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Bill C-12

Bill C-12 - Archived version of the Employment Insurance Act




6. Definitions

     6. (1) In this Part,

« inadmissible »

"disentitled" means not entitled under section 13, 18, 21, 31, 32, 33, 36, 37, 49 or 50 or under the regulations;

« exclu du bénéfice des prestations »

"disqualified" means disqualified under section 27 or 30;

"initial claim for benefits"
« demande initiale de prestations »

"initial claim for benefits" means a claim made for the purpose of establishing a claimant's benefit period;

"major attachment claimant"
« prestataire de la première catégorie »

"major attachment claimant" means a claimant who qualifies to receive benefits and has 700 or more hours of insurable employment in their qualifying period;

"minor attachment claimant"
« prestataire de la deuxième catégorie »

"minor attachment claimant" means a claimant who qualifies to receive benefits and has fewer than 700 hours of insurable employment in their qualifying period;

"qualifying period"
« période de référence »

"qualifying period" means the period described in section 8;

"waiting period"
« délai de carence »

"waiting period" means the two weeks of the benefit period described in section 13.

Rounding off percentages or fractions

     (2) A reference in this Part to an amount equal to a percentage or fraction of earnings or benefits in a period shall be rounded to the nearest multiple of one dollar or, if the amount is equidistant from two multiples of one dollar, to the higher multiple.

Hours of insurable employment

     (3) For the purposes of this Part, the number of hours of insurable employment that a claimant has in any period shall be established as provided under section 55, subject to any regulations made under paragraph 54(z.1) allocating the hours to the claimant's qualifying period.


Qualifying for Benefits

7. Benefits payable to persons who qualify

     7. (1) Unemployment benefits are payable as provided in this Part to an insured person who qualifies to receive them.

Qualification requirement

     (2) An insured person, other than a new entrant or a re-entrant to the labour force, qualifies if the person

(a) has had an interruption of earnings from employment; and

(b) has had during their qualifying period at least the number of hours of insurable employment set out in the following table in relation to the regional rate of unemployment that applies to the person.



Regional Rate of Unemployment Regional Rate of Unemployment Required Number

6% and under
more than 6% but not more than 7%
more than 7% but not more than 8%
more than 8% but not more than 9%
more than 9% but not more than 10%
more than 10% but not more than 11%
more than 11% but not more than 12%
more than 12% but not more than 13%
more than 13%

Qualification requirement for new entrants and re-entrants

     (3) An insured person who is a new entrant or a re-entrant to the labour force qualifies if the person

(a) has had an interruption of earnings from employment; and

(b) has had 910 or more hours of insurable employment in their qualifying period.

New entrants and re-entrants

     (4) An insured person is a new entrant or a re-entrant to the labour force if, in the last 52 weeks before their qualifying period, the person has had fewer than 490

(a) hours of insurable employment;

(b) hours for which benefits have been paid or were payable to the person, calculated on the basis of 35 hours for each week of benefits;

(c) prescribed hours that relate to employment in the labour force; or

(d) hours comprised of any combination of those hours.

Computation of hours

     (5) For the purposes of subsection (4), an hour that is taken into account under any of paragraphs (4)(a), (b) or (c) may not be taken into account under the other.

Other benefit rights - Canada-U.S. agreement

     (6) A claimant is not qualified to receive benefits if it is jointly determined that the claimant must first exhaust or end benefit rights under the laws of another jurisdiction, as provided by Article VI of the Agreement Between Canada and the United States Respecting Unemployment Insurance, signed on March 6 and 12, 1942.

Increase in required hours

     7.1 (1) The number of hours that an insured person, other than a new entrant or re-entrant to the labour force, requires under section 7 to qualify for benefits is increased to the number provided in the following table if the insured person accumulates one or more violations in the 260 weeks before making their initial claim for benefit.


Rate of Unemployment /
Taux régional de chômage
minor / mineure Violation serious / grave very serious / très grave subsequent / subséquente
6% and under/
6 % et moins
more than 6% but not more than 7%/
plus de 6 % mais au plus 7 %
more than 7% but not more than 8%/
plus de 7 % mais au plus 8 %
more than 8% but not more than 9%/
plus de 8 % mais au plus 9 %
more than 9% but not more than 10%/
plus de 9 % mais au plus 10 %
more than 10% but not more than 11%/
plus de 10 % mais au plus 11 %
more than 11% but not more than 12%/
plus de 11 % mais au plus 12 %
more than 12% but not more than 13%/
plus de 12 % mais au plus 13 %
more than 13%/ plus de 13 %

New entrants and re-entrants to the labour force

     (2) The number of hours that an insured person who is a new entrant or re-entrant to the labour force requires under section 7 to qualify for benefits is increased if, in the 260 weeks before making their initial claim for benefit, the person accumulates

(a) a minor violation, in which case the number of required hours is increased to 1,138 hours;

(b) a serious violation, in which case the number of required hours is increased to 1,365 hours; or

(c) a very serious violation, in which case the number of required hours is increased to 1,400 hours.


   (3) A violation may not be taken into account under subsection (1) or (2) in more than two initial claims for benefits if the insured person qualified for benefits with the increased number of hours in each of those claims.


     (4) An insured person accumulates a violation if in any of the following circumstances the Commission issues a notice of violation to the person:

(a) one or more penalties are imposed on the person under section 38, 39, 41.1 or 65.1, as a result of acts or omissions mentioned in section 38, 39 or 65.1;

(b) the person is found guilty of one or more offences under section 135 or 136 as a result of acts or omissions mentioned in those sections; or

(c) the person is found guilty of one or more offences under the Criminal Code as a result of acts or omissions relating to the application of this Act.

Classification of violations

     (5) Except for violations for which a warning was imposed, each violation is classified as a minor, serious, very serious or subsequent violation as follows:

(a) if the value of the violation is

(i) less than $1,000, it is a minor violation,

(ii) $1,000 or more, but less than $5,000, it is a serious violation, or

(iii) $5,000 or more, it is a very serious violation; and

(b) if the notice of violation is issued within 260 weeks after the person accumulates another violation, it is a subsequent violation, even if the acts or omissions on which it is based occurred before the person accumulated the other violation.

Value of violations

     (6) The value of a violation is the total of

(a) the amount of the overpayment of benefits resulting from the acts or omissions on which the violation is based, and

(b) if the claimant is disqualified or disentitled from receiving benefits, or the act or omission on which the violation is based relates to qualification requirements under section 7, the amount determined, subject to subsection (7), by multiplying the claimant's weekly rate of benefit by the average number of weeks of regular benefits, as determined under the regulations.


     (7) The maximum amount to be determined under paragraph (6)(b) is the amount of benefits that could have been paid to the claimant if the claimant had not been disentitled or disqualified or had met the qualification requirements under section 7.

8. Qualifying period

     8. (1) Subject to subsections (2) to (7), the qualifying period of an insured person is the shorter of

(a) the 52-week period immediately before the beginning of a benefit period under subsection 10(1), and

(b) the period that begins on the first day of an immediately preceding benefit period and ends with the end of the week before the beginning of a benefit period under subsection 10(1).

Extension of qualifying period

     (2) A qualifying period mentioned in paragraph (1)(a) is extended by the aggregate of any weeks during the qualifying period for which the person proves, in such manner as the Commission may direct, that throughout the week the person was not employed in insurable employment because the person was

(a) incapable of work because of a prescribed illness, injury, quarantine or pregnancy;

(b) confined in a jail, penitentiary or other similar institution;

(c) receiving assistance under employment benefits; or

(d) receiving payments under a provincial law on the basis of having ceased to work because continuing to work would have resulted in danger to the person, her unborn child or a child whom she was breast-feeding.

