Commission du droit d'auteur du Canada - Copyright Board of Canada Symbole du Gouvernement du Canada
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Copie privée 2003-2004

Société canadienne de perception de la copie privée
CPCC-1: Statement of Case
[filed October 4, 2002]
CPCC-1A: Statement of Case
[filed December 13, 2002]
CPCC-2: Déclaration du témoin Claudette Fortier, Présidente du conseil d'administration de la Société canadienne de perception de la copie privée
[déposée le 4 octobre 2002]
CPCC-2A: Déclaration supplémentaire du témoin Claudette Fortier
(avec annexes A à C - Annexe B confidentielle)
[déposée le 13 décembre 2002]
Annexe D - CV de Claudette Fortier
[déposée le 21 janvier 2003]
CPCC-3: The Evolution of Private Copying Technologies, prepared by David Basskin, President of the Canadian Musical Reproduction Rights Agency Ltd. (CMRRA), October 2002 (with Appendices A and B)
[filed October 4, 2002]
CPCC-4: The Marketing of Blank Audio Recording Media and Audio Recording Equipment in Canada, prepared by Nancy Smith, CEO of NextMedia, October 3, 2002 (with Appendices I to V)
[filed October 4, 2002]
Hard copies of NextMedia's PowerPoint Presentation filed January 23, 2003.
CPCC-5: Étude de marché sur la copie privée d'enregistrements musicaux au Canada 2001-2002, par Benoît Gauthier, Président, Réseau Circum Inc., 27 août 2002 (avec annexes A à C)
[déposée le 4 octobre 2002]
CPCC-6: Confidential - Profile of the Blank Media Industry in Canada, prepared by Aleksandar Ciric, Senior Manager at Deloitte & Touche, October 1, 2002 (with Appendices A to E)
[filed October 4, 2002]

Confidential - Appendix F - Summary of Exhibit CPCC-6
[filed January 23, 2003]
CPCC-7: The Value of Private Copying of Qualifying Musical Works, Qualifying Performances and Qualifying Sound Recordings in Canada, prepared by Stephen Stohn, Managing Partner, Stohn Abramovitch and Executive Vice-President, Epitome Pictures Inc., and Paul Audley, President of Paul Audley & Associates Ltd., October 4, 2002 (with Appendices A to F)
Confidential - Pages 21 to 24, and 35 to 40, and some pages of Appendices D and F
[filed October 4, 2002]
CPCC-7A: Addendum to CPCC-7, prepared by Stephen Stohn and Paul Audley (with Appendices A1 to A4)
[filed November 11, 2002]
CPCC-7B: Addendum to CPCC-7A, prepared by Stephen Stohn and Paul Audley (with Appendices A to G)
[filed December 13, 2002]
CPCC-8: Rapport sur les questions soulevées par la Société canadienne de perception de la copie privée dans le cadre du dossier sur les redevances pour 2003-2004, par Marcel Boyer, Président et directeur général, Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherche en Analyses des Organisations, 13 décembre 2002
[déposé le 13 décembre 2002]
CPCC-9: Examen de rapports déposés en preuve dans le cadre de l'étude du tarif 2003-2004 de la copie privée au Canada, Réseau Circum Inc., 12 décembre 2002 (avec annexes A et B du rapport Jupiter Consumer Survey Report Music, 2001 - Annexe B confidentielle)
[déposé le 13 décembre 2002]
CPCC-9A: Examen de rapports déposés en preuve dans le cadre de l'étude du tarif 2003-2004 de la copie privée au Canada, Addendum relatif aux études CSMA-3, CSMA-4, CSMA-5 et CSMA-6, Réseau Circum Inc., 13 décembre 2002
[déposé le 13 décembre 2002]
CPCC-10: Confidential - The Economic Impact of the Proposed Levies on Private Copying, Deloitte & Touche, December 13, 2002, (with Appendices A to C)
[filed December 13, 2002]
Confidential - Appendix D - Summary of Exhibit CPCC-10
[filed January 24, 2003]
