Commission du droit d'auteur du Canada - Copyright Board of Canada Symbole du Gouvernement du Canada
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Services spécialisés de télévision
Tarif 17.A de la SOCAN (1996-2000)

Socitété canadienne des auteurs, compositeurs et éditeurs de musique (SOCAN)
SOCAN-1: Statement of Case
[filed February 22, 2000]
SOCAN-2: MediaStats: Canadian Cable Carriage Report and Summaries (25 Volumes plus Summaries filed separately with the Board in hard and soft copy)
[filed February 21, 2000]
SOCAN-3: Portfolio Services Tariff Agreement anticipated to be executed between SOCAN and Transmitters [filed February 22, 2000]
(Executed copy of agreement and draft tariff filed August 2, 2000)
SOCAN-4: SOCAN/Objectors Hearing Agreement respecting the tariff for Canadian Pay and American Specialty Services
[filed February 22, 2000]
SOCAN-5: Report entitled "SOCAN Tariff 17.A Television Services 1995-2000" prepared by David Ellis, Omnia Communications Inc. (and D. Ellis' curriculum vitae)
[filed February 22, 2000]
(Revised version filed August 22, 2000)
SOCAN-6: Report entitled "Comparing the Market Experience of Non-Portfolio Cable Signals to that of Private Television Broadcasters" prepared by Professor Stanley J. Liebowitz, School of Management, University of Texas at Dallas (and Professor Liebowitz' curriculum vitae)
[filed February 22, 2000]
(Revised version filed August 2, 2000)
SOCAN-7: StatsCan/CRTC Data
[filed February 22, 2000]
SOCAN-8: Report entitled "Applicability of the Copyright Board's Tariff 2.A Rate Reduction Rationale to the Distribution of U.S. Specialty Channels and Canadian Pay TV Services by Broadcasting Distribution Undertakings" prepared by Professor Matthew W. Fraser, Professor of Communications, Ryerson Polytechnic University (and Professor Fraser's curriculum vitae)
[filed February 22, 2000]
SOCAN-9: Television Viewing Data (A.C. Nielsen/Nielsen Media Research)
[filed February 22, 2000]
(Additional data filed August 2, 2000)
SOCAN-10: Witness Statement of Victor Perkins, SOCAN's Director of Information Services
[filed February 22, 2000]
SOCAN-11: Table: Royalties Received by SOCAN under Tariff 17.A - 1990 to 1999
[filed February 22, 2000]
SOCAN-12: Rapport intitulé « Commentaires sur le rapport du Professeur Frank Mathewson concernant les redevances payables à la SOCAN pour la distribution des services payants canadiens et les services spécialisés américains », préparé par le Professeur Abraham Hollander, Département de sciences économiques, Université de Montréal, août 2000 (et C.V. du Professeur Hollander)
[déposé le 22 août 2000]
SOCAN-13: Selected Interrogatory Responses relied upon by SOCAN (Appendices A to E)
[filed August 22, 2000]
SOCAN-13.A: Schedules to the Pay Services' Responses to SOCAN Interrogatory 3
[filed September 12, 2000]
SOCAN-14: SOCAN Pre-Hearing Brief on Legal Issues
[filed August 29, 2000]
SOCAN-15: SOCAN Responses to Undertakings
(1) Status of Tariff 17.A royalty payments as of August 31, 2000
(2) ASCAP Licensing of Canadian specialty services
[filed September 20, 2000]
SOCAN-16: Summary of Oral Argument
[filed September 22, 2000]
SOCAN-17: C. Paul Spurgeon's Statement re: The salient factors in SOCAN's Settlement of Tariff 17.A Portfolio Services Rates
[filed September 22, 2000]

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Canadian Cable Television Association (CCTA)
CCTA-1: Statement of Case
[filed May 12, 2000]
CCTA-1.A: Supplementary Statement of Case
[filed August 22, 2000]
CCTA-2: Summary of Argument (CCTA and Shaw)
[filed September 22, 2000]
(Written submission filed September 26, 2000)

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Country Network Enterprises (CNE)
CNE-1: Statement of Case
[filed May 12, 2000]
CNE-1.A: Supplementary Statement of Case
[filed August 22, 2000]