Extension resulting from severance payments

     (3) A qualifying period mentioned in paragraph (1)(a) is extended by the aggregate of any weeks during the qualifying period for which the person proves, in such manner as the Commission may direct, that

(a) earnings paid because of the complete severance of their relationship with their former employer have been allocated to weeks in accordance with the regulations; and

(b) the allocation has prevented them from establishing an interruption of earnings.

Further extension of qualifying period

     (4) A qualifying period is further extended by the aggregate of any weeks during an extension for which the person proves, in such manner as the Commission may direct, that

(a) in the case of an extension under subsection (2), the person was not employed in insurable employment because of a reason specified in that subsection; or

(b) in the case of an extension under subsection (3), the person had earnings paid to them because of the complete severance of their relationship with their former employer.

Period not counted if benefits received

     (5) For the purposes of subsections (2) to (4), a week during which the person was in receipt of benefits does not count.

Period not counted if insurable employment

     (6) For the purposes of subsection (3) and paragraph (4)(b), a week during which the person was employed in insurable employment does not count.

Maximum extension of qualifying period

     (7) No extension under any of subsections (2) to (4) may result in a qualifying period of more than 104 weeks.


Benefit Period

9. Establishment of benefit period

     9. When an insured person who qualifies under section 7 or 7.1 makes an initial claim for benefits, a benefit period shall be established and, once it is established, benefits are payable to the person in accordance with this Part for each week of unemployment that falls in the benefit period.

10. Beginning of benefit period

     10. (1) A benefit period begins on the later of

(a) the Sunday of the week in which the interruption of earnings occurs, and

(b) the Sunday of the week in which the initial claim for benefits is made.

Length of benefit period

     (2) The length of a benefit period is 52 weeks, except as otherwise provided in subsections (10) to (12) and section 24.

Prior benefit period

     (3) Subject to a change or cancellation of a benefit period under this section, a benefit period shall not be established for the claimant if a prior benefit period has not ended.

Late initial claims

     (4) An initial claim for benefits made after the day when the claimant was first qualified to make the claim shall be regarded as having been made on an earlier day if the claimant shows that the claimant qualified to receive benefits on the earlier day and that there was good cause for the delay throughout the period beginning on the earlier day and ending on the day when the initial claim was made.

Other late claims

     (5) A claim for benefits, other than an initial claim for benefits, made after the time prescribed for making the claim shall be regarded as having been made on an earlier day if the claimant shows that there was good cause for the delay throughout the period beginning on the earlier day and ending on the day when the claim was made.

Cancelling benefit period

     (6) Once a benefit period has been established for a claimant, the Commission may

(a) cancel the benefit period if it has ended and no benefits were paid or payable during the period; or

(b) whether or not the period has ended, cancel at the request of the claimant that portion of the benefit period immediately before the first week for which benefits were paid or payable, if the claimant

(i) establishes a new benefit period beginning the first week for which benefits were paid or payable, and

(ii) shows that there was good cause for the delay in making the request throughout the period beginning on the day when benefits were first paid or payable and ending on the day when the request for cancellation was made.

Effect of cancellation

     (7) A cancelled benefit period or portion of a benefit period is deemed never to have begun.

End of benefit period

     (8) A benefit period ends when any of the following first occurs:

(a) no further benefits are payable to the claimant in their benefit period;

(b) the benefit period would otherwise end under this section;

(c) 45 weeks of benefits have been paid to the claimant in their benefit period; or

(d) the claimant

(i) requests that their benefit period end,

(ii) makes a new initial claim for benefits, and

(iii) qualifies to receive benefits under this Part.

Late requests

     (9) Whether or not the benefit period has ended, a request under paragraph 8(d) shall be regarded as having been made on an earlier day if the claimant shows that there was good cause for the delay throughout the period beginning on the earlier day and ending on the day when the request was made.

Extension of benefit period

     (10) A claimant's benefit period is extended by the aggregate of any weeks during the benefit period for which the claimant proves, in such manner as the Commission may direct, that the claimant was not entitled to benefits because the claimant was

(a) confined in a jail, penitentiary or other similar institution;

(b) in receipt of earnings paid because of the complete severance of their relationship with their former employer;

(c) in receipt of workers' compensation payments for an illness or injury; or

(d) in receipt of payments under a provincial law on the basis of having ceased to work because continuing to work would have resulted in danger to the claimant, her unborn child or a child whom she was breast-feeding.

Further extension of benefit period

     (11) A claimant's benefit period is extended by the aggregate of any weeks during an extension of a benefit period under subsection (10) for which the claimant proves, in such manner as the Commission may direct, that the claimant was not entitled to benefits because of a reason specified in that subsection.

Maximum extension of benefit period

     (12) No extension under subsection (10) or (11) may result in a benefit period of more than 104 weeks.

11. Week of unemployment

     11. (1) A week of unemployment for a claimant is a week in which the claimant does not work a full working week.

Exception - no duties to perform

     (2) A week during which a claimant's contract of service continues and in respect of which the claimant receives or will receive their usual remuneration for a full working week is not a week of unemployment, even though the claimant may be excused from performing their normal duties or does not have any duties to perform at that time.

Exception - leave with deferred remuneration

     (3) A week or part of a week during a period of leave from employment is not a week of unemployment if the employee

(a) takes the period of leave under an agreement with their employer;

(b) continues to be an employee of the employer during the period; and

(c) receives remuneration that was set aside during a period of work, regardless of when it is paid.

Exception - compensatory leave

     (4) An insured person is deemed to have worked a full working week during each week that falls wholly or partly in a period of leave if

(a) in each week the insured person regularly works a greater number of hours, days or shifts than are normally worked in a week by persons employed in full-time employment; and

(b) the person is entitled to the period of leave under an employment agreement to compensate for the extra time worked.


Payment of Benefits

12. Benefits

     12. (1) If a benefit period has been established for a claimant, benefits may be paid to the claimant for each week of unemployment that falls in the benefit period, subject to the maximums established by this section.

General maximum

     (2) The maximum number of weeks for which benefits may be paid in a benefit period because of a reason other than those mentioned in subsection (3) shall be determined in accordance with the table in Schedule I by reference to the regional rate of unemployment that applies to the claimant and the number of hours of insurable employment of the claimant in their qualifying period.

Maximum - special benefits

     (3) Subject to subsection (7), the maximum number of weeks for which benefits may be paid in a benefit period

(a) because of pregnancy is 15;

(b) because the claimant is caring for one or more new-born children of the claimant or one or more children placed with the claimant for the purpose of adoption is 10; and

(c) because of a prescribed illness, injury or quarantine is 15.

Maximum - special benefits

     (4) Subject to subsection (7), the maximum number of weeks for which benefits may be paid

(a) for a single pregnancy is 15; and

(b) for the care of one or more new-born or adopted children as a result of a single pregnancy or placement is 10.

Combined weeks of benefits

     (5) In a claimant's benefit period, the claimant may combine weeks of benefits to which the claimant is entitled because of a reason mentioned in subsection (3), but the maximum number of combined weeks is 30.

