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Stations de télévision commerciales et Services de télévision spécialisés et de télévision payante
Tarifs 2.A (1998-2004) et 17. A (2001-2004) de la SOCAN

Société canadienne des auteurs, compositeurs et éditeurs de musique (SOCAN)

Professeur Pierre Trudel, Faculté de droit, Université de Montréal
Re: Pièce SOCAN-5

Professor Stanley J. Liebowitz, School of Management, University of Texas at Dallas
Re: Exhibits SOCAN-2 and SOCAN-29

Professeur Daniel J. Gervais, Faculté de droit (Section de Common Law), Université d'Ottawa
Re: Pièces SOCAN-13 et SOCAN-13.A

Monica Auer, Broadcasting Consultant
Re: Exhibit SOCAN-6

Paul Spurgeon, SOCAN's General Counsel
Re: Exhibits SOCAN-15, SOCAN-16, SOCAN-17, SOCAN-18, SOCAN-19 and SOCAN-20

Composer Panels: Jack Lenz, Marty Simon, Paul Hoffert, Glenn Morley and Pierre-Daniel Rheault
Re: Exhibit SOCAN-7, SOCAN-8, SOCAN-9 and SOCAN-10

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Bell ExpressVu

Chris Frank, Vice-President, Programming and Government Affairs, Bell ExpressVu LP
Re: Exhibit Bell ExpressVu-2

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Association canadienne des radiodiffuseurs (CAB)

Business of Programming/Use of Music Panel:
  Joyce Matheson, General Manager of CTV Music
Paul Gratton, Station Manager, Bravo!
Brigitte d'Amours, Groupe TVA Inc.
Re: Exhibits CAB-3, CAB-3A, CAB-15, CAB-16, CAB-17 and CAB-18

Competitive Environment Panel:
Wayne Charman, Senior Vice President, Television, Specialty and Pay Services and New Technologies
Kenneth Goldstein, President, Communications Management Inc.
Re: Exhibits CAB-3, CAB-3A, CAB-6, CAB-8, CAB-9, CAB-10, CAB 11, CAB-12, CAB-13 and CAB-14

Economic Evidence Panel:
  Professor Steven Globerman, Western Washington University College of Business and Economics
Kenneth Goldstein, President, Communications Management Inc.
Re: Exhibits CAB-8.B and CAB-21

Stan Staple, CBC Research
Re: Exhibit CAB-22

MBL Issues Panel:
  Cam Johnson, Vice-President, Special Projects, Global Television Network
Bernard Guérin, Directeur général, Affaires juridiques, TQS inc.
Grace Shafran, Consultant, CTV
Re: Exhibits CAB-23, CAB-24, CAB-25 and CAB-26
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Association canadienne de télévision par câble (CCTA)

Cable Industry Panel:
  Michael Allen, Rogers Communications Inc.
Dale Butler, Director of Regulatory Affairs, Shaw Communications Inc.
Suzanne Blackwell, Vice-President, Economic Research, CCTA
Re: Exhibits CCTA-2, CCTA-6 and CCTA-6A

Dr. Fred Lazar, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, York University
Re: Exhibit CCTA-4, CCTA-4A and CCTA
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CBC Newsworld and RDI

Panel: Maria Mironowicz, Director of Programming, CBC Newsworld
Jean-Pierre Pétel, Réalisateur - Coordonnateur RDI, Le Réseau de l'information
Re: Exhibit CBC Services-3
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CPR (Bell Globemedia Inc.; CTV Television Inc.; Pelmorex Communications Inc. and Rogers Media Inc.)

Stephen M. Armstrong, Stephen M. Armstrong Consulting Inc.
Re: Exhibit CPR-10

Sports Genre Panel:
  Scott Moore, Vice President, Production and Operations, Rogers Sportsnet
Rick Chisholm, Vice President, Production, TSN
Robert Turcotte, Senior Manager, Programming, RDS
Re: Exhibits CPR-5, CPR-6, CPR-7, CPR-12, CPR-13, CPR-15 and CPR-21

News and Information Genre Panel:
  Mitch Charron, Director of Programming and Operations, The Weather Network/MétéoMédia Tom Haberstroh, Executive Producer, CTV Newsnet
Re: Exhibits CPR-2, CPR-3, CPR-4, CPR-9 and CPR-13

Business Panel:
Bart Yabsley, Executive Vice-President, CTV Specialty Television
Alain Strati, Director, Regulatory Affairs, Rogers Media
Luc Perreault, Vice-président, communication et affaires réglementaires, The Weather Network/MétéoMédia
Re: Exhibits CPR-1, CPR-8, CPR-9, CPR-13, CPR-16, CPR-18, CPR-19 and CPR-20

Dr. George Spears, President, Erin Research Inc.
Re: Exhibit CPR-13

Dr. David W. Jamieson, Chief Scientist and Head, Advanced Analytics, Environics Research Group
Re: Exhibit CPR-17
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SERVICES (CHUM; Corus; Alliance Atlantis; Astral; CanWest Global and Others)

Dr. Ruth Corbin, Vice-Chairman, Léger Marketing, and CEO, Decision Resources Inc.
Re: Exhibit SERVICES-10

Panel: Denise Cooper, Vice President, Business & Legal Affairs, CHUM Limited
Bryan Ellis, Executive Vice President, Corus TV and Ontario Regional Broadcast Group
Michel Arpin, Conseiller principal, Affaires réglementaires et gouvernementales, Groupe radiodiffusion Astral Inc.
Re: Exhibit SERVICES-6

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