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Copie privée 2003-2004

Société canadienne de perception de la copie privée

Claudette Fortier, Présidente du conseil d'administration de la Société canadienne de perception de la copie privée (SCPCP)
RE: Pièces CPCC-2 et CPCC-2A

Mr. David Basskin, President, Canadian Musical Reproduction Rights Agency Limited (CMRRA)
RE: Exhibit CPCC-3

Ms. Nancy Smith, Chair and Chief Executive Officer of NextMedia
RE: Exhibit CPCC-4

Mr. Aleksandar Ciric, Senior Manager at Deloitte & Touche
RE: Exhibits CPCC-6 and CPCC-10

M. Benoît Gauthier, Président, Réseau Circum Inc.
RE : Pièces CPCC-5, CPCC-9, CPCC-9A et CPCC-12

Panel: Mr. Stephen Stohn, Managing Partner, Stohn Abramovitch and Executive Vice-President, Epitome Pictures Inc.
Mr. Paul Audley, President, Paul Audley & Associates Ltd.
RE: Exhibits CPCC-7, CPCC-7A and CPCC-7B

Professeur Marcel Boyer, Président et directeur général, Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherche en Analyses des Organisations
RE : Pièce CPCC-8

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Canadian Storage Media Alliance (CSMA)

Panel: Mr. Richard Bourrier, Sony of Canada Ltd., Toronto, Canada
Mr. Sébastien Manenc, Thomson Multimedia Inc., Indianapolis, U.S.A.
Mr. Kerwyn Ballinger, Hewlett-Packard, Colorado, U.S.A.
Mr. Stan Ng, Apple, Cupertino, California, U.S.A.
RE: Exhibit CSMA-2

Mr. Jeffrey Lawrence, Chair, Copyright Practice Group, Intel Corporation
RE: Exhibit CSMA-7

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Canadian Storage Media Alliance (CSMA) et RETAILERS

Dr. Ruth Corbin, Project Director, Decision Resources Inc.
RE: Exhibits CSMA-3, CSMA-4, CSMA-5, CSMA-6, Retailers-39, Retailers-40, Retailers-41 and Retailers-46

Mr. Jim Burger, U.S. Attorney, Dow, Lohnes & Albertson
RE: Exhibits CSMA-10 and Retailers-20

Panel: Ms. Melanie Goddard, Kubas Consultant
Mr. Leonard Kubas, Kubas Consultant
RE: Exhibits CSMA-8, CSMA-9, Retailers-32, Retailers-33 and Retailers-34
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Dr. Michael Rushton, Department of Economics, University of Regina/Georgia State University
RE: Exhibits Retailers-47, Retailers-48 and Retailers-49

Mr. Nicolaas J. Van der Vorm,
RE: Exhibit Retailers-22

Mr. Brian Levy, President and CEO of InterTAN, Inc. (d.b.a. RadioShack Canada)
RE: Exhibit Retailers-36

Ms. Diane Brisebois, President of the Retail Council of Canada
RE: Exhibit Retailers-66

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Consumer Electronic Marketers of Canada (CEMC)

Mr. Ken Elsey, Vice-President, CEMC

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Hydraulic Design

Mr. James Carruthers, Designer, Hydraulic Design

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Mr. Richard C. Pitt

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