Tobeatic Management Plan Released

Environment and Labour

October 26, 2006 16:11

Nova Scotia's Tobeatic Wilderness Area is now further protected by a comprehensive new management plan.

The plan protects the area's natural, cultural, and recreational features for future generations to use, enjoy and study.

It lays the groundwork for improved partnerships and stewardship to help protect the outstanding qualities of Tobeatic Wilderness Area.

Tobeatic Wilderness Area is more than 100,000 hectares of land located just west of Kejimkujik National Park in the province's southwestern interior.

It includes old-growth forests, unique glacial landforms, and undisturbed wetlands. It is home to several species of wildlife, including the endangered Nova Scotia mainland moose and rare coastal plain flora.

It is also a significant place to the Mi'kmaw people whose ancestors travelled in the region thousands of years ago.

"We are pleased that the preservation of this remarkable example of Nova Scotia's natural heritage will be well-guided by this plan, today and into the future," Mark Parent, Minister of Environment and Labour, said today, Oct. 26.

The plan was developed with the co-operation of the Tobeatic Advisory Group and many Nova Scotians who shared their comments during two public consultations. More than 200 people attended six regional workshops. More than 250 written submissions were received.

The 26-member Tobeatic Advisory Group represented municipalities, industry, government, hunting and angling groups, and First Nations.

"I would like to thank the Tobeatic Advisory Group and the many Nova Scotians who shared comments that were useful in shaping the Tobeatic management plan," said Mr. Parent.

Tobeatic Wilderness Area is to be managed as a unique place for wilderness recreation, research and study, and protection of nature. To ensure that protection, vehicle access in the area will be further limited. Vehicle use may be considered only for private land holders, eligible researchers, and lease holders in the retirement program.

Campsite lease holders in the area will have two options available to them. They may participate in the current campsite lease retirement program. The program provides compensation and an opportunity to set up another lease on Crown land elsewhere.

Or they may choose to continue to use their existing structures under a new wilderness camp licence that will be valid for the lifetime of the licence holder. Licence holders will be required to act as stewards of Tobeatic Wilderness Area. Access to their wilderness camps by vehicle will not be permitted.

A new guide for planning wilderness travel in Tobeatic Wilderness Area is now available. It includes written information, photos, and a map.

For more information about the guide and the Tobeatic management plan see the website at .


     A comprehensive new management plan released today (October

26th) will better protect the Tobeatic Wilderness Area near

Kejimkujik Park.

     The Tobeatic is home to old growth forests, some rare

plants and the endangered mainland moose. The new plan outlines

ways to protect its natural, cultural and recreational features.

     Environment and Labour Minister Mark Parent says the

preservation of Nova Scotia's largest wilderness area will be

well-guided by this plan.

     The plan was created with help from the Tobeatic Advisory

Group and comments collected from two public consultations.


Media Contact: Bruce Nunn
              Environment and Labour