Combined weeks of benefits

     (6) In a claimant's benefit period, the claimant may combine weeks of benefits to which the claimant is entitled because of a reason mentioned in subsections (2) and (3), but if the claimant is entitled under subsection (2)

(a) to more than 30 weeks of benefits, the total number of weeks of benefits payable because of reasons mentioned in subsections (2) and (3) shall not exceed the claimant's entitlement under subsection (2); and

(b) to 30 or fewer weeks of benefits, the claimant may, subject to the applicable maximums, receive a greater number of weeks of benefits if the claimant is also entitled to benefits because of a reason mentioned in subsection (3), but the total number of weeks of benefits shall not exceed 30.

Extension of maximum

     (7) The maximum number of 10 weeks specified in paragraphs (3)(b) and (4)(b) is extended to 15 weeks if

(a) a child mentioned in paragraph (3)(b) or (4)(b) is six months of age or older at the time of the child's arrival at the claimant's home or actual placement with the claimant for the purpose of adoption; and

(b) a medical practitioner or the agency that placed the child certifies that the child suffers from a physical, psychological or emotional condition that requires an additional period of parental care.


     (8) For the purposes of this section, the placement with a major attachment claimant, at the same or substantially the same time, of two or more children for the purpose of adoption is a single placement of a child or children for the purpose of adoption.

13. Waiting period

     13. A claimant is not entitled to be paid benefits in a benefit period until, after the beginning of the benefit period, the claimant has served a two week waiting period that begins with a week of unemployment for which benefits would otherwise be payable.


Rate of Benefits

14. Rate of weekly benefits

     14. (1) The rate of weekly benefits payable to a claimant is 55% of their weekly insurable earnings.

Maximum weekly insurable earnings

     (1.1) The maximum weekly insurable earnings is

(a) $750 if the claimant's benefit period begins during the years 1997 to 2000; and

(b) if the claimant's benefit period begins in a subsequent year, the maximum yearly insurable earnings divided by 52.

Weekly insurable earnings

     (2) A claimant's weekly insurable earnings are their insurable earnings in the rate calculation period divided by the larger of the following divisors:

(a) the divisor that equals the number of weeks during the rate calculation period in which the claimant had insurable earnings, and

(b) the divisor determined in accordance with the following table by reference to the applicable regional rate of unemployment.



Regional Rate of Unemployment

not more than 6%
more than 6% but not more than 7%


more than 7% but not more than 8%


more than 8% but not more than 9%


more than 9% but not more than 10%


more than 10% but not more than 11%


more than 11% but not more than 12%


more than 12% but not more than 13%


more than 13%


Insurable earnings

     (3) Insurable earnings in the rate calculation period shall be established and calculated in accordance with the regulations and include earnings from any insurable employment, regardless of whether the employment has ended.

Rate calculation period

     (4) The rate calculation period is the period of not more than 26 consecutive weeks in the claimant's qualifying period ending with the later of

(a) the week

(i) before the claimant's benefit period begins, if it begins on the Sunday of the week in which the claimant's last interruption of earnings occurs, or

(ii) in which the claimant's last interruption of earnings occurs, if their benefit period begins on the Sunday of a week that is after the week in which the claimant's last interruption of earnings occurs, and

(b) the week before the claimant's benefit period begins, if the claimant has an insurable employment at the beginning of that period.

A prescribed week relating to employment in the labour force shall not be taken into account when determining what weeks are within the rate calculation period.

Length of rate calculation period

     (4.1) The rate calculation period is 26 weeks, unless the claimant's qualifying period begins on a Sunday that is less than 26 weeks before the Sunday of the week in which the rate calculation period ends under subsection (4), in which case it is the number of weeks between those Sundays.

15. Reduction

     15. (1) The percentage of 55% mentioned in subsection 14(1) is reduced as provided in the following table if the claimant is not claiming special benefits and in the 260 weeks before the benefit period begins, the claimant was paid more than 20 weeks of regular benefits.


Number of Weeks of Regular Benefits Paid Reduced Percentage

21-40 54%
41-60 53%
61-80 52%
81-100 51%
more than 100 50%

No reduction for family supplement claimants

     (1.1) No reduction shall be made under subsection (1) if the claimant is entitled to a family supplement under section 16.

Excluded benefits

     (2) Regular benefits paid for weeks beginning before June 30, 1996 shall not be taken into account when applying subsection (1).

16. Rate increase - family supplement

     16. (1) The rate of weekly benefits of a claimant who has one or more dependent children shall be increased by the amount of a family supplement determined in accordance with the regulations if the claimant establishes, in such manner as the Commission may direct, that the claimant meets the prescribed low-income family eligibility criteria.


     (2) The criteria for low-income family eligibility may include criteria that are the same as or similar to the criteria for receiving a child tax benefit.

Child tax benefit

     (3) For the purposes of subsection (2), a child tax benefit is a deemed overpayment under subdivision a.1 of Division E of Part I of the Income Tax Act.

Maximum increase

     (4) The amount of the increase in the claimant's rate of weekly benefits shall not exceed the prescribed percentage of the claimant's weekly insurable earnings or, if no percentage is prescribed, 25%.

17. Maximum rate of weekly benefits

     17. The maximum rate of weekly benefits is

(a) $413 if the claimant's benefit period begins during the years 1997 to 2000; and

(b) if the claimant's benefit period begins in a subsequent year, 55% of the maximum yearly insurable earnings divided by 52.


Disentitlement to Benefits

18. Availability for work, etc.

     18. A claimant is not entitled to be paid benefits for a working day in a benefit period for which the claimant fails to prove that on that day the claimant was

(a) capable of and available for work and unable to obtain suitable employment;

(b) unable to work because of a prescribed illness, injury or quarantine, and that the claimant would otherwise be available for work; or

(c) engaged in jury service.


Deductions from Benefits

19. Earnings in waiting period

     19. (1) If a claimant has earnings during their waiting period, an amount not exceeding those earnings shall, as prescribed, be deducted from the benefits payable for the first three weeks for which benefits are otherwise payable.

Earnings in periods of unemployment

     (2) Subject to subsections (3) and (4), if the claimant has earnings during any other week of unemployment, there shall be deducted from benefits payable in that week the amount, if any, of the earnings that exceeds

(a) $50, if the claimant's rate of weekly benefits is less than $200; or

(b) 25% of the claimant's rate of weekly benefits, if that rate is $200 or more.

Undeclared earnings

     (3) If the claimant has failed to declare all or some of their earnings to the Commission for a period, determined under the regulations, for which benefits were claimed,

(a) the following amount shall be deducted from the benefits paid to the claimant for that period:

(i) the amount of the undeclared earnings, if, in the opinion of the Commission, the claimant knowingly failed to declare the earnings, or

(ii) in any other case, the amount of the undeclared earnings less the difference between

(A) all amounts determined under paragraph (2)(a) or (b) for the period,


(B) all amounts that were applied under those paragraphs in respect of the declared earnings for the period; and

(b) the deduction shall be made

(i) from the benefits paid for a number of weeks that begins with the first week for which the earnings were not declared in that period, and

(ii) in such a manner that the amount deducted in each consecutive week equals the claimant's benefits paid for that week.

Earnings and allowances from employment benefits, courses and programs

     (4) Earnings from employment under employment benefits and earnings or allowances payable to a claimant for attending a course or program of instruction or training shall not be deducted under this section except in accordance with the regulations.

20. Deduction for excluded days in waiting period

     20. (1) If a claimant is not entitled to receive benefits for a working day in their waiting period, an amount equal to 1/5 of their weekly rate of benefits for each such working day shall be deducted from the benefits payable for the three weeks described in subsection 19(1).

