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Rob Nelson was the picture of health. Then one day, at 45, the life he knew crumbled apart. More...

Beauty tames the beast! "I had to find a safe way to keep doing what I do." More...
Proud of their record. How the Swan Hills Treatment Centre hit 1,000 injury free days!. more...

A new outlook. Elle, Jean and their son William take more time to play together since Jean's face was crushed in a worksite injury two years ago. more...

Mr D. rules! His company has had one lost time injury in fifteen years. How does he do it? Not alone. His entire staff buys into his vision of a safe worksite.
He fell into his future. Jason Kaye fell twenty feet and came up smiling. Find out how his company's 'Modified Return to Work' program helped him land a new career. WCB-Alberta was part of the team that gave him a hand up. more...
A doctor in the house. WCB's head doctor focused on helping injured Albertans. "I look at my job as a way to help injured workers get their lives back." Dr. Vern Lappi, WCB's Director of Medical Services.
Harry's got the drive. This mechanic  refused to lie down after he broke his back. more...
Heart of gold! Long time WCB-Alberta Case manager praised for continously puttng his heart in to his gut-wrenching work.