CPCC-11: C.V. of John Klepko, Instructor and Assistant Professor, Chair, Sound Recording Program, Faculty of Music, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec
[filed December 13, 2002]
CPCC-12: Étude comparative perceptuelle de la qualité sonore de fichiers audio-numériques originaux et comprimés, Réseau Circum Inc., décembre 2002
[déposé le 20 décembre 2002]
CPCC-13: CPCC's Memorandum of Law
[filed January 15, 2003]
CPCC-14: List of devices whose internal memory or bundled memory could for greater clarity be identified as specifically excluded
[filed January 21, 2003]
CPCC-15: Memorandum dated October 31, 2002 from Paul Audley to CPCC Board of Directors re: Recommendations of Working Group on Zero-Rating
[filed January 22, 2003]
CPCC-16: Confidential - Letter dated January 10, 2000 from Ogilvy Renault to Margaret McGuffin re: Application of the Goods and Services Tax
[filed January 23, 2003]
CPCC-17: Confidential - Deloitte & Touche Analysis of CD-R Sales Volume for 2001
[filed January 27, 2003]
CPCC-17A: Confidential - Deloitte & Touche Analysis of CD-R Sales Volume for 2001 (with names as shown in Retailers' Interrogatory Response)
[filed January 27, 2003]
CPCC-18: Confidential - En liasse: Background concerning IRMA Methodology for Worldwide Media Market Intelligence Service and Background concerning Santa Clara Consulting Group Methodology for CD Tracker
[filed January 29, 2003]
CPCC-19: Confidential - Worldwide/Global Demand for CD-Rs: Comparison of Santa Clara and IRMA Data
[filed January 29, 2003]
CPCC-20: Confidential - Retailer Purchase Figures by Medium - 2000, 2001 and 2002 (6 months)
[filed January 29, 2003]
CPCC-21: Adjustment to Proposed Rates for MP3 Players and Removable Flash Cards and Micro-Hard Drives if Compression Discount is Reflected
[filed January 29, 2003]
CPCC-22: Other devices that use electronic memory
[filed January 29, 2003]
CPCC-23: Excerpt of InfoWorld's Website re: Article entitled More than musical? by Russell Kay, October 18, 2002
[filed January 31, 2003]
CPCC-24: Excerpt of Sound And Vision Magazine's Website re: Article entitled A DVD Christmas by David Ranada, December 2002
[filed January 31, 2003]
CPCC-25: Excerpt of The New York Times' Website re: Article entitled In a Single DVD Changer, Hundreds of Movies and MP3's, by Ian Austen, January 23, 2003
[filed January 31, 2003]
CPCC-26: Excerpt of Sony's Website re: DRX500ULX Sony External DVD/CD+RW Drive and DRU500AX Dual RW DVD/CD Internal Drive
[filed January 31, 2003]
CPCC-27: Excerpt of SanDisk Corporation's Website re: Memory Cards and Connectivity Solutions
[filed January 31, 2003]
CPCC-28: Excerpt of Yahoo's news' Website re: Article entitled Microsoft's new copyright-protection technology may not find big success, January 26, 2003
[filed January 31, 2003]
CPCC-29: Excerpts of the book "Trial By Survey: Survey Evidence and the Law" co-authored by Dr. Ruth Corbin, L.A. Kelly Gill and R. Scott Jolliffe, Carswell 2000
[filed February 3, 2003]
CPCC-30: Copy of an invoice excluding shipping costs from Nextgadget, Los Angeles, CA. to CMRRA
[filed February 5, 2003]
CPCC-31: Other Brands Reported to CPCC, 2002
[filed February 5, 2003]
CPCC-32: Confidential - Elasticity Sensitivity Analysis, Deloitte & Touche Economic Impact Model, February 4, 2003
[filed February 5, 2003]
CPCC-33: Excerpt of RadioShack's Website re: MP3 Players
[filed February 5, 2003]
CPCC-34: Excerpt of RadioShack's Website re: Memory Cards
[filed February 5, 2003]
