Commission du droit d'auteur du Canada - Copyright Board of Canada Symbole du Gouvernement du Canada
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Stations de radio commerciales
Tarifs 1.A de la SOCAN et de la SCGDV (2003-2007)

Société canadienne de gestion des droits voisins (NRCC)
NRCC-1: Preliminary Statement of Case
[filed October 3, 2003]

Statement of Case
[filed April 14, 2004]
NRCC-1.A: NRCC's Reply Case
[filed May 11, 2004]
NRCC-2: Déclaration de Lucie Beauchemin, Présidente de la SCGDV (avec annexes A à D)
[déposée le 14 avril 2004]
NRCC-3: Witness Statement of Diana Barry, Executive Director of the NRCC
(with Appendices A to C)
[filed April 14, 2004]
NRCC-3.A: Addendum to Witness Statement of Diana Barry
[filed May 11, 2004]
NRCC-4: Financial Impact of the Proposed NRCC and SOCAN Tariff Rate Increases on the Canadian Commercial Radio Broadcasting Industry, prepared by Douglas E. Hyatt, Joseph L. Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, April 12, 2004
[filed April 14, 2004]
NRCC-5: The Use of Music on Commercial Radio, Part I: Sound Recordings as Feature Content on Music Stations, prepared by ERIN Research Inc., April 2004
[filed April 14, 2004]
(This report was commissioned by SOCAN and NRCC)
NRCC-6: The Use of Music on Commercial Radio, Part II: Total Music Content on Music Stations, prepared by ERIN Research Inc., April 2004
[filed April 29, 2004]
(This report was commissioned by SOCAN and NRCC)
NRCC-7: The Value of Performers' Performances and Sound Recordings to Commercial Radio Stations, prepared by Paul Audley, Marcel Boyer and Stephen Stohn, April 14, 2004 (with Appendices A to C)
[filed April 14, 2004]
(Corrections to certain pages filed May 25, 2004 and June 10, 2004)
NRCC-8: The Importance of Music in Marketing Commercial Radio to Listeners and to Advertisers, prepared by Nancy Smith, Nextmedia, January 15, 2002
[filed April 14, 2004]
NRCC-9: Importance de la musique à la radio en 2001: un sondage auprès des Canadiens, préparé par Benoît Gauthier, Réseau Circum inc., 13 janvier 2002 (avec annexes A et B)
[déposé le 14 avril 2004]
NRCC-10: The Battle of Tin Pan Alley, by Leonard Allen, Harper's Magazine, October 1940
[filed May 11, 2004]
NRCC-11: Extract from A Time for Action: The Report of the Task Force on the Future of the Canadian Music Industry, March 1996; and Page from the CAB Website (filed May 1, 2002 as Exhibit CMRRA/SODRAC-57 in the CMRRA/SODRAC Commercial Radio Tariff proceeding)
[filed May 11, 2004]
NRCC-12: Déclaration de Angela Fex, Directeur de la perception, CMRRA/SODRAC Inc. (CSI)
[déposée le 11 mai 2004]
NRCC-13: Comments on K.J. Goldstein's "Economic trends and future prospects for private conventional radio in Canada", Marcel Boyer, May 7, 2004
[filed May 11, 2004]
(This report was commissioned by SOCAN and NRCC)
NRCC-14: Extract from The Report of the Task Force on Broadcasting Policy, September 1986, pages 393, 394 and 397; and Statistics Canada data: Total Revenues and Profits of AM and FM Stations, 1987-2002
[filed May 11, 2004]
