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Chamber Business
House of Commons
35th Parliament, 2nd Session
(February 27, 1996 - April 27, 1997)
Hansard Index

The Hansard Index is the key to information about what is said by Members of Parliament in the House of Commons during the 35th Parliament, 2nd Session. The numbers following the subject entries refer to the issue sitting number and time checks in the daily Hansard. The Index is updated daily throughout the session.

To use the Index, select one of the alphabetical ranges below. When you have located your subject entry, click on the numbers within the brackets to see the relevant page in the Debates. Before clicking, the date of the entry will appear at the bottom of your screen. You may also search the Index using the Parliamentary Business and Publications Search Engine.



Taber, Dawn see Murderers--Kelly, Patrick

TAGS see Fisheries, Atlantic--Atlantic Groundfish Strategy


    >>China-Taiwan dialogue, petitions, 1594, 4236
    >>Elections, Mar. 23/96
    >>>Canadian foreign policy implications, o.q., 1169-70
    >>>Chinese intimidation, military exercises, Canadian position, etc., 543, 554, 1685
    >>>>Missile tests encroaching on commercial air corridors, S.O. 31, 637-8
    >>>>o.q., 430, 531, 583
    >>>>S.O. 31, 354, 522, 581, 1162, 1242
    >>>>United States military vessels in area, 544
    >>>>>o.q., 583
    >>>S.O. 31, 1162
    >>See also Immigration/immigrants--China-Taiwan confrontation--Visas Marine transportation--Dubai; Quebec--Separation/sovereignty, Scottish, Taiwanese sovereignty movements

"Take it to Heart" see Canadian Heritage Department

Taliban regime see Afghanistan--Islamic fundamentalists seizing power

Tamil Tigers see Royal Canadian Mounted Police--Translator charged with crimes; Terrorism--Funding

Tamils see Sri Lanka

Tanks see Defence equipment

Tanzania see Africa--Great Lakes region; Canada-Tanzania Income Tax Agreement Act 1996

Target: Top Gun see Canadian Armed Forces--CFB Cold Lake, Alta.

Tariffs see Agricultural products; Dairy products--Ice cream/yogurt

Taro dump see Hazardous waste--Storage/dump sites

Tashlin, Lesley see Olympics, 1996 Summer Games (Atlanta, Georgia)

Task forces see Canada Labour Code--Part I; Dangerous/high-risk offenders--Sex offenders, Long term offender designation Disabled and handicapped persons--Disability task force; Financial institutions; Victims of crime--Federal-provincial jurisdiction; Young offenders--Federal-provincial task force; Youth

Tasmania see Australia--Murder

Tassé, Roger see Citizenship and Immigration Department--Deportation

Tax claw-back see Old age pensions

Tax Court of Canada see Federal Court of Canada--Auditor General's report

Tax Court of Canada Act see Federal Court Act, Judges Act and Tax Court of Canada Act (amdt.)(Bill C-48); Income Tax Amendments Act, 1996 (Bill C-69)

Tax credits see Students

Tax evasion see Income tax--Conventions/protocols with other countries

Tax expenditures see Corporations--Taxation

Tax havens see Corporations--Taxation; Income tax--Conventions/protocols with other countries; Taxation

Tax incentives see Energy efficiency--Investments

Tax information see Elections--Voters list, Permanent

Tax points see Federal-provincial jurisdiction--Decentralizing to provinces; Health care system--Funding

Tax Rebate Discounting Act see Income Tax Amendments Act, 1996 (Bill C-69)

Tax relief see Taxation

Tax returns see Small and medium business


Taxi drivers see Excise Tax Act (amdt.--small supplier carrying on a taxi business)(Bill C-317); Goods and Services Tax--Small supplier exemption

Taxpayer Bill of Rights Act (Bill C-215)--Shepherd

    >>First reading, 245
    >>Second reading, 2164-73
    >>>Dropped from Order Paper, 2173
    >>See also Taxation--Taxpayer-government disputes

Taxpayer Protection Act

    >>Implementing, 3020
    >>>Petition, 1428, 7524
    >>See also Constitution Act, 1996 (amdt.--balanced budget and spending limit)(Bill C-213)

Taxpayers see Quebec separation/sovereignty--Charter on rights and responsibilities of taxpayers

Taylor, Len (NDP--The Battlefords--Meadow Lake)

Taylor, Hon. Senator Nick (L--Alberta; appointed March 7, 1996)

TD Securities see Canada Post Corporation--Competitive operations

Teachers see Education

Team Canada see Liberal Party--Donations; Trade--Trade Team Canada

    >>Team Cornwall see Economic development/renewal

Team Quebec see Trade

Team London for Youth see Employment--Youth, London

Teasdale, Dr. Lucille

    >>Death, tribute, S.O. 31, 4301

Technical Committee see Corporations--Taxation, System; Job creation

Technological change see Job losses--Concerns

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