CPCC-35: Memorandum de Benoît Gauthier daté du 5 février 2003 re: Calcul du nombre de cédéroms vierges achetés par les individus en 2001-2002, et Nombre de valeurs aberrantes exclues des résultats du sondage
[déposée le 6 février 2003]
CPCC-36: Media and Equipment Covered by International Private Copying Levies
[filed February 6, 2003]
CPCC-37: CV de Marcel Boyer
[filed February 6, 2003]
CPCC-38: Questions (& replies) to each member collective of CPCC re: Administration fee
[filed February 6, 2003]
CPCC-39: Confidential - Affidavit of Laura Davison, Manager, Collection and Enforcement, CPCC
[filed February 14, 2003]
CPCC-40: Confidential - List of brands reported by manufacturers and importers to CPCC (current at September 5, 2002)
[filed February 14, 2003]
CPCC-41: Confidential - CPCC's demand letter to a Retailer dated February 4, 2003
[filed February 14, 2003]
CPCC-42: Outline of CPCC's Oral Arguments
  • The WIPO Treaties 1996
  • Eligible Repertoire (revised table of CSMA-30)
  • Summary of the evidence relevant to ordinary use

[filed February 14, 2003]
CPCC-43: CPCC's Reply to Final Argument
[filed February 25, 2003]
haut de la page
Canadian Storage Media Alliance (CSMA)
CSMA-1: Statement of Case
[filed November 22, 2002]
CSMA-2: Summary of the evidence of CSMA's Canadian Blank Recording Media Industry Panel (Sébastien Manenc, Kerwyn Ballinger, Rich D'Ambrise, Stan Ng and Richard Bourrier) (with Appendices A to P - Appendices B and H are confidential)
[filed November 22, 2002]
CSMA-3: * Report of a National Survey on Use of Electronic Memory Cards, prepared by Leger Marketing (Dr. Ruth Corbin, Project Director, Decision Resources Inc.), November 2002, with survey's questions. Also filed as Retailers-40.
[filed November 22, 2002]
CSMA-4: * Report of a National Survey on Use of Blank CD-Rs and CD-RWs, prepared by Leger Marketing (Dr. Ruth Corbin, Project Director, Decision Resources Inc.), November 2002, with survey's questions. Also filed as Retailers-39.
[filed November 22, 2002]
CSMA-5: * Report of a National Survey on Use of MP3 Players, prepared by Leger Marketing (Dr. Ruth Corbin, Project Director, Decision Resources Inc.), November 2002, with survey's questions. Also filed as Retailers-41.
[filed November 22, 2002]
CSMA-6: * Report on Response Rate to Experimental Gauthier Survey Interviews in reference to Exhibit CPCC-5 (Dr. Ruth Corbin, Project Director, Decision Resources Inc.). Also filed as Retailers-46.
[filed November 22, 2002]
CSMA-7: Witness Statement of Mr. Jeffrey Lawrence, Chair, Copyright Practice Group, Intel Corporation
[filed November 22, 2002]
CSMA-8: * Purchases In, or From, the U.S.A., prepared by Mr. Leonard Kubas, Kubas Consultants, November 20, 2002 (with Appendices A to B). Also filed as Retailers-32.
[filed November 22, 2002]
CSMA-9: * Comparative Pricing Report prepared by Mr. Leonard Kubas, Kubas Consultants, November 20, 2002 (with Appendices A to F). Also filed as Retailers-33.
[filed November 22, 2002 / Updated version filed December 18, 2002]
CSMA-10: * Witness Statement of Jim Burger, U.S. Attorney, Dow, Lohnes & Albertson, November 20, 2002 and supporting documentation. Also filed as Retailers-20.
[filed November 22, 2002]
CSMA-11: Recording-media Industry Association of Europe (RIAE), European Levy Update Report, EU Member States and Norway, Switzerland, August 2002
[filed November 22, 2002]
CSMA-12: (1) Digital Downloads: Fact and Fiction, prepared by Sean Wargo, Director of Industry Analysis, Consumer Electronics Association;
(2) eBrain.Consumer Research: Digital Download and Home Recording Issues, October 2002. Also filed as Retailers-12.
