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Committees House of Commons
Picture of a typical Committee meeting room
Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans (FOPO)
Select a Session:
39th Parliament
1st 03/04/2006
38th Parliament
1st 04/10/2004-29/11/2005
37th Parliament
3rd 02/02/2004-23/05/2004
2nd 30/09/2002-12/11/2003
1st 29/01/2001-16/09/2002
36th Parliament
2nd 12/10/1999-22/10/2000
1st 22/09/1997-18/09/1999
35th Parliament
2nd 27/02/1996-27/04/1997
1st 17/01/1994-02/02/1996
About this Committee
Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans - Mandate


The House of Commons Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans (“the Committee”) studies and reports on matters referred to it by the House of Commons, or on topics the Committee itself chooses to examine. It is a permanent committee established by the Standing Orders of the House. Legislation, departmental activities and spending, and other matters related to the general subject matter of the Committee may be referred to it from time to time. For a detailed list of studies, select a session of Parliament by clicking on one of the links in the left-hand column, and then click on "Studies and Activities."


Under Standing Order 108(1), standing committees can examine any matters referred to them by the House of Commons or as required in legislation. They can report to the House, send for persons or records, and delegate their powers to subcommittees. They can sit whether the House is sitting or adjourned, and may sit jointly with other standing committees. In general, committees can report on:

  • legislation relating to the department(s) under their purview
  • program and policy objectives of the department
  • immediate, medium and long-term expenditure plans of the department, and the effectiveness of their implementation
  • an analysis of the relative success of the department, as measured by the results obtained as compared with its stated objectives
  • other matters relating to the mandate, management, organization or operation of the department, as the committee deems fit

Under Standing Order 108(2), this Committee can study the policies, programs and legislation of the department assigned to it, namely, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO). Various independent agencies and Crown corporations are also assigned to the Committee:

The role of committees has been strengthened by the use of instruments such as Standing Order 73, which allows for a bill to be referred to a committee before second reading, thus providing the committee with the opportunity to amend the draft legislation more substantially. Furthermore, committees may be asked by the House of Commons to review draft legislation before it is introduced in the House.

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