
Toll Free: 1-800-661-0792
Fax: (867) 873-4596

Once a request to the Appeals Tribunal has been received the following steps are taken:

  • Appeal is acknowledged: letters sent to appellant, appellant's representative, worker, employer
  • Request for disclosure referred to appropriate division by the Appeals Registrar
  • Request for client Information sheet/medical summary by the Appeals Registrar (depending on issue)
  • File summary is prepared by Appeals Registrar
  • Members meet in pre-hearing to review file
  • Additional information may be requested
  • Hearing is scheduled client can choose from : documentary, tele-conference, video-conference or present at an oral hearing
  • Once the hearing is scheduled the appellant, representative and interested parties are notified and provided with a copy of the case summary
  • Post hearing: case is discussed, decision process begins
  • Members may request client undergo independent assessment
  • Decision rendered: copies sent to appellant, appellant's representative, worker, employer, and to Client/Revenue Services to address the decision

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Access to the Claim/Revenue file (Disclosure)

Attached to the Appeals Forms is a Request for Disclosure, if completed, this will be referred to the operating division for their administration.

Address your request as above.

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The Workers' Compensation Board funds a Workers' Advisor to help workers better understand the WCB system. The Worker's Advisor can help a worker or dependant file an appeal and advise them about their case. On behalf of workers, the Workers' Advisor can make written/oral submissions to the Appeals Tribunal.

The Workers' Advisor is independent of the WCB, and provides an impartial source of assistance. All contacts with the Workers' Advisor are confidential.

For service and assistance in English a Workers' Advisor is available at (867) 873-4345 or toll free at 1-877-816-0166.

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Information Brochures


Contact Us:

Maria Jobse Senior Appeals Registrar Ph: (867) 669-4420

Page Last Modified: Tuesday September 05, 2006 at 03:49 PM

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