[filed November 22, 2002]
CSMA-13: Remuneration for private copying in Australia: A Discussion Paper prepared by Australian Copyright Council, September 2001. Also filed as Retailers-17.
[filed November 22, 2002]
CSMA-14: Jupiter Research report entitled File Sharing, May 2, 2002. Also filed as Retailers-14.
[filed November 22, 2002]
CSMA-15: CSMA's Memorandum of Law
[filed January 15, 2003]
CSMA-16: Confidential - Revenues of member collectives from Canadian sources, excluding private copying revenues
[filed January 22, 2003]
CSMA-17: Confidential - CPCC Financial Statements For Year Ended December 31, 2001
[filed January 27, 2003]
CSMA-18: Extract of David Basskin's testimony in the Private Copying 2001-2002 proceedings
[filed January 23, 2003]
CSMA-19: Excerpts of SANDISK's Website re: Product Compatibility
[filed January 23, 2003]
CSMA-20: Excerpts of Memorystick's Website re: Memory Stick Related Products and Product Category Lists
[filed January 23, 2003]
CSMA-21: Delkin Devices - Digital Camera & PDA Cross-Reference Guide
[filed January 23, 2003]
CSMA-22: Total number of devices from Delkin Devices cross-reference guide
[filed January 23, 2003]
CSMA-23: Excerpt of Apple's Website re: iDVD 3
[filed January 23, 2003]
CSMA-24: Total number of devices SANDISK Product Compatibility Website All electronic memory products
[filed January 23, 2003]
CSMA-25: Confidential - Comparison of Market Size Data (2001)
[filed January 24, 2003]
CSMA-26: Confidential - Detailed Figures of the Market Size Data (2001)
[filed January 24, 2003]
CSMA-27: Excerpt of Economics - Private and Public Choice, 9th Edition, 2000, re: Chapter 19 Estimated Price Elasticity of Demand For Selected Products (Exhibit 19-5)
[filed January 27, 2003]
CSMA-28: Circum Data Adjustments
[filed January 28, 2003]
CSMA-29: Excerpts of the book "What They'll Never Tell You About The Music Business - The Myths, the Secrets, the Lies (& a Few Truths)" by Peter M. Thall, Watson-Guptill Publications / New York, June 1, 2002
[filed January 29, 2003]
CSMA-30: Eligible Repertoire - CPCC Data on Canadian Sales and Radio Play
[filed January 30, 2003]
CSMA-31: Comparison of 10 Top Charts
[filed January 30, 2003]
CSMA-32: Space Requirements for Various Types of Audio/Video Files
[filed January 30, 2003]
CSMA-33: Hard copies of Intel Corporation's PowerPoint Presentation of Mr. Jeffrey Lawrence (Exhibit CSMA-7)
[filed January 31, 2003]
CSMA-34: Sample disposition for media studies provided CPCC on Dec. 6, 2002 (updated Jan. 22, 2003), Léger Marketing
[filed February 3, 2003]
CSMA-35: Dr. Corbin's answers to Board's questions on sample size
[filed February 3, 2003]
CSMA-36: Undertaking by CSMA re: compatibility of Fujifilm xD Picture Card Memory Card and Fujifilm SmartMedia-ID Image Memory Card
[filed February 5, 2003]
CSMA-37: Confidential - Summary of CSMA/IRMA Market Size Data
[filed February 6, 2003]
CSMA-38: Confidential - List of brands that do not appear on CPCC's list of brands that it claims to levy
[filed February 6, 2003]
CSMA-39: Costs of returning the order to J&, and shipping costs for and
[filed February 6, 2003]
CSMA-40: Outline of CSMA's Oral Arguments
  • Confidential - Comparison of Market Size Data (2001 and First half 2002)
  • Comparison of Gauthier and Corbin results and number of respondents for MP3s and electronic memory
  • Confidential - Comparison of Electronic Memory and Recordable DVD (Private Copying 2003-2004) to CD-R/W (Private Copying 1999-2000)
  • Calculation of levies for blank recording media 2003-2004 (Spreadsheet)
  • Comparison of what has been proposed over the tariffs
  • Conversion of levies imposed in European countries to Canadian Dollars