Deduction for excluded days not in waiting period

     (2) If a claimant is disentitled from receiving benefits for a working day in a week of unemployment that is not in their waiting period, an amount equal to 1/5 of their weekly rate of benefits for each such working day shall be deducted from the benefits payable for that week.


Special Benefits

21. Illness, etc. - minor attachment claimants

     21. (1) A minor attachment claimant who ceases work because of illness, injury or quarantine is not entitled to receive benefits while unable to work for that reason.


     (2) If benefits are payable to a claimant for unemployment caused by illness, injury or quarantine and any allowances, money or other benefits are payable to the claimant for that illness, injury or quarantine under a provincial law, the benefits payable to the claimant under this Act shall be reduced or eliminated as prescribed.


     (3) If earnings are received by a claimant for a period in a week of unemployment during which the claimant is incapable of work because of illness, injury or quarantine, subsection 19(2) does not apply and, subject to subsection 19(3), all those earnings shall be deducted from the benefits payable for that week.

22. Pregnancy

     22. (1) Notwithstanding section 18, but subject to this section, benefits are payable to a major attachment claimant who proves her pregnancy.

Weeks for which benefits may be paid

     (2) Subject to section 12, benefits are payable to a major attachment claimant under this section for each week of unemployment in the period

(a) that begins the earlier of

(i) eight weeks before the week in which her confinement is expected, and

(ii) the week in which her confinement occurs; and

(b) that ends 17 weeks after the later of

(i) the week in which her confinement is expected, and

(ii)the week in which her confinement occurs.


     (3) When benefits are payable to a claimant for unemployment caused by pregnancy and any allowances, money or other benefits are payable to the claimant for that pregnancy under a provincial law, the benefits payable to the claimant under this Act shall be reduced or eliminated as prescribed.

Application of section 18

     (4) For the purposes of section 13, the provisions of section 18 do not apply to the two week period that immediately precedes the period described in subsection (2).

Earnings deducted

     (5) If benefits are payable under this section to a major attachment claimant who receives earnings for a period that falls in a week in the period described in subsection (2), the provisions of subsection 19(2) do not apply and, subject to subsection 19(3), all those earnings shall be deducted from the benefits paid for that week.

Extension of period

     (6) If a child who is born of the claimant's pregnancy is hospitalized, the period during which benefits are payable under subsection (2) shall be extended by the number of weeks during which the child is hospitalized.


     (7) The extended period shall end no later than 52 weeks after the week of confinement.

23. Parental benefits

     23. (1) Notwithstanding section 18, but subject to this section, benefits are payable to a major attachment claimant to care for one or more new-born children of the claimant or one or more children placed with the claimant for the purpose of adoption under the laws governing adoption in the province in which the claimant resides.

Weeks for which benefits may be paid

     (2) Subject to section 12, benefits under this section are payable for each week of unemployment in the period

(a) that begins with the week in which the child or children of the claimant are born or the child or children are actually placed with the claimant for the purpose of adoption; and

(b) that ends 52 weeks after the week in which the child or children of the claimant are born or the child or children are actually placed with the claimant for the purpose of adoption.

Earnings deducted

     (3) If benefits are payable to a major attachment claimant under this section and earnings are received by the claimant for a period that falls in a week in the period described in subsection (2), the provisions of subsection 19(2) do not apply and, subject to subsection 19(3), all those earnings shall be deducted from the benefits payable for that week.

Division of weeks of benefits

     (4) Weeks of benefits payable under this section may be divided between the parents of the child or children.



24. Regulations for work-sharing benefits

     24. (1) The Commission may, with the approval of the Governor in Council, make regulations providing for the payment of work-sharing benefits to claimants who are qualified to receive benefits under this Act and are employed under a work-sharing agreement that has been approved for the purposes of this section by special or general direction of the Commission, including regulations

(a) defining and determining the nature of work-sharing employment for which benefits may be paid;

(b) prescribing the maximum number of weeks for which benefits may be paid;

(c) prescribing the method of paying benefits;

(d) prescribing the rate of weekly benefits;

(e) providing a method for setting the amount that is the weekly insurable earnings of a claimant employed in work-sharing employment for the purposes of section 14;

(f) prescribing the manner of treating, for benefit purposes, earnings received from the claimant's employer or from other sources;

(g) providing for the extension of a claimant's qualifying period or benefit period for a number of weeks not exceeding the number of weeks of work-sharing employment;

(h) deferring service by a claimant of all or any part of their waiting period until their work-sharing employment has ended; and

(i) providing for any other matters necessary to carry out the purposes and provisions of this section.

No appeal

     (2) A special or general direction of the Commission approving or disapproving a work sharing agreement for the purposes of subsection (1) is not subject to appeal under section 114 or 115.


     (3) For the purposes of this Part, a claimant is unemployed and capable of and available for work during a week when the claimant works in work-sharing employment.


Courses, Programs and Employment Benefits

25. Status of claimants

     25. (1) For the purposes of this Part, a claimant is unemployed and capable of and available for work during a period when the claimant is

(a) attending a course or program of instruction or training at the claimant's own expense, or under employment benefits, to which the Commission, or an authority that the Commission designates, has referred the claimant; or

(b) participating in any other employment activity

(i) for which assistance has been provided for the claimant under prescribed employment benefits or benefits that are the subject of an agreement under section 63 and are similar to the prescribed employment benefits, and

(ii)to which the Commission, or an authority that the Commission designates, has referred the claimant.

No appeal

     (2) A decision of the Commission about the referral of a claimant to a course, program or other employment activity mentioned in subsection (1) is not subject to appeal under section 114 or 115.

26. Benefits not earnings

     26. For the purposes of this Part, Part IV, the Income Tax Act and the Canada Pension Plan, benefits paid to a claimant while employed under employment benefits are not earnings from employment.


Disqualification and Disentitlement

27. Disqualification - general

     27. (1) A claimant is disqualified from receiving benefits under this Part if, without good cause since the interruption of earnings giving rise to the claim, the claimant

(a) has not applied for a suitable employment that is vacant after becoming aware that it is vacant or becoming vacant, or has failed to accept the employment after it has been offered to the claimant;

(b) has not taken advantage of an opportunity for suitable employment;

(c) has not carried out a written direction given to the claimant by the Commission with a view to assisting the claimant to find suitable employment, if the direction was reasonable having regard both to the claimant's circumstances and to the usual means of obtaining that employment; or

(d) has not attended an interview that the Commission has directed the claimant to attend to enable the Commission or another appropriate agency

(i) to provide information and instruction to help the claimant find employment, or

(ii) to identify whether the claimant might be assisted by job training or other employment assistance.

Termination of referral

     (1.1) A claimant is disqualified from receiving benefits under this Part if

(a) the Commission or an authority that the Commission designates has, with the agreement of the claimant, referred the claimant to a course or program of instruction or training or to any other employment activity for which assistance has been provided under employment benefits; and

(b) the Commission has terminated the referral because

(i) without good cause, the claimant has not attended or participated in the course, program or employment activity and, in the opinion of the Commission, it is unlikely that the claimant will successfully complete the course, program or employment activity,

(ii) without good cause, the claimant has withdrawn from the course, program or employment activity, or

(iii) the organization providing the course, program or employment activity has expelled the claimant.

Employment not suitable

     (2) For the purposes of this section, employment is not suitable employment for a claimant if

(a) it arises in consequence of a stoppage of work attributable to a labour dispute;

(b) it is in the claimant's usual occupation either at a lower rate of earnings or on conditions less favourable than those observed by agreement between employers and employees, or in the absence of any such agreement, than those recognized by good employers; or

(c) it is not in the claimant's usual occupation or is either at a lower rate of earnings or on conditions less favourable than those that the claimant might reasonably expect to obtain, having regard to the conditions that the claimant usually obtained in that occupation, or would have obtained if the claimant had continued to be so employed.

