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Committees House of Commons
Picture of a typical Committee meeting room
Standing Committee on Health (HESA)
Select a Session:
39th Parliament
1st 03/04/2006
38th Parliament
1st 04/10/2004-29/11/2005
37th Parliament
3rd 02/02/2004-23/05/2004
2nd 30/09/2002-12/11/2003
1st 29/01/2001-16/09/2002
36th Parliament
2nd 12/10/1999-22/10/2000
1st 22/09/1997-18/09/1999
35th Parliament
2nd 27/02/1996-27/04/1997
1st 17/01/1994-02/02/1996
Reports and Responses

A standing, special or legislative committee may make its views known to the House and brings forward recommendations on matters it has studied by presenting a report to the House. Under Standing Order 109, a standing or special committee may request that the government table a comprehensive response to its report within 120 days of the presentation of the report.

For more information about committee reports and government responses, please consult Committees - A Practical Guide.

  • Report 4 - Funding of the First Nations and Inuit Tobacco Control Strategy (Adopted by the Committee on October 17, 2006; Presented to the House on October 19, 2006)
  • Report 3 - Silicone gel-filled breast implants (Adopted by the Committee on June 22, 2006; Presented to the House on September 18, 2006)
  • Report 2 - New strategy for the prevention of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (Adopted by the Committee on June 22, 2006; Presented to the House on September 18, 2006)
  • Report 1 - Bill C-5, An Act respecting the establishment of the Public Health Agency of Canada and amending certain Acts (Adopted by the Committee on May 16, 2006; Presented to the House on May 18, 2006)

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