Plant Improvements Benefit All Nova Scotians

Environment and Labour

October 26, 2006 11:50

All Nova Scotians will benefit from Nova Scotia Power's decision to spend $45 million improving its Trenton generating plant, Environment and Labour Minister Mark Parent said today, Oct. 26.

"The proposed emission controls will reduce the particulate emissions from the Trenton generating station," Mr. Parent said. "The Trenton investment shows a commitment to improving air quality in Nova Scotia. Everyone benefits from that."

Mr. Parent said the power utility works closely with the Department of Environment and Labour on its air quality program, which tackles broader goals such as reductions in sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and mercury.

The utility has committed to reducing sulphur dioxide emissions to 50 per cent of pre-2005 levels by 2010. The target for nitrogen oxides is a 20 per cent reduction from 2000 levels by 2009.

Earlier this month the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment adopted a standard for 2010 that will require utilities to capture a minimum of 60 per cent of the mercury emitted by coal-fired power plants.

"I am confident that by working co-operatively with Nova Scotia Power the province will meet its share of this commitment," Mr. Parent said.


     Environment and Labour Minister Mark Parent says all

Nova Scotians will benefit from Nova Scotia Power's decision to

spend forty-five million dollars upgrading its Trenton generating


     Mr. Parent proposed emission controls at the plant will

reduce particle emissions from the facility.

     Mr. Parent says the power utility also works closely with

the province to reduce emissions of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen

oxides, and mercury.


Media Contact: Bill Turpin
              Environment and Labour