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Committees House of Commons
Picture of a typical Committee meeting room
Standing Committee on National Defence (NDDN)
Select a Session:
39th Parliament
1st 03/04/2006
38th Parliament
1st 04/10/2004-29/11/2005
37th Parliament
3rd 02/02/2004-23/05/2004
2nd 30/09/2002-12/11/2003
1st 29/01/2001-16/09/2002
36th Parliament
2nd 12/10/1999-22/10/2000
1st 22/09/1997-18/09/1999
35th Parliament
2nd 27/02/1996-27/04/1997
1st 17/01/1994-02/02/1996
Frequently Asked Questions
Standing Committee on National Defence - Frequently asked questions

Can I use this Web site to give parliamentarians my views on Canadian defence policy?
Yes. Messages can be sent by e-mail to the Clerk of the Committee for translation and distribution in both official languages to the Parliamentarians who are members of the Committee. However, you can also send correspondence directly to individual Parliamentarians.
Can the committee help military personnel and veterans appeal departmental decisions concerning their disability pension and other benefits?
The Committee is not involved in the processing of applications for  pensions or in appeals of departmental decisions concerning pensions or other benefits for individuals. However, information on the problems encountered by military personnel and veterans with, for example, obtaining benefits provided by the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act,  can assist the Committee in its review of the policies of the Department of National Defence. Letters or e-mail should be addressed to the Clerk of the Committee for translation and distribution in both official languages to Committee members. Veterans disability pensions or awards and other veterans programs administered by the Department of Veterans Affairs are issues examined by the Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs.
Where can I find the report on Quality of Life in the Canadian Forces and other reports produced by this Committee a few years ago?
The Quality of Life report was tabled in 1998 by the Standing Committee on National Defence and Veterans Affairs (SCONDVA) and can be found in the list of reports tabled during the 1st Session of the 36th Parliament. For a detailed list of reports, select a session of Parliament by clicking on one of the links in the left-hand column, and then click on "Reports and Responses."
Where can I find information on Canadian defence policy?
Canada’s defence policy is outlined in the Defence Policy Statement contained in the International Policy Statement tabled by the Government in April 2005 and in previous defence white papers such as the 1994 Defence White Paper. Additional information on Canadian defence policy can be found on the Department of National Defence Web site. The Committee’s reports also provide considerable information, but most of them are on one specific element of defence policy. More general discussions of defence policy can be found in the Committee’s minutes of proceedings and evidence. For example, meetings with ministers and departmental officials concerning the Main Estimates and Supplementary Estimates review departmental expenditures for each fiscal year.
Is this the only committee of the House of Commons which deals with defence issues?
No. Some issues such as peacekeeping operations and the renewal of the NORAD Agreement have implications for Canada’s foreign policy as well as for its defence policy. Thus, they are often the subject of studies by the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development. Issues raised by reports of the Auditor General of Canada concerning the Department of National Defence can also be examined by the Standing Committee on Public Accounts.
Are veterans issues examined by this Committee?
Some issues of interest to veterans can be examined by this Committee such as those concerning the Canadian Forces Superannuation Act administered by the Department of National Defence. Other issues such as veterans disability pensions or awards and the New Veterans Charter in general are examined by the Standing Committee on Veterans Affairs.

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