
 Site MapCommentsFrançais 2006-10-29  
Parliament of Canada 


Classroom Activities

Pre-Viewing Activities

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Pre-viewing activities are designed to pique curiosity, set the stage and focus attention on the program about to be screened. Choose one or more of the following to help prepare your class for the video experience.

Set the Scene

Facilitate a class discussion about rules. Where are rules found—at home, in school, on a sports team? List examples of rules at school. Explore why they exist, who enforces them and what might happen without them.

Substitute the word “laws” for “rules.” Discuss the way in which laws have an effect on our lives on a daily basis—from the food we eat to the clothes we wear, the television we watch, the books we read and the schools we attend. Underscore the importance of having the right people in place to make the laws we live by.

What’s in a Name?

Explain that you are about to view a video called MPTV. Poll students to determine what they think the program is about. If necessary, break down the title. Has anyone heard of an MP? Explore possible meanings.

Location, Location, Location

The MPTV video is shot on location on Parliament Hill in Ottawa. Ask students to name and locate the capital on a map. Canvass the class to collect words and images associated with the capital or Parliament. Write the list on the board (some starters: flag, Mountie, Prime Minister).

Think Ahead

Using the list of words and images from the previous activity, ask students to anticipate what they might see in the MPTV video. Circle words that you know are included in the program. Add others that you feel are key elements, such as House of Commons, government, Speaker, elected. It may be helpful at this stage to define some of these terms and alert students to watch and listen for them in the video. For younger students, it is especially important to include objects and concrete symbols (for example, flag, maple leaf).

Class Brainstorm: KWL

A KWL activity helps you establish how much the class knows about the topic in advance of the screening. The exercise also serves to help students focus on key elements to look for during viewing.

Prepare a KWL chart on the board using this template.

Prompt students to add to the list. What do they know about MPs, Parliament, the House of Commons, etc.? Fill in the first column with as much relevant information as possible. Then use the five Ws (who, what, when, where, why) as triggers to complete the middle column.

Return to complete the final column after screening the video.

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