Reasonable interval

     (3) After a lapse of a reasonable interval from the date on which an insured person becomes unemployed, paragraph (2)(c) does not apply to the employment described in that paragraph if it is employment at a rate of earnings not lower and on conditions not less favourable than those observed by agreement between employers and employees or, in the absence of any such agreement, than those recognized by good employers.

28. Duration of disqualification

     28. (1) A disqualification under section 27 is for the number of weeks that the Commission may determine, but

(a) the number of weeks of a disqualification arising under paragraph 27(1)(a) or (b) shall be not fewer than 7 or more than 12; and

(b) the number of weeks of a disqualification arising under paragraph 27(1)(c) or (d) or subsection 27(1.1) shall be not more than 6.

When disqualification is to be served

     (2) Subject to subsections (3) to (5), the weeks of disqualification are to be served during the weeks following the waiting period for which benefits would otherwise be payable if the disqualification had not been imposed and, for greater certainty, the length of the disqualification is not affected by any subsequent loss of employment by the claimant during the benefit period.

Disqualification to be carried forward

     (3) Any portion of the disqualification that has not been served when the claimant's benefit period ends shall, subject to subsections (4) and (5), be served in any benefit period subsequently established within two years after the event giving rise to the disqualification.


     (4) No weeks of disqualification shall be carried forward against a claimant who has had 700 or more hours of insurable employment since the event giving rise to the disqualification.


     (5) The Commission shall defer the serving of the disqualification if the claimant is otherwise entitled to special benefits or benefits by virtue of section 25.


     (6) For the purposes of this Part, other than section 15, benefits are deemed to be paid for the weeks of disqualification.


     (7) Subsection (6) does not apply to prevent a claimant from requesting that a benefit period established for the claimant as a minor attachment claimant be cancelled under subsection 10(6) and that a benefit period be established for the claimant as a major attachment claimant to enable the claimant to receive special benefits.

29. Interpretation

     29. For the purposes of sections 30 to 33,

(a) "employment" refers to any employment of the claimant within their qualifying period or their benefit period;

(b) loss of employment includes a suspension from employment, but does not include loss of, or suspension from, employment on account of membership in, or lawful activity connected with, an association, organization or union of workers;

(b.1) voluntarily leaving an employment includes

(i) the refusal of employment offered as an alternative to an anticipated loss of employment, in which case the voluntary leaving occurs when the loss of employment occurs,

(ii) the refusal to resume an employment, in which case the voluntary leaving occurs when the employment is supposed to be resumed, and

(iii) the refusal to continue in an employment after the work, undertaking or business of the employer is transferred to another employer, in which case the voluntary leaving occurs when the work, undertaking or business is transferred; and

(c) just cause for voluntarily leaving an employment or taking leave from an employment exists if the claimant had no reasonable alternative to leaving or taking leave, having regard to all the circumstances, including any of the following:

(i) sexual or other harassment,

(ii) obligation to accompany a spouse or dependent child to another residence,

(iii) discrimination on a prohibited ground of discrimination within the meaning of the Canadian Human Rights Act,

(iv) working conditions that constitute a danger to health or safety,

(v) obligation to care for a child or a member of the immediate family,

(vi) reasonable assurance of another employment in the immediate future,

(vii) significant modification of terms and conditions respecting wages or salary,

(viii) excessive overtime work or refusal to pay for overtime work,

(ix) significant changes in work duties,

(x) antagonism with a supervisor if the claimant is not primarily responsible for the antagonism,

(xi) practices of an employer that are contrary to law,

(xii) discrimination with regard to employment because of membership in an association, organization or union of workers,

(xiii) undue pressure by an employer on the claimant to leave their employment, and

(xiv) any other reasonable circumstances that are prescribed.

30. Disqualification - misconduct or leaving without just cause

     30. (1) A claimant is disqualified from receiving any benefits if the claimant lost any employment because of their misconduct or voluntarily left any employment without just cause, unless

(a) the claimant has, since losing or leaving the employment, been employed in insurable employment for the number of hours required by section 7 or 7.1 to qualify to receive benefits; or

(b) the claimant is disentitled under sections 31 to 33 in relation to the employment.

Length of disqualification

     (2) The disqualification is for each week of the claimant's benefit period following the waiting period and, for greater certainty, the length of the disqualification is not affected by any subsequent loss of employment by the claimant during the benefit period.

Not retroactive

     (3) If the event giving rise to the disqualification occurs during a benefit period of the claimant, the disqualification does not include any week in that benefit period before the week in which the event occurs.


     (4) Notwithstanding subsection (6), the disqualification is suspended during any week for which the claimant is otherwise entitled to special benefits.

Restriction on qualifying for benefits

     (5) If a claimant who has lost or left an employment as described in subsection (1) makes an initial claim for benefits, the following hours may not be used to qualify under section 7 or 7.1 to receive benefits:

(a) hours of insurable employment from that or any other employment before the employment was lost or left; and

(b) hours of insurable employment in any employment that the claimant subsequently loses or leaves, as described in subsection (1).

Restriction on number of weeks and rate of benefits

     (6) No hours of insurable employment in any employment that a claimant loses or leaves, as described in subsection (1), may be used for the purpose of determining the maximum number of weeks of benefits under subsection 12(2) or the claimant's rate of weekly benefits under section 14.


     (7) For greater certainty, but subject to paragraph (1)(a), a claimant may be disqualified under subsection (1) even if the claimant's last employment before their claim for benefits was not lost or left as described in that subsection and regardless of whether their claim is an initial claim for benefits.

31. Disentitlement - suspension for misconduct

     31. A claimant who is suspended from their employment because of their misconduct is not entitled to receive benefits until

(a) the period of suspension expires;

(b) the claimant loses or voluntarily leaves the employment; or

(c) the claimant, after the beginning of the period of suspension, accumulates with another employer the number of hours of insurable employment required by section 7 or 7.1 to qualify to receive benefits.

32. Disentitlement - period of leave without just cause

     32. (1) A claimant who voluntarily takes a period of leave from their employment without just cause is not entitled to receive benefits if, before or after the beginning of the period of leave,

(a) the period of leave was authorized by the employer; and

(b) the claimant and the employer agreed as to the day on which the claimant would resume employment.

Duration of disentitlement

     (2) The disentitlement lasts until the claimant

(a) resumes the employment;

(b) loses or voluntarily leaves the employment; or

(c) after the beginning of the period of leave, accumulates with another employer the number of hours of insurable employment required by section 7 or 7.1 to qualify to receive benefits.

33. Disentitlement - anticipated loss of employment

     33. (1) A claimant is not entitled to receive benefits if the claimant loses an employment because of their misconduct or voluntarily leaves without just cause within three weeks before

(a) the expiration of a term of employment, in the case of employment for a set term; or

(b) the day on which the claimant is to be laid off according to a notice already given by the employer to the claimant.

Duration of disentitlement

     (2) The disentitlement lasts until the expiration of the term of employment or the day on which the claimant was to be laid off.

34. Suspension of disentitlement

     34. A disentitlement under sections 31 to 33 is suspended during any week for which the claimant is otherwise entitled to special benefits.