NRCC-15: Analysis of Radio Advertising as a Percentage of GDP Less Exports, 1971 to 2003, Statistics Canada
[filed May 11, 2004]
NRCC-16: Extract from the Transcript of the CAB's "Summation" of its case to the Copyright Board in the 1987 hearing on the tariffs of CAPAC and PROCAN
[filed May 11, 2004]
NRCC-17: Hard copy of Douglas E. Hyatt's PowerPoint presentation (re: NRCC-4)
[filed May 18, 2004]
NRCC-18: NRCC's Revenues and Distribution of Royalties (1998-2002)
[filed May 18, 2004]
NRCC-19: Hard copy of George Spears' PowerPoint presentation (re: NRCC-5 and NRCC-6)
[filed May 19, 2004]
NRCC-20: Hard copy of Marcel Boyer's PowerPoint presentation (series of graphs in support of Section 5 of NRCC-7)
[filed May 20, 2004]
NRCC-21: Réponse à divers points de méthodologie soulevés par les documents CAB-17 et CAB-18, Rapport préparé par M. Benoît Gauthier, Président de Réseau Circum inc.
[déposée le 21 mai 2004]
NRCC-22: Chart from TVBasics 2003-2004 on Net Advertising Volume; and Chart prepared by NRCC on Net Advertising Volume using TVBasics 2003-2004 figures
[filed May 25, 2004]
NRCC-23: Chart prepared by NRCC: EBITDA Margin - Forecast Comparison 2003 to 2007, Full NRCC Tariff Scenario
[filed May 25, 2004]
NRCC-24: Expert Report of Ralph Oman, Esq.
[filed May 25, 2004]
NRCC-25: Summary Table: Percentage Share of Radio Listening by Format, Canada, Fall 2002 Statistics Canada
[filed May 26, 2004]
NRCC-26: Series of e-mails exchanged between NRCC and CAB about the sampling of radio stations (November 2003 - May 2004)
[filed May 27, 2004]
NRCC-27: Extracts of Paul Audley's Interim Report "NRCC Commercial Radio Usage Study" dated April 1998
[filed May 27, 2004]
NRCC-28: (1) Letter dated October 5, 2000 from J. Aidan O'Neill to Claude Brunet and to Colette Matteau setting out the final list of the CMRRA/SODRAC interrogatories to which the CAB objects; and (2) Letter dated November 13, 2000 from J. Aidan O'Neill to the Copyright Board requesting a ruling to resolve the dispute between the CAB and the CMRRA/SODRAC re: interrogatories directed to individual radio stations and station groups and the number of individual radio stations that must answer the interrogatories
[filed May 27, 2004]
NRCC-29: Extract of transcripts of Lyman Potts' testimony in chief, March 30, 1987 (Commercial Radio Proceedings)
[filed May 27, 2004]
NRCC-30: Extract from the 2003 Radio Marketing Guide
[filed May 28, 2004]
NRCC-31: Pages 46 to 51 of the 2003 Radio Financial Data Book (Money, Markets, Owners and Station Sales), Kagan World Media, April 2003
[filed May 28, 2004]
NRCC-32: Comparison of Number of Tracks of Recorded Music Broadcast on Weekdays for 26 of the ERIN Research Stations, Fourth Quarter, 2003
[filed May 28, 2004]
NRCC-33: Outline of NRCC's oral argument
Appendix A: Table detailing relevant calculations used in NRCC's valuation model
Appendix B: Information requested from the Copyright Board
[filed June 7, 2004]
(Book of Authorities filed June 10, 2004)
NRCC-34: NRCC's Response to Questions from the Board
[filed June 10, 2004]

