High Performance Computing Optimized for Size, Weight and Power
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>>    10/07/2012       
Xiphos provides avionics and drill electronics for CSA & NASA RESOLVE field trial
>>    03/02/2012
Xiphos Q6S selected by Canadian Innovation Commercialization Program
>>    17/08/2011
Successful launch of the Q6 into orbit aboard two microsatellites

Xiphos provides unique computing solutions, built around flight-proven miniature processing products, which:

·         "Hybridize" software and logic implementation of computing-intensive algorithms, such as those needed for complex image or signal processing; and

·         Use industrial-grade components in a fault-tolerant architecture intended for use in harsh environments, such as those susceptible to pressure, vibration, radiation or temperature extremes; and

·         Implement all of the above while minimizing size, mass and energy requirements.

The resulting computing solutions deliver high-end performance at much lower cost than traditional flight processors on-board spacecraft, aircraft and other platforms.

Featured Product
Q6 - no RJ45
The Q6 is the latest addition to Xiphos' flight-proven Q-card family of processor cards. The Q6 provides an order of magnitude improvement in performance compared to the Q5, all within the same small form factor.