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DTH Companies (ExpressVu LP and Star Choice Television Network Inc.)
SATELLITE-1: Statement of Case of the DTH Companies
[filed May 12, 2000]
SATELLITE-1.A: Supplementary Statement of Case
[filed August 22, 2000]
SATELLITE-2: Summary of Evidence of the DTH Companies
[filed May 12, 2000]
SATELLITE-3: Excerpt of CRTC Digital Licensing Hearing (transcript of August 30, 2000)
[filed September 14, 2000]
SATELLITE-4: Aggregated Data on Payments to Canadian Pay and US Specialty Services
[filed September 15, 2000]
SATELLITE-5: Summary of Argument
[filed September 22, 2000]
(DTH Final Argument filed September 26, 2000)

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Pay Services (Canal Indigo, Family Channel, Home Theatre, Moviemax, Moviepix, Superchannel, Super Écran, The Movie Network, Viewer's Choice Canada)
PAY-1: Pay Services' Statement of Case
[filed May 11, 2000]
PAY-2: Opinion on Economic Issues in Copyright Board Hearing of Tariff 17.A, 1996-2000 - Tariff Rate Applicable to Canadian Pay and American Specialty Services, May 11, 2000 (and Appendices A to I) prepared by Professor Frank Mathewson
[filed May 11, 2000]
PAY-3: A Review of the Competitive Environment for U.S. Specialty Channels and Canadian Pay Television Services, May 11, 2000, prepared by Kenneth J. Goldstein
[filed May 11, 2000]
PAY-3.A: Curriculum Vitae of Kenneth J. Goldstein
[filed May 11, 2000]
PAY-4: Supplementary Statement of Case
[filed August 22, 2000]




SOCAN Interrogatory Response 1 (English only)
SOCAN Interrogatory Response 2
SOCAN Interrogatory Response 3
SOCAN Interrogatory Response 4
SOCAN Interrogatory Response 5
SOCAN Interrogatory Response 6
SOCAN Interrogatory Response 7
SOCAN Interrogatory Response 8
SOCAN Interrogatory Response 9
SOCAN Interrogatory Response 10
SOCAN Interrogatory Response 11
SOCAN Interrogatory Response 12
SOCAN Interrogatory Response 16
SOCAN Interrogatory Response 17
Confidential SOCAN Interrogatory Response 18
Confidential SOCAN Interrogatory Response 19
Confidential SOCAN Interrogatory Response 20
SOCAN Interrogatory Response 21
SOCAN Interrogatory Response 22
SOCAN Interrogatory Response 23
SOCAN Interrogatory Response 24
SOCAN Interrogatory Response 25
SOCAN Interrogatory Response 26
[all filed August 30, 2000, except PAY-16, filed September 11, 2000]
PAY-28: Pages 1, 2 and 16 of CRTC's financial database for 1989 to 1994, for Canadian pay and specialty services, Canadian specialty services and Canadian pay services respectively
[filed September 15, 2000]
PAY-29: Summary of Final Argument
[filed September 22, 2000]
(Annotated and revised version filed September 26, 2000)

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Services (Cable News Network and The Arts & Entertainment Network)
SERVICES-1: Statement of Case
[filed May 12, 2000]
SERVICES-2: CRTC Decision 95-12 (January 18, 1995)
[filed September 13, 2000]
SERVICES-3: Summary of Argument
[filed September 22, 2000]

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Shaw Communications Inc. and Shaw Cablesystems G.P.
SHAW-1: Statement of Case
[filed May 12, 2000]
SHAW-1.A: Supplementary Case
[filed August 22, 2000]
SHAW-2: Summary of Argument (CCTA and Shaw)
[filed September 22, 2000]
(Written submission filed September 26, 2000)

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All Objectors
OBJECTORS-1: Pre-Hearing Brief on Legal Issues
[filed August 29, 2000]

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Copyright Board/Commission du droit d'auteur
BOARD-1: Estimated Royalty Rates Implicit in Portfolio Services Agreement in Exhibit SOCAN3
[filed September 15, 2000]
BOARD-2: Program Expense to Revenue Ratios (1989 to 1999)
[filed September 15, 2000]

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