(in reference to CSMA-11)
[filed February 14, 2003]
CSMA-41: CSMA's Written Reply to Oral Argument
[filed February 25, 2003]

* jointly commissioned by CSMA and the Retailers
haut de la page
Retailers-1: Statement of Case
[filed November 22, 2002]
Revised version filed December 30, 2002
Retailers-2: Legislative History Excerpts: Debates of the Senate (December 2, 1998); Debates of the Senate (04-08-1997); House of Commons Debates (October 3, 1996); Bill C-32, Selected Legislative History Excerpts
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-3: SOCAN Radio Report and Staples CPCC Report
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-4: CPCC Reply to All Objectors dated June 26, 2002
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-5: CPCC Response to Retailers Interrogatories
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-6: Dictionary Definitions
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-7: Paper entitled Policing Pirates in the Networked Age, by Professor Stanley J. Liebowitz, School of Management, University of Texas at Dallas, published in Policy Analysis, May 15, 2002 by Cato Institute
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-8: File Sharing: Innocent until proven guilty, by Damien Cave, June 13, 2002. This consists of an interview of Professor Stanley J. Liebowitz on his recent book.
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-9: File Sharing: Guilty as charged, by Damien Cave, August 23, 2002. This consists of an interview of Professor Stanley J. Liebowitz on his recent book.
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-10: Chapter 7, Copyright and the Internet, of the Book entitled "Re-Thinking the Network Economy", by Professor Stanley J. Liebowitz, School of Management, University of Texas at Dallas, New York, Amacom, 2002
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-11: Record Sales, MP3 Downloads, and the Annihilation Hypothesis, by Professor Stanley J. Liebowitz, School of Management, University of Texas at Dallas, New York, Amacom, August 22, 2002
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-12: (1) Digital Downloads: Fact and Fiction, prepared by Sean Wargo, Director of Industry Analysis, Consumer Electronics Association
(2) eBrain.Consumer Research: Digital Download and Home Recording Issues, October 2002. Also filed as CSMA-12.
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-13: Forrester Study: Downloads Save the Music Business, August 2002
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-14: Jupiter Research report entitled File Sharing, May 2, 2002. Also filed as CSMA-14.
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-15: Chapter 10, Digital Audio Recording Devices and Media (17 U.S.C. 35, Copyright Law of U.S.)
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-16: U.S. Copyright Office Materials
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-17: Remuneration for private copying in Australia, A Discussion Paper prepared by Australian Copyright Council, September 2001. Also filed as CSMA-13.
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-18: Directive 2001/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-19: (1) An update on Moore's Law, comments by Gordon Moore, Intel Chairman Emeritus, at Intel Development Forum, September 30, 1997, San Francisco, L.A.
(2) Masterminds Interview, comments by Craig Barrett, CEO, Intel Corporation, at Gartner Fall ITXPO Symposium 2002, October 8, 2002, Orlando, Florida
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-20: * Witness Statement of Jim Burger, U.S. Attorney, Dow, Lohnes & Albertson, November 20, 2002 and supporting documentation. Also filed as CSMA-10.
