Publications - June 21, 2004

Sunday, May 23, 2004

Private Bills

This section contains bills sponsored by private Members which concern matters of a particular interest or benefit to a person or persons. Bills in this section which originated in the House of Commons are numbered in sequence, starting with C-1001, while those which originated in the Senate have an ``S'' preceding the number of the Bill.

S-15 -- Mr. Lee (Scarborough -- Rouge River) -- An Act to amend the Act of incorporation of Queen's Theological College

    Message received from the Senate; Bill deemed read the first time and placed in the order of precedence -- March 26, 2004
    Petition for Private Bill filed with the Clerk of the House -- March 31, 2004
    Report of the Clerk of Petitions; report of the Examiner of Petitions for Private Bills -- April 1, 2004
    Order respecting proceedings -- April 1, 2004 (See Other Business No. 5)
    Deemed read the second time and referred to a Committee of the Whole; deemed considered in Committee of the Whole; deemed reported without amendment; deemed concurred in at report stage; deemed read the third time and passed -- April 1, 2004
    Written declaration; Royal Assent -- April 1, 2004