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Société canadienne des auteurs, compositeurs et éditeurs de musique (SOCAN)
SOCAN-1: Preliminary Statement of Case
[filed October 3, 2003]

Statement of Case
[filed April 14, 2004]
SOCAN-1.A: SOCAN's Reply Case
[filed May 11, 2004]
SOCAN-2: Music's Role in Canadian Commercial Radio, prepared by Sjef Franken and Monica Auer, Broadcasting Consultants, March 2004
[filed April 14, 2004]
(Appendix 15 filed May 11, 2004)
SOCAN-3: Canada's Radio Evolution, prepared by Robert Linney, President, CueTwo Communications, April 2004
[filed April 14, 2004]
SOCAN-4: Table of SOCAN's Tariff 1.A Licence Fees
[filed April 14, 2004]
SOCAN-5: Responses to Interrogatories relied on by SOCAN
[no exhibit filed]
SOCAN-6: Figure 7: Advertising Revenue by Medium 1967-2002, replacement p. 40 of the Sjef Frenken and Monica Auer Report
[filed May 21, 2004]
SOCAN-7: Extract of Supplement to the Canada Gazette, re: Royalties to be collected, Tarrif 1.A (Commercial radio), published on March 20, 2004 and proposed changes for 2003-2007
[filed May 21, 2004]
SOCAN-8: Excerpts of CRTC Commercial Private Radio and Television Statistical and Financial Summaries 1999-2003
[filed May 26, 2004]
SOCAN-9: Extracts of Public Notice CRTC 1998-41, Commercial Radio Policy
[filed May 26, 2004]
SOCAN-10: Outline of SOCAN's oral argument
[filed June 7, 2004]
SOCAN-11: SOCAN's responses to undertakings it made during the hearing
[filed June 8, 2004]
SOCAN-12: Comparison of Performing Rights Royalties U.S.-Canada Per Capita of Population
[filed June 10, 2004]
SOCAN-13: Undertaking re: Evidence of Robert Linney (CRTC licensing hearing in Halifax)
[filed June 21, 2004]