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-21: Digital Rights Management, Licensing and Privacy, by Michael A. Einhorn, Principal, LECG, New York office
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-22: Witness Statement of Nicolaas van der Vorm,, and supporting documentation
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-23: Witness Statement of George Dixon, Director of Segment Marketing, AMD Memory Group Embedded Business Unit and supporting documentation
[filed November 22, 2002]
Revised version filed January 31, 2003
Retailers-24: WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty and Agreed Statement Concerning the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty, December 20, 1996
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-25: Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-26: Rome Convention, October 26, 1961
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-27: Articles: (1) Treaty Could End Free Music Downloading by Ian Jack, The National Post, October 2, 2002;
(2) FP Letters by Claudette Fortier, Chair, CPCC, The National Post, October 15, 2002
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-28: Government of Canada's Report on Section 92 of the Copyright Act
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-29: Opinion by Lawrence Lessig, Just Compensation, The Standard, April 9, 2001
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-30: CIRPA materials: Canadian Music Market, Sound Recording Market Profile and Canadian Content
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-31: 2000 National Music Publishers' Association (NMPA) International Survey, 11th Edition;
1999 National Music Publishers' Association (NMPA) International Survey, 10th Edition.
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-32: * Purchases In, or From, the U.S.A., prepared by Mr. Leonard Kubas, Kubas Consultants, November 20, 2002 (with Appendices A to B). Also filed as CSMA-8.
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-33: * Comparative Pricing Report prepared by Mr. Leonard Kubas, Kubas Consultants, November 20, 2002 (with Appendices A to E). Also filed as CSMA-9.
[filed November 22, 2002 / Updated version filed December 18, 2002]
Retailers-34: Photo Finishing Industry: Photo CD Usage Estimates, November 20, 2002, prepared by Kubas Consultants
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-35: Recordable Media Levy Handicaps Canada's High Tech Sector, by CATA Alliance, January 4, 2000
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-36: Witness Statement of Brian Levy, President and CEO of InterTAN, Inc. (d.b.a. RadioShack Canada)
[filed January 15, 2003]
Retailers-37: Letter dated November 8, 2002 from Mr. Claude Brunet, counsel representative of CPCC, to Denis Makepeace, Cognos Inc. re: CPCC Zero-Rating Program
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-38: Articles: (1) Sour Notes by Jack Kapica, Globe and Mail Update, Online Edition, May 17, 2002;
(2) Copying tax makes the innocent pay by Tyler Hamilton, September 30, 2002;
(3) How to fail in e-business with a record effort by Jack Kapica, Globe and Mail, Print Edition, October 10, 2002;
(4) For the record by Claudette Fortier, Chair, CPCC, Globe and Mail, Print Edition, October 16, 2002;
(5) Eliza Barlow, Edmonton Journal, June 24, 2002
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-39: * Report of a National Survey on Use of Blank CD-Rs and CD-RWs, prepared by Leger Marketing (Dr. Ruth Corbin, Project Director, Decision Resources Inc.), November 2002. Also filed as CSMA-4.
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-40: * Report of a National Survey on Use of Electronic Memory Cards, prepared by Leger Marketing (Dr. Ruth Corbin, Project Director, Decision Resources Inc.), November 2002. Also filed as CSMA-3.
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-41: * Report of a National Survey on Use of MP3 Players, prepared by Leger Marketing (Dr. Ruth Corbin, Project Director, Decision Resources Inc.), November 2002. Also filed as CSMA-5.
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-42: (1) Revenue From and Distribution of the Statutory Levy on Hardware and Blank Tapes Used for Private Copying in Germany, A System Proves its Worth by Prof. Dr. Reinhold Kreile (GEMA Yearbook 2001/2002);
(2) The German Copyright Society (GEMA) Annual Report 2001, Report of the Executive Board
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-43: SACEM Annual Report 2000
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-44: Excerpt of Introduction to Federal Income Taxation in Canada, 18th Edition, 1997-1998 re: GST and Property Income by Robert E. Beam and Stanley N. Laiken
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-45: Excerpt of Beauchesne's Rules and Forms of the House of Commons of Canada, 6th Edition, 1989 by Alistair Fraser, Former Clerk of the House of Commons, W.F. Dawson, Professor of Political Science, University of Western Ontario and John A. Holtby
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-46: * Report on Response Rate to Experimental Gauthier Survey Interviews in reference to Exhibit CPCC-5 (Dr. Ruth Corbin, Project Director, Decision Resources Inc.). Also filed as CSMA-6.