35. Exception

     35. Notwithstanding anything in this Part, no claimant is disqualified or disentitled under sections 30 to 33 from receiving benefits only because the claimant left or refused to accept employment if, by remaining in or accepting the employment, the claimant would lose the right

(a) to become or refrain from becoming a member of an association, organization or union of workers; or

(b) to continue to be a member and to observe the lawful rules of an association, organization or union of workers.

36. Labour disputes

     36. (1) Subject to the regulations, if a claimant loses an employment, or is unable to resume an employment, because of a work stoppage attributable to a labour dispute at the factory, workshop or other premises at which the claimant was employed, the claimant is not entitled to receive benefits until the earlier of

(a) the end of the work stoppage, and

(b) the day on which the claimant becomes regularly engaged elsewhere in insurable employment.


     (2) The Commission may, with the approval of the Governor in Council, make regulations for determining the number of days of disentitlement in a week of a claimant who loses a part-time employment or is unable to resume a part-time employment because of the reason mentioned in subsection (1).

Suspension of disentitlement

     (3) A disentitlement under this section is suspended during any period for which the claimant

(a) establishes that the claimant is otherwise entitled to special benefits or benefits by virtue of section 25; and

(b) establishes, in such manner as the Commission may direct, that before the work stoppage, the claimant had anticipated being absent from their employment because of any reason entitling them to those benefits and had begun making arrangements in relation to the absence.


     (4) This section does not apply if a claimant proves that the claimant is not participating in, financing or directly interested in the labour dispute that caused the stoppage of work.

Separate branches of work

     (5) If separate branches of work that are commonly carried on as separate businesses in separate premises are carried on in separate departments on the same premises, each department is, for the purpose of this section, a separate factory or workshop.

37. Prison inmates and persons outside Canada

     37. Except as may otherwise be prescribed, a claimant is not entitled to receive benefits for any period during which the claimant

(a) is an inmate of a prison or similar institution; or

(b) is not in Canada.



38. Penalty for claimants, etc.

     38. (1) The Commission may impose on a claimant, or any other person acting for a claimant, a penalty for each of the following acts or omissions if the Commission becomes aware of facts that in its opinion establish that the claimant or other person has

(a) in relation to a claim for benefits, made a representation that the claimant or other person knew was false or misleading;

(b) being required under this Act or the regulations to provide information, provided information or made a representation that the claimant or other person knew was false or misleading;

(c) knowingly failed to declare to the Commission all or some of the claimant's earnings for a period determined under the regulations for which the claimant claimed benefits;

(d) made a claim or declaration that the claimant or other person knew was false or misleading because of the non-disclosure of facts;

(e) being the payee of a special warrant, knowingly negotiated or attempted to negotiate it for benefits to which the claimant was not entitled;

(f) knowingly failed to return a special warrant or the amount of the warrant or any excess amount, as required by section 44;

(g) imported or exported a document issued by the Commission, or had it imported or exported, for the purpose of defrauding or deceiving the Commission; or

(h) participated in, assented to or acquiesced in an act or omission mentioned in paragraphs (a) to (g).

Maximum penalty

     (2) The Commission may set the amount of the penalty for each act or omission at not more than

(a) three times the claimant's rate of weekly benefits;

(b) if the penalty is imposed under paragraph (1)(c),

(i) three times the amount of the deduction from the claimant's benefits under subsection 19(3), and

(ii) three times the benefits that would have been paid to the claimant for the period mentioned in that paragraph if the deduction had not been made under subsection 19(3) or the claimant had not been disentitled or disqualified from receiving benefits; or

(c) three times the maximum rate of weekly benefits in effect when the act or omission occurred, if no benefit period was established.

Determinations under section 15 or subsection 145(2) or (3)

     (3) For greater certainty, the repayment of benefits overpaid as a result of an act or omission mentioned in subsection (1) does not affect the determination, for the purposes of section 15 or subsection 145(2) or (3), of the number of weeks of regular benefits paid to a claimant.

39. Penalty for employers, etc.

     39. (1) The Commission may impose on an employer, or any other person acting for an employer or pretending to be or act for an employer, a penalty for each of the following acts if the Commission becomes aware of facts that in its opinion establish that the employer or other person has

(a) made, in relation to any matter arising under this Act, a representation that the employer or other person knew was false or misleading;

(b) being required under this Act or the regulations to provide information, provided information or made a representation that the employer or other person knew was false or misleading;

(c) in relation to any matter arising under this Act, made a declaration that the employer or other person knew was false or misleading because of the non-disclosure of facts;

(d) imported or exported a document issued by the Commission, or had it imported or exported, for the purpose of defrauding or deceiving the Commission; or

(e) participated in, assented to or acquiesced in an act mentioned in paragraphs (a) to (d).

Maximum penalty

     (2) The Commission may set the amount of the penalty for each act at not more than nine times the maximum rate of weekly benefits in effect when the penalty is imposed.

Officers, etc., of corporations

     (3) If the Commission becomes aware of facts that in its opinion establish that a corporation has committed an act described in subsection (1) and that any officer, director or agent of the corporation has directed, authorized, assented to, acquiesced in or participated in the act, the Commission may impose a penalty on the officer, director or agent, whether or not a penalty has been imposed on the corporation.

Contravention of information requirements

     (4) Notwithstanding subsection (2), if the act involves the provision of information about any matter on which the fulfilment of conditions for the qualification and entitlement for receiving or continuing to receive benefits depends, the Commission may set the amount of the penalty at not more than the greater of

(a) $12,000, and

(b) the amount of the penalty imposed under section 38 on any person who made a claim for benefits based on the information provided.

Major contraventions

     (5) Notwithstanding subsection (2), the Commission may set the amount of the penalty at an amount required or authorized by the regulations if the act is a major contravention, as defined under the regulations.

40. Limitation on imposition of penalties

     40. A penalty shall not be imposed under section 38 or 39 if

(a) a prosecution for the act or omission has been initiated against the employee, employer or other person; or

(b) 36 months have passed since the day on which the act or omission occurred.

41. Rescission, etc., of penalty

     41. The Commission may rescind the imposition of a penalty under section 38 or 39, or reduce the penalty, on the presentation of new facts or on being satisfied that the penalty was imposed without knowledge of, or on the basis of a mistake as to, some material fact.


     41.1 (1) The Commission may issue a warning instead of setting the amount of a penalty for an act or omission under subsection 38(2) or 39(2).

Limitation period

     (2) Notwithstanding paragraph 40(b), a warning may be issued within 72 months after the day on which the act or omission occurred.


Non-assignment of Benefits and Liability to Return Benefits and Pay Penalties

42. Benefits not assignable

     42. (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), benefits are not capable of being assigned, charged, attached, anticipated or given as security and any transaction appearing to do so is void.

Exception - recovery of amounts payable

     (2) Any amounts payable under this Act by any person and required to be credited to the Employment Insurance Account may be recovered out of any benefits payable to that person, without affecting any other mode of recovery.

Exception - payment to other governments

     (3) If the Government of Canada, a provincial or municipal government or any other prescribed authority pays a person an advance or assistance or a welfare payment for a week that would not be paid if unemployment benefits were paid for that week, and unemployment benefits subsequently become payable to that person for that week, the Commission may, subject to the regulations, deduct from those or any subsequent benefits and pay to the government or the prescribed authority an amount equal to the amount of the advance, assistance or welfare payment paid, if the person had, on or before receiving the advance, assistance or welfare payment, consented in writing to the deduction and payment by the Commission.

