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Chamber Business
House of Commons
36th Parliament, 1st Session
(September 22, 1997 - September 18, 1999)
Hansard Index

The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 36th Parliament, 1st Session. The numbers following the subject entries refer to the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard. The Index is updated daily throughout the session.

To use the Index, select one of the alphabetical ranges below. When you have located your subject entry, click on the numbers within the brackets to see the relevant page in the Debates. Before clicking, the date of the entry will appear at the bottom of your screen. You may also search the Index using the Parliamentary Business and Publications Search Engine.

Hansard Index - Marriage.Mayfield
Hansard Index - Marriage.Mayfield

Marriage (Prohibited Degrees) Act (amdt.--marriage between persons of the same sex)(Bill C-385)--Robinson

    >>First reading, 5338(80:1510)
    >>Se also Same sex couples--Marriage

Marriage (Prohibited Degrees) Act (Bill C-225)--Wappel

    >>First reading, 338-9(8:1530-5)
    >>Second reading, 8861-70(133:1810-1915)
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 8870(133:1915)
    >>See also Marriage--Definition

Martin, Bernard see Environment--Goldman Environmental Prize

Martin, Dick see Canadian Labour Congress

Martin, Eli and Lauretta

    >>70th anniversary, congratulations, S.O. 31, 4348(66:1355)

Martin, John see Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO)--International services, Russia

Martin, Keith (Ref.--Esquimalt--Juan de Fuca)

Martin, Kyle see Health--Streptococcol Group A

Martin, Pat (NDP--Winnipeg Centre)

Martin, Hon. Paul (Lib.--LaSalle--Émard; Minister of Finance)

Marwell tar pit see Hazardous waste--Whitehorse, Y.T.

Mascouche, Que. see Air traffic control--Control tower

Maskey, Alex see Immigration/immigrants--Visas

Massage therapy see Penitentiaries--Inmates, Rehabilitation

Massé, Hon. Marcel (Lib.--Hull--Aylmer; President of the Treasury Board and Minister responsible for Infrastructure until Aug. 2, 1999; resigned Sept. 10, 1999)

Masters, Arnold see Canada Ports Corporation

Matane, Que. see Economic development/renewal--Quebec

Matapédia--Matane constituency see Ice storm 1998--Assistance; Quebec separation/sovereignty--Referendum (1995)

Matchee, Master Cpl Clayton see Canadian Armed Forces

"Material harm" see Imports--Anti-dumping and countervailing duties

Maternity benefits see Employment insurance--Benefits

Maternity leave see Child care--parents at home; Children--Early childhood development; Employment insurance--Reforms, Women

Mathematics see Education--National standards--Science and mathematics

Mathews, Bill see Canadian Executive Service Overseas (CESO)--Russia

Mathieson, Gordon see Sexual assault/offences--Sex offenders

Mathieu Da Costa award see Black Canadians

Mathieu Da Costa development corporation see Black Canadians--Montreal, Que.

Matrimonial assets/property rights see Indians/First Nations; Judges

Matsqui Correctional Institution see Penitentiaries

Matthews, Bill (PC--Burin--St. George's; Lib.--Burin--St. George's as of Aug. 13, 1999)

Matthews, Terry see Corporations--Taxation, Stock options

Maurice region see Quebec Games (1999)

Mauro, Tyler Douglas Edward see Scouts Canada--Jack Cornwell decoration

Mauzeroll, Father Gérald

    >>Sao Paulo human rights defence council award recipient, congratulations, S.O. 31, 3105(49:1400)

Maxville, Ont. see Canadian flag

May Court Club see Volunteer organizations

Mayan pottery see Mexico--Hudon

Mayfield, Philip (Ref.--Cariboo--Chilcotin)

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