[filed November 22, 2002]
Retailers-47: Economic Impact of WIPO Ratification on Private Copying Regime, June 2002, prepared by Dr. Michael Rushton, Department of Economics, Georgia State University
[filed December 12, 2002]
Retailers-48: Economic Impact of WIPO Ratification on Private Copying Regime, Update - December 12, 2002 prepared by Dr. Michael Rushton, Department of Economics, Georgia State University and SOCAN Financial Statements from 1997 to 2001
[filed December 12, 2002]
Revised version filed January 20, 2003
Retailers-49: Excerpts of Websites "" and ""
[filed December 18, 2002]
Retailers-50: Consumer Evaluation of the Quality of Supply of Canadian Music for Radio, prepared by Angus Reid Group, September 1997
[filed December 30, 2002]
Retailers-51: Profile of the Sound Recording Industry, report from Statistics Canada
[filed December 30, 2002]
Retailers-52: Memorandum of Law of the Retailers
[filed January 15, 2003]
Revised version filed January 17, 2003
Retailers-53: Excerpt of House of Commons Debates - Official Report (Hansard) - April 25, 1996
[filed January 21, 2003]
Retailers-54: Excerpt of Honourable Sheila Copps, Minister of Canadian Heritage's testimony at the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage - October 3, 1996
[filed January 21, 2003]
Retailers-55: Mechanical License Request Form, from SODRAC's Website
[filed January 21, 2003]
Retailers-56: Excerpts of SONY's Website re: Palm Powered PEG-NX70V CLIÉ
[filed January 21, 2003]
Retailers-57: CPCC's Press Release dated December 10, 2002 - "CPCC Believes Advocacy Campaign Designed to Drive Product Sales"
[filed January 21, 2003]
Retailers-58: CPCC's Supplementary Response to Interrogatory 72
[filed January 21, 2003]
Retailers-59: Excerpts of CPCC's old Website
[filed January 21, 2003]
Retailers-60: Frequently Asked Questions from CPCC's old Website
[filed January 21, 2003]
Retailers-61: Excerpts of CPCC's current Website
[filed January 21, 2003]
Retailers-62: WIPO Glossary of Terms of the Law of Copyright and Neighboring Rights
[filed January 21, 2003]
Retailers-63: Excerpt of Wired News' Website re: "Canadians Burned By Blank-CD Levy"
[filed January 22, 2003]
Retailers-64: En liasse: Pages from various Websites on new technological devices
[filed January 22, 2003]
Retailers-65: Pages from various Websites re: MiniDisc Formats
[filed January 23, 2003]
Retailers-66: Witness Statement of Diane Brisebois, President of the Retail Council of Canada (RCC)
[filed January 24, 2003]
Retailers-67A: En liasse: Various advertisements on Media - CD-R(W)
[filed January 27, 2003]
Retailers-67B: En liasse: Various advertisements on DVD Media
[filed January 27, 2003]
Retailers-67C: En liasse: Staples Business Depot advertisements on Flash Media/Readers
[filed January 27, 2003]
Retailers-68: Excerpt of Future Shop's Website re: Hitachi DZMV230 DVD Camcorder
[filed January 29, 2003]
Retailers-69: Excerpt of Dell's Website re: Dell Computer - Dimension 4550
[filed January 30, 2003]
Retailers-70: Excerpt of BigChampagne's Website re: Online Media Measurement
[filed January 30, 2003]
Retailers-71A: En liasse: CPCC's Response to Retailers Interrogatory 37
[filed February 3, 2003]
Retailers-71B: Confidential - CPCC's Response to Retailers Interrogatory 38
[filed February 3, 2003]
Retailers-71C: Confidential - Attachment No.1 of CPCC's Response to Retailers
Interrogatory 41
[filed February 3, 2003]
Retailers-72A: The Internet Debacle - An Alternative View by Janice Ian, originally written for Performing Songwriter Magazine, May 2002
[filed February 4, 2003]
Retailers-72B: Excerpt of Audible's Website re: Free MP3 Player
[filed February 4, 2003]
Retailers-72C: Article: RIAA's Statistics Don't Add Up to Piracy, by George Ziemann, December 11, 2002
[filed February 4, 2003]