43. Liability for overpayments

     43. A claimant is liable to repay an amount paid by the Commission to the claimant as benefits

(a) for any period for which the claimant is disqualified; or

(b) to which the claimant is not entitled.

44. Liability to return overpayment

     44. A person who has received or obtained a benefit payment to which the person is disentitled, or a benefit payment in excess of the amount to which the person is entitled, shall without delay return the amount, the excess amount or the special warrant for payment of the amount, as the case may be.

45. Return of benefits by claimant

     45. If a claimant receives benefits for a period and, under a labour arbitration award or court judgment, or for any other reason, an employer, a trustee in bankruptcy or any other person subsequently becomes liable to pay earnings, including damages for wrongful dismissal or proceeds realized from the property of a bankrupt, to the claimant for the same period and pays the earnings, the claimant shall pay to the Receiver General as repayment of an overpayment of benefits an amount equal to the benefits that would not have been paid if the earnings had been paid or payable at the time the benefits were paid.

46. Return of benefits by employer or other person

     46. (1) If under a labour arbitration award or court judgment, or for any other reason, an employer, a trustee in bankruptcy or any other person becomes liable to pay earnings, including damages for wrongful dismissal or proceeds realized from the property of a bankrupt, to a claimant for a period and has reason to believe that benefits have been paid to the claimant for that period, the employer or other person shall ascertain whether an amount would be repayable under section 45 if the earnings were paid to the claimant and if so shall deduct the amount from the earnings payable to the claimant and remit it to the Receiver General as repayment of an overpayment of benefits.

Return of benefits by employer

     (2) If a claimant receives benefits for a period and under a labour arbitration award or court judgment, or for any other reason, the liability of an employer to pay the claimant earnings, including damages for wrongful dismissal, for the same period is or was reduced by the amount of the benefits or by a portion of them, the employer shall remit the amount or portion to the Receiver General as repayment of an overpayment of benefits.

Liability of directors to pay penalties

     46.1 (1) If a penalty is imposed on a corporation under section 38 or 39 for an act or omission, the directors of the corporation at the time of the act or omission are, subject to subsections (2) to (7), jointly and severally liable, together with the corporation, to pay the amount of the penalty.

Limitations on liability

     (2) A director is not liable unless

(a) a certificate for the amount of the corporation's liability for the penalty has been registered in the Federal Court under section 126 and execution for that amount has been returned unsatisfied in whole or in part;

(b) the corporation has commenced liquidation or dissolution proceedings or has been dissolved and a claim for the amount of its liability has been proved within six months after the date of commencement of the proceedings or the date of the dissolution, whichever is earlier; or

(c) the corporation has made an assignment or a receiving order has been made against it under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and a claim for the amount of its liability has been proved within six months after the date of the assignment or receiving order.

Defence of due diligence

     (3) A director is not liable if the director exercised the degree of care, diligence and skill that a reasonably prudent person would have exercised in comparable circumstances to prevent the act or omission for which the penalty is imposed.

Limitation period

     (4) No action or proceedings to recover any amount payable by a director shall be commenced more than six years after the occurrence of the act or omission for which the penalty is imposed.

Amount recoverable

     (5) If execution referred to in paragraph (2)(a) has issued, the amount recoverable from a director is the amount remaining unsatisfied after execution.


     (6) If a director pays an amount in respect of a corporation's liability that is proved in liquidation, dissolution or bankruptcy proceedings,

(a) the director is entitled to any preference that Her Majesty in right of Canada would have been entitled to if that amount had not been paid; and

(b) if a certificate that relates to that amount has been registered, the director is entitled to an assignment of the certificate to the extent of the director's payment and the Commission shall make the assignment.

Contribution from other directors

     (7) A director who has satisfied a claim under this section is entitled to contribution from the other directors who are liable for the claim.

47. Debts to Crown

     47. (1) All amounts payable under section 38, 39, 43, 45, 46 or 46.1 are debts due to Her Majesty and are recoverable in the Federal Court or any other court of competent jurisdiction or in any other manner provided by this Act.


     (2) If benefits become payable to a claimant, the amount of the indebtedness may be deducted and retained out of the benefits.


     (3) No amount due under this section may be recovered more than 72 months after the day on which the liability arose.


     (4) A limitation period established by subsection (3) does not run when there is pending an appeal or other review of a decision establishing the liability.


Claim Procedure

48. Claim required

     48. (1) No benefit period shall be established for a person unless the person makes an initial claim for benefits in accordance with section 50 and the regulations and proves that the person is qualified to receive benefits.

Information required

     (2) No benefit period shall be established unless the claimant supplies information in the form and manner directed by the Commission, giving the claimant's employment circumstances and the circumstances pertaining to any interruption of earnings, and such other information as the Commission may require.


     (3) On receiving an initial claim for benefits, the Commission shall decide whether the claimant is qualified to receive benefits and notify the claimant of its decision.

49. Proof required

     49. (1) A person is not entitled to receive benefits for a week of unemployment until the person makes a claim for benefits for that week in accordance with section 50 and the regulations and proves that

(a) the person meets the requirements for receiving benefits; and

(b) no circumstances or conditions exist that have the effect of disentitling or disqualifying the person from receiving benefits.

Benefit of the doubt

     (2) The Commission shall give the benefit of the doubt to the claimant on the issue of whether any circumstances or conditions exist that have the effect of disqualifying the claimant under section 30 or disentitling the claimant under section 31, 32 or 33, if the evidence on each side of the issue is equally balanced.


     (3) On receiving a claim for benefits, the Commission shall decide whether benefits are payable to the claimant for that week and notify the claimant of its decision.

50. Entitlement to benefits

     50. (1) A claimant who fails to fulfil or comply with a condition or requirement under this section is not entitled to receive benefits for as long as the condition or requirement is not fulfilled or complied with.

How a claim must be made

     (2) A claim for benefits shall be made in the manner directed at the office of the Commission that serves the area in which the claimant resides, or at such other place as is prescribed or directed by the Commission.


     (3) A claim for benefits shall be made by completing a form supplied or approved by the Commission, in the manner set out in instructions of the Commission.


     (4) A claim for benefits for a week of unemployment in a benefit period shall be made within the prescribed time.

Additional information

     (5) The Commission may at any time require a claimant to provide additional information about their claim for benefits.

Making claim or providing information in person

     (6) The Commission may require a claimant or group or class of claimants to be at a suitable place at a suitable time in order to make a claim for benefits in person or provide additional information about a claim.

Registration for employment

     (7) For the purpose of proving that a claimant is available for work, the Commission may require the claimant to register for employment at an agency administered by the Government of Canada or a provincial government and to report to the agency at such reasonable times as the Commission or agency directs.

Proof of efforts to obtain employment

     (8) For the purpose of proving that a claimant is available for work and unable to obtain suitable employment, the Commission may require the claimant to prove that the claimant is making reasonable and customary efforts to obtain suitable employment.

Mailing address

     (9) A claimant shall provide the mailing address of their normal place of residence, unless otherwise permitted by the Commission.

Waiver or variation of requirements

     (10) The Commission may waive or vary any of the conditions and requirements of this section or the regulations whenever in its opinion the circumstances warrant the waiver or variation for the benefit of a claimant or a class or group of claimants.

51. Information

     51. If, in considering a claim for benefits, the Commission finds an indication from the documents relating to the claim that the loss of employment resulted from the claimant's misconduct or that the claimant voluntarily left employment, the Commission shall

(a) give the claimant and the employer an opportunity to provide information as to the reasons for the loss of employment; and

(b) if the information is provided, take it into account in determining the claim.

