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Tarif 24 de la SOCAN (2003-2005)

Société canadienne des auteurs, compositeurs et éditeurs de musique (SOCAN)
SOCAN-1: Confidential - Statement of Case
[filed October 20, 2004]
(revised version filed March 18, 2005 and revised pages filed June 1, 2005)
SOCAN-1.A: SOCAN's Reply Case
[filed June 1, 2005]
SOCAN-1.B: Witness Statement of Paul Spurgeon and Paul Hoffert
[revised version filed June 1, 2005]
SOCAN-1.C: Confidential - Opinion on Economic Issues Raised in the Mathewson Report, Copyright Board Hearing of SOCAN Tariff 24 Ringtones, 2003-2005, prepared by Mr. Stan J. Liebowitz, School of Management, University of Texas at Dallas
[filed June 1, 2005]
SOCAN-2: Proposed Tariff 24 for the years 2003, 2004 and 2005 [filed October 20, 2004]
SOCAN-3: Confidential - Canadian Mobile Wireless Ringtones Market Report, prepared by NBI/Michael Sone Associates Inc., 2003 Edition
[filed October 20, 2004]
(additional pages filed March 18, 2005)
SOCAN-4: Technical Aspects of Ringtone Transmissions, prepared by Disus Inc., October 2004
[filed October 20, 2004]
SOCAN-5: Examples of Third Party Ringtone Suppliers
[filed October 20, 2004]
SOCAN-6: Aggregated Wireless Carrier Ringtone Data
[filed March 18, 2005]
SOCAN-7: Experimental Ringtone Licences
[filed October 20, 2004]
(additional pages filed March 18, 2005)
SOCAN-8: Ringtone Media Reports
[filed October 20, 2004]
(additional pages filed March 18, 2005 and June 1, 2005)
SOCAN-9: Confidential - Responses to Interrogatories (with Appendices A to N)
[filed October 20, 2004]
(revised/additional pages filed March 18, 2005)
SOCAN-10: SOCAN's Brief on Legal Issues
[filed June 14, 2005]
SOCAN-11: Confidential - Evidence of Dr. Liebowitz re: Agreements provided by CRIA
[filed June 22, 2005]
SOCAN-12: Marketing material from Roger's Website
[filed June 23, 2005]
SOCAN-13: Ringtone Licensing Agreement between CMRRA and m-Qube Canada Inc.
[filed June 24, 2005]
SOCAN-14: Confidential - Ringtone Agreements between users and SODRAC
[filed June 24, 2005]
SOCAN-15: Response to undertaking by witness Mr. Tom Jurenka re: Difference between "Unicast" and "Multicast"
[filed June 28, 2005]
SOCAN-16: Confidential - Letter dated June 27, 2005 from Mr. Paul Carrière responding to an undertaking by Counsel Stuart McCormack re: SONY BMG
[June 28, 2005]
SOCAN-17: Confidential - SOCAN's Points of Argument (with relevant references)
[filed June 28, 2005]
SOCAN-18: SOCAN's responses to legal issues raised by the Copyright Board
[filed June 29, 2005]

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CWTA-1: Confidential - Joint Statement of Case
[filed May 6, 2005]
CWTA-1.A: Confidential - Witness Statement for the CRIA Panel
[revised version filed June 8, 2005]
CWTA-1.B: Witness Statement for the Wireless Carriers Panel
[revised version filed June 8, 2005]
CWTA-1.C: Witness Statement of Mr. Alex Crookes
[revised version filed June 10, 2005]
CWTA-2: Confidential - Opinion on Economic Issues in Public Performance of Musical Works, SOCAN Tariff 24, Ringtones 2003-2005, prepared by Prof. Frank Mathewson, University of Toronto, Charles River Associates Canada Ltd., May 6, 2005
[filed May 6, 2005]
(revised Table 5 filed June 28, 2005)
CWTA-2.A: E-mail dated June 28, 2005 from Counsel David Kent responding to undertakings given by Prof. Mathewson
[filed June 28, 2005]
CWTA-3: Non-SOCAN Ringtone Downloads (Aggregated)
[filed May 6, 2005]
CWTA-4: Confidential - Non-SOCAN Ringtone Downloads (Four Carriers)
[filed May 6, 2005]
CWTA-5: Confidential - SOCAN Responses to CWTA Interrogatories (with Appendices A to H)
[filed May 6, 2005]
CWTA-6: Confidential - CRIA (BMG, Warner, Universal) Updated Responses to SOCAN Interrogatory 8
[filed May 6, 2005]
CWTA-7: Legal Brief of CWTA, Bell Mobility & Telus Mobility
[filed June 14, 2005]
CWTA-8: CRIA's Legal Brief
[filed June 14, 2005]
CWTA-9: Confidential - Summary of Ringtone Royalty Agreements of CRIA Members
[filed June 22, 2005]
CWTA-9.1 to
Confidential - Additional Responses to SOCAN Interrogatory #8 from CRIA
Class A Members
[filed June 22, 2005]
CWTA-10: CWTA's Mobile Phone Ringtone Demonstration (DVD & VHS)
[filed June 24, 2005]
CWTA-11: Summary of CWTA/BELL/TELUS Oral Argument (with book of authorities)
[filed June 28, 2005]
CWTA-12: Outline of CRIA's Oral Argument (with Compendium)
[filed June 28, 2005]
CWTA-13: CWTA/BELL/TELUS responses to legal issues raised by the Copyright Board
[filed June 29, 2005]
CWTA-14: CRIA's responses to legal issues raised by the Copyright Board
[filed June 29, 2005]

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Autres documents faisant partie du dossier

  1. Lettre datée du 28 juin 2005 de Me Colette Matteau re : Observations de la SODRAC sur le projet de tarif 24 de la SOCAN

  2. Letter dated June 28, 2005 from Mr. Claude Brunet re: Comments from CMRRA on SOCAN's Proposed Tariff 24

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