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Online Services

Privacy Statement

Thank you for visiting the Workers' Compensation Board – Alberta's web site and reviewing our privacy policy. We recognize the importance of protecting your privacy while you visit our site, or when using our online services.

Collection of information
In general, you can visit our web site without revealing any personal information about yourself. Our web server does log some generic information from you each time you visit our page such as the average time spent on the site, pages viewed, type of browser (eg. Internet Explorer, Netscape, etc.) and date and time visited, etc., in order to measure the use of the various portions of our site and assist us in improving its content.

If you choose to provide us with personal information (via e-mail to us or by using one of our online services), we will only use the information provided by you to respond to your message or to help us perform the service you have initiated

Any personal information you provide via our web site is collected under the authority of Section 33 of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act. We retain the information only for the length of time necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected, and use that information only for the purpose for which you provided it.

The Workers' Compensation Board – Alberta uses software, and other programs/devices, to monitor unauthorized or illegal attempts to access, upload, change information, or otherwise damage our Internet based systems and services. Any personal information gathered under these circumstances will only be used for law enforcement purposes.

Use of cookies
General access to our website (www.wcb.ab.ca) does not involve cookies. However, to provide you with better service and security, some of our online services, such as Electronic Reporting, do require that we place a temporary session cookie on your computer to collect certain information such as your Internet Protocol (IP) address. An IP address is unique to you, and is established by your Internet Service Provider (ISP). A cookie is also used as a secure way to maintain your identity when you login, assist us in tracking unauthorized access, and enables us to properly link you to your account. For your convenience, these session cookies are programmed to delete themselves after 15 to 60 minutes of inactivity, depending on the application.

If you choose not to accept these session cookies you will still be able to use our website. However, you will not be able to access some of our online applications such as Electronic Injury Reporting and Invoicing. The following online services do not currently use session cookies: Direct Employer Clearance Certificates (DECC), and Loss Control Reporting.

All information submitted through our Electronic Reporting and Invoicing system, Loss Control Reporting (LCR) and some areas of DECC use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption technology to enhance data privacy and help prevent loss, misuse or alteration of the information that is provided to us through your use of those systems.

The personal information you submit using Internet services such as e-mail or by filling out a web-based form and submitting it through our web site is not encrypted and may not be secure while it is in transit to us.

The WCB is not responsible for the use or misuse of information while it is in transit from your Internet server to ours. If you have any questions about the security of the transmission and storage of information from your server/system to ours, you should read your user manual or contact your Internet service provider.

Other ways to contact us
If you are concerned about sending your personal information to us via the Internet, you can use another method such as fax or mail. If you have any questions about our privacy policy and practices, or the privacy/security of any of our online services, please email the site administrator.

Your privacy on other web sites
This web site contains links to other sites. We are not responsible for the content and the privacy practices of other web sites and encourage you to take appropriate steps to ensure your Internet activities are safe and secure.

If you have any questions about other sites, you should contact that site’s administrator. The WCB does not use persistent cookies, does not track your movements beyond our website, and does not collect information that we are not authorized by law to collect.

Privacy Policy changes
Our website privacy policy will be reviewed periodically to make sure we continue to serve the privacy interests of our customers. We reserve the right to change and update our privacy policy without notice. We encourage you to visit this page from time to time to ensure you are aware of any changes we may have made.

WCB-Alberta's Directory of Records
This document explains the types of records collected by WCB-Alberta and explains the purpose for collecting them. It also provides an outline of the structure and function of WCB departments and the records each department creates, including those defined as personal information banks. Directory of Records (pdf file, 2 MB)

Last reviewed May, 2005