Yasmin Ratansi
Member of Parliament for Don Valley East and Oppostion Critic for National Revenue







Feb 22, 2006


Dear Constituents of Don valley East:

I would like to thank all of you for the honour to represent Don Valley East in the 39th Parliament.  I will continue to work hard on your behalf as your federal representative in Ottawa.

I would like also to thank my fellow candidates who ran in the last federal election.  Each candidate provided an important contribution to the democratic process and demonstrated a commitment to our community.

As always I will update this website to provide relevant information on government and parliament.  The internet is a very useful resource for information and this website is intended to help you find what you need.  Whether you are looking for news about government activity, information about government programs; or whether you are searching for information on activities and services in the riding this site has the necessary information and links.


Yasmin Ratansi, M.P.
Don Valley East


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