Retailers-72D: Article: Piracy is Progressive Taxation, and Other Thoughts on the Evolution of Online Distribution, by Tim O'Reilly, November 12, 2002
[filed February 4, 2003]
Retailers-72E: Article: Embrace file-sharing, or die, by John Snyder and Ben Snyder, February 1, 2003
[filed February 4, 2003]
Retailers-72F: Article: Rock'n Roll Is Here to Stay: Napster and Online Music Distribution, by James M. Burger, The Journal of Media, Information and Communications Law, Volume 19, Number 1, Spring 2001
[filed February 4, 2003]
Retailers-73: Confidential - En liasse: Correspondence dated February 16 & 17 between CPCC and a Retailer
[filed February 17, 2003]
Retailers-74: Outline of Retailers' Oral Arguments
[filed February 14, 2003]
Retailers-75: Retailers' Reply to Oral Argument
[filed February 25, 2003]

* jointly commissioned by CSMA and the Retailers
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Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association (CWTA)
CWTA-1: Statement of Case
[filed November 22, 2002]
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Cognos Inc.
Cognos-1: Statement of Case
[filed November 22, 2002]
haut de la page
Consumer Electronic Marketers of Canada (CEMC)
CEMC-1: Statement of Case
[filed November 22, 2002]
haut de la page
Hydraulic Design
Hydraulic-1: Statement of Case
[filed November 22, 2002]
Hydraulic-2: Past hard disk technology
[filed November 22, 2002]
Hydraulic-3: Internet links
[filed November 22, 2002]
Hydraulic-4: Witness Statement of James Carruthers
[filed February 5, 2003]
Hydraulic-5: List of Internet links, February 2003
[filed February 5, 2003]
Hydraulic-6: Outline of Hydraulic Design's Oral Arguments
[filed February 14, 2003]
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Vencon Technologies Inc.
Vencon-1: Statement of Case
[filed November 22, 2002]
Vencon-2: Vencon Technologies Memorandum of Law
[filed January 15, 2003]
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Jeremy Hellstrom
Hellstrom-1: Statement of Case
[filed November 22, 2002]
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Martin Hemmings
Hemmings-1: Statement of Case
[filed November 22, 2002]
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Brian Hunt
Hunt-1: Statement of Case
[filed November 22, 2002]
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V. Kuz
Kuz-1: Statement of Case
[filed November 22, 2002]
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Richard C. Pitt
Pitt-1: Statement of Case of Richard C. Pitt (Belcarra)
[filed November 22, 2002]
Pitt-2: Media Levy Objection
[filed November 22, 2002]
Pitt-3: Evidence of Richard C. Pitt
[filed November 22, 2002]
Pitt-4: Various newspaper & magazine articles and other documentation
[filed November 22, 2002]
Pitt-5: Hard copies of Richard C. Pitt's PowerPoint Presentation
[filed January 31, 2003]
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Tom Trottier
Trottier-1: Statement of Case
[filed November 22, 2002]
Trottier-2: "Monitor" Magazine - January 2003 issue
[filed January 23, 2003]
Trottier-3: "The Computer Paper" Magazine - February 2003 issue
[filed January 23, 2003]
Trottier-4: (1) Web page of Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA) re Postal Program - Duty-free and tax-exempt importations (2) Ebay's Website [filed January 27, 2003]
Trottier-5: Ebay's Website re All eBay auctions which finished January 22, 2003 at 21:47 to January 27, 2003 at 00:58
[Filed January 30, 2003]
Trottier-6: Outline of Tom Trottier's Oral Arguments
[filed February 14, 2003]
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Copyright Board
Board-1: E-mail dated February 4, 2003 from Denis L. Makepeace, Cognos Inc., to Assistant-Clerk, Copyright Board of Canada re: unable to attend the hearing; and providing comments on CPCC Zero-Rating Program
[Filed February 4, 2003]
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