52. Reconsideration of claim

     52. (1) Notwithstanding section 120, but subject to subsection (5), the Commission may reconsider a claim for benefits within 36 months after the benefits have been paid or would have been payable.


     (2) If the Commission decides that a person

(a) has received money by way of benefits for which the person was not qualified or to which the person was not entitled, or

(b) has not received money for which the person was qualified and to which the person was entitled,

the Commission shall calculate the amount of the money and notify the claimant of its decision and the decision is subject to appeal under section 114.

Amount repayable

     (3) If the Commission decides that a person has received money by way of benefits for which the person was not qualified or to which the person was not entitled,

(a) the amount calculated is repayable under section 43; and

(b) the day that the Commission notifies the person of the amount is, for the purposes of subsection 47(3), the day on which the liability arises.

Amount payable

     (4) If the Commission decides that a person was qualified and entitled to receive money by way of benefits, and the money was not paid, the amount calculated is payable to the claimant.

Extended time to reconsider claim

     (5) If, in the opinion of the Commission, a false or misleading statement or representation has been made in connection with a claim, the Commission has 72 months within which to reconsider the claim.

53. Notification

     53. If the Commission is required to notify a person of a decision under this Part, it may have that person notified in such manner as it considers adequate.



54. Regulations

     54. The Commission may, with the approval of the Governor in Council, make regulations

(a) prescribing the conditions on which the requirement of serving a waiting period may be waived;

(b) defining and determining what is a working day or working week in any employment;

(c) prescribing the conditions and circumstances under which a claimant

(i) while self-employed or employed in employment that is not insurable employment, or

(ii) whose pattern of full-time employment differs from the normal and customary employment pattern of employed persons generally,

is to be considered to have worked or not worked a full working week;

(c.1) for determining the average number of weeks of regular benefits for the purposes of paragraph 7.1(6)(b);

(d) defining and determining who are dependent children, prescribing low-income family eligibility criteria and determining the amount of family supplements for the purposes of section 16;

(d.1) determining for the purposes of subsection 19(3) the period for which benefits were claimed;

(e) providing for the deduction under section 19 of earnings and allowances mentioned in subsection 19(4);

(f) determining the amount to be deducted under subsection 20(2) from weekly benefits paid if the claimant normally works other than a five day week;

(g) setting out the circumstances that constitute the commencement or termination of a stoppage of work for the purposes of section 36;

(g.1) for defining as a major contravention for the purposes of subsection 39(5) anything that constitutes an act mentioned in subsection 39(1) or (3) and for setting or calculating the amount or maximum amount of the penalty for the major contravention, up to a maximum of $25,000;

(h) providing for the making of claims by, and the payment of benefits to, any person or agency on behalf of deceased or incapacitated persons or persons with mental disabilities;

(i) imposing additional conditions and terms with respect to the payment and receipt of benefits and restricting the amount or period of benefits in relation to persons who by custom of their occupation, trade or industry or under their agreement with an employer are paid in whole or in part by the piece or on a basis other than time;

(j) prohibiting the payment of benefits, in whole or in part, and restricting the amount of benefits payable, in relation to persons or to groups or classes of persons who work or have worked for any part of a year in an industry or occupation in which, in the opinion of the Commission, there is a period that occurs annually, at regular or irregular intervals, during which no work is performed by a significant number of persons engaged in that industry or occupation, for any or all weeks in that period;

(k) for the ratification of amounts paid to persons while they are not entitled to them and for writing off those amounts and any penalties under section 38, 39 or 65.1 and amounts owing under section 43, 45, 46, 46.1 or 65 and any costs recovered against those persons;

(l) respecting the proof of fulfilment of the conditions and the absence of the disqualification from receiving or continuing to receive benefits, and for that purpose requiring the attendance of insured persons at such offices or places and at such times as may be required;

(m) prescribing the manner in which claims for benefits shall be made and the information to be provided with those claims;

(n) prescribing the procedure to be followed for the consideration and the examination of claims and questions to be considered by officers of the Commission and the way in which a question may be raised as to the continuation of benefits in the case of a person in receipt of benefits;

(o) respecting the payment of benefits during any period intervening between an application for the determination of a question or a claim for benefits and the final determination of the question or claim;

(p) prescribing the time and manner of paying benefits;

(q) requiring employers to provide information about any matter on which the fulfilment of conditions for the qualification and entitlement for receiving or continuing to receive benefits depends, prescribing the time and manner in which the information shall be provided and requiring the certification or affirmation of the information;

(r) providing the manner of ascertaining a claimant's employment history if their employer has failed to provide a record of their employment on separation or the employer is not available or is unable to provide the necessary employment history because their records are destroyed or lost;

(s) defining and determining earnings for benefit purposes, determining the amount of those earnings and providing for the allocation of those earnings to weeks or other periods;

(t) establishing criteria for defining and determining what constitutes a supplemental unemployment benefit plan and providing for the making of those determinations, including the consideration of late applications, reconsidering determinations and appeals from determinations;

(u) defining and determining the circumstances in which and the time at which an interruption of earnings occurs;

(v) prescribing conditions under which benefits may be paid in advance;

(w) establishing regions appropriate for the purpose of applying this Part and Part VIII and delineating their boundaries based on geographical units established or used by Statistics Canada;

(x) determining the regional rates of unemployment produced by Statistics Canada or the averages of those rates that shall apply to a claimant for the purposes of this Part and Part VIII and incorporating in those rates an estimate of the rates for status Indians living on Indian reserves;

(y) prescribing the information and evidence to be provided by a claimant to prove

(i) inability to work because of illness, injury or quarantine, or

(ii) pregnancy or the expected date of confinement;

(z) for carrying out the purposes and provisions of section 14, including regulations

(i) respecting the circumstances under which, the criteria by which and the manner in which

(A) weeks are to be considered as weeks for which a claimant has insurable earnings during a rate calculation period, including the number of those weeks to be considered in that period, and

(B) amounts are to be considered as the insurable earnings for any week or number of weeks in that period, and

(ii) for allocating insurable earnings to a rate calculation period, for example by including them in that period or excluding them from that period;

(z.1) for allocating hours of insurable employment to a qualifying period, for example by including them in that period or excluding them from that period;

(z.2) prescribing

(i) the circumstances in which a claimant who leaves employment in accordance with an employer work-force reduction process that preserves the employment of co-workers may, notwithstanding section 30, be paid benefits, and

(ii) what constitutes an employer work-force reduction process for the purposes of the regulations;

(z.3) reducing the special benefits payable when allowances, money or other benefits are payable to a claimant under a plan other than one established under a provincial law; and

(z.4) prescribing anything that by section 2 or this Part is to be prescribed.

55. Hours of insurable employment

     55. (1) The Commission may, with the approval of the Governor in Council, make regulations for establishing how many hours of insurable employment a person has, including regulations providing that persons whose earnings are not paid on an hourly basis are deemed to have hours of insurable employment as established in accordance with the regulations.

Alternative methods

     (2) If the Commission considers that it is not possible to apply the provisions of the regulations, it may authorize an alternative method of establishing how many hours of insurable employment a person has.

Alteration or rescission of authorization

     (3) The Commission may at any time alter the authorized method or rescind the authorization, subject to any conditions that it considers appropriate.

Agreement to provide alternative methods

     (4) The Commission may enter into agreements with employers or employees to provide for alternative methods of establishing how many hours of insurable employment persons have and the Commission may at any time rescind the agreements.

Last modified :  2006-07-07 Important Notices