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Association canadienne des radiodiffuseurs (CAB)
CAB-1: Preliminary Outline of Position
[filed October 3, 2003]
CAB-1.A: Statement of Case
[filed April 14, 2004]
(Revised statement of case filed May 14, 2004)
CAB-2: Witness Statement: Panel - Commercial Radio - An Overview
[filed April 14, 2004]
CAB-3: Public Notice CRTC 1998-41, Commercial Radio Policy 1998
[filed April 14, 2004]
CAB-4: Extracts from CRTC's Broadcasting Policy Monitoring Report 2003
[filed April 14, 2004]
CAB-5: 2002-2003 Annual Reports for FACTOR; MUSICACTION; Radio Starmaker Fund; and Fonds RadioStar
[filed April 14, 2004]
CAB-6: Private Radio's Voluntary Canadian Talent Development Contributions - CAB Survey Report, June 2, 2002
[filed April 14, 2004]
CAB-7: Confidential - Executive Summary - DAB Corridor Engineering Study, prepared by D.E.M. Allen " Associates Ltd., Consulting Engineers (draft version formerly Exhibit CAB-4 from the 2002 CMRRA-SODRAC hearing)
[filed April 14, 2004]
CAB-8: Witness Statement: Panel - The Business of Commercial Radio Stations in Canada
[filed April 14, 2004]
CAB-9: Witness Statement: Panel - Radio Programming
[filed April 14, 2004]
CAB-10: Radio Music Use Study (1992), Nordicity Group Ltd. (formerly Exhibit CAB-7 from the 1993 SOCAN Tariff 1.A hearing)
[filed April 14, 2004]
CAB-11: Radio's Influence on Music Purchases in Canada, Angus Reid Group, May 1996
(formerly appendix to Exhibit CAB-6 from the 1998 NRCC Tariff 1.A hearing)
[filed April 14, 2004]
CAB-12: Witness Statement: Panel - All-Talk Radio Stations
[filed April 14, 2004]
CAB-13: Economic trends and future prospects for private conventional radio in Canada, prepared by Kenneth J. Goldstein, Communications Management Inc., April 14, 2004
[filed April 14, 2004]
CAB-14: Current Status of United States Music Performing Rights Organizations and their Licensing Relationships with Commercial Radio Stations, prepared by David C. Fuellhart, Radio Music License Committee, May 1, 1998
[filed April 14, 2004]
CAB-15: Report on Effective Royalty Rates Payable by Commercial Radio Stations in the United States, prepared by Jonathan Weiss, Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP
[filed May 6, 2004]
CAB-16: Report in Response to Exhibit NRCC-4 (Financial Impact of the Proposed SOCAN and NRCC Tariffs on the Canadian Commercial Radio Broadcasting Industry), prepared by Peter Macaulay, P. Macaulay & Associates Inc.
[filed May 11, 2004]
CAB-17: Comments on two studies submitted to the Copyright Board: Erin Research Content Analysis: The Use of Music on Commercial Radio, Parts I-II, and Study by Paul Audley, Marcel Boyer and Stephen Stohn: The Value of Performers' Performances and Sound Recordings to Commercial Radio Stations, prepared by Barry Kiefl, President, Canadian Media Research Inc., May 11, 2004
[filed May 11, 2004]
CAB-18: A review of selected research filed on behalf of NCRR and SOCAN, prepared by Kenneth J. Goldstein, President, Communications Management Inc., May 11, 2004
[filed May 11, 2004]
CAB-19: The Value of Qualifying Sound Recordings to Commercial Radio Stations, Paul Audley & Associates Ltd., 1998 (submitted by NRCC as Exhibit NRCC-24 in the 1998 Tariff 1.A hearing)
[filed May 12, 2004]
CAB-20: Comments on the study Music's Role in Canadian Commercial Radio submitted to the Copyright Board by Sjef Frenken and Monica Auer, prepared by Peter C. Fleming, Peter Fleming Consulting, May 10, 2004
[filed May 11, 2004]
CAB-21: Extract from the Copyright Board's decision of August 13, 1999 on NRCC's Tariff 1.A for the years 1998 to 2002
[filed May 18, 2004]
CAB-22: Transcripts (pages 1945 to 1947) of Paul Audley's testimony of June 25, 1998 re: low music use radio stations
[filed May 18, 2004]
CAB-23: Letter dated May 10, 2004 from NRCC to Rogers Media stating that the CJCL station does not quality as a "low-use music station"
[filed May 18, 2004]
CAB-24: Music Use Study of Representative Private Canadian Radio Station's Programming for the Period of February 12, 1987 to February 17, 1987, prepared by the CAB, March 1987
[filed May 18, 2004]
CAB-25: Hard copy of Peter Macaulay's PowerPoint presentation (Re: Exhibit CAB-16)
[filed May 25, 2004]
CAB-26: NRCC Interrogatories to the CAB and its Member Stations
[filed May 26, 2004]
CAB-27: Sample of small, medium and large commercial radio stations
[filed May 26, 2004]
CAB-28: Part of a letter dated February 23, 2004 from Claude Brunet of Ogilvy Renault to J. Aidan O'Neill re: Motions concerning incomplete interrogatory responses
[filed May 26, 2004]
CAB-29: E-mail dated May 27, 2004 from J. Aidan O'Neill to David Collier listing the complete set of documents with which Mr. Barry Kiefl was provided by the CAB
[filed May 27, 2004]
CAB-30: Tariff for CKO Incorporated certified by the Copyright Appeal Board for the year 1989
[filed May 28, 2004]
CAB-31: The Real Information Superhighway, by Paul Keegan, Business 2.0, May 2004
[filed May 28, 2004]
CAB-32: CAB's outline of oral argument
[filed June 7, 2004]
(Book of quotes and excerpts of exhibits, filed June 10, 2004)
CAB-33: CAB's response to Board's question re: "length of business cycle" referred to by Mr. Macaulay in his testimony
[filed June 9, 2004]
CAB-34: CAB's responses to Board's questions
[filed June 14, 2004]

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Commission du droit d'auteur du Canada
BOARD-1: List of issues the Board wants addressed during oral arguments
[filed June 3, 2004]

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Autres documents faisant partie du dossier

  1. Lettre datée du 20 avril 2004 de l'Association de la Radio Privée Indépendante Francophone
  2. Letter dated May 10, 2004 from CKMW Radio Limited
  3. Letter dated May 12, 2004 from the Canadian Association of Ethnic Broadcasters

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