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Reproduction d'oeuvres musicales par les stations de radio commerciales
Tarif 1 de la CMRRA et Tarif 3 de la SODRAC (2001 - 2005)

Canadian Musical Reproduction Rights Agency (CMRRA) and Société du droit de reproduction des auteurs, compositeurs et éditeurs au Canada (SODRAC)
CMRRA/SODRAC-1: Statement of Case/Énoncé de cause
[filed January 18, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-1.A: Supplementary Statement of Case
[filed April 16, 2002]
[filed January 18, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-2.A: Revised Tariff Proposal
[filed May 16, 2002]
[filed January 18, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-4: CMRRA Assignment Forms
[filed January 18, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-5: List of CMRRA Publishers Represented by CMRRA/SODRAC Tariff
[filed January 18, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-6: Formulaires de contrats d'adhésion à la SODRAC
[déposés le 18 janvier 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-7: Liste des ayants droit canadiens (auteurs et éditeurs) représentés par la SODRAC
[déposée le 18 janvier 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-8: Ententes de la SODRAC avec les sociétés étrangères
[déposées le 18 janvier 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-9: Confidentiel - Ententes de la SODRAC avec les radiodiffuseurs
[déposées le 18 janvier 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-10: Déclaration du témoin Claudette Fortier, Directrice générale de la SODRAC
[déposée le 18 janvier 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-10.A: Déclaration supplémentaire de Claudette Fortier
[déposée le 16 avril 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-11: Witness Statement of David Basskin, President of the CMRRA
[filed January 18, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-12: The Importance of Music in Marketing Commercial Radio to Listeners and to Advertisers, prepared by Nancy Smith, NextMedia, 15 January 2002
Appendix A: videocassette (various radio advertising)
[filed January 18, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-12.A: Addendum (C.V. of Nancy Smith) to NextMedia Report
[filed April 16, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-13: Importance de la musique à la radio en 2001 : un sondage auprès des Canadiens, préparé par Benoît Gauthier, Réseau Circum inc., 13 janvier 2002
Annexe A : questionnaire
Annexe B : tableaux détaillés
[déposé le 18 janvier 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-14: Les pratiques de reproduction de la musique dans les stations de radio, préparé par Marc Bégin, professeur, CEGEP de Jonquière, 14 janvier 2002
[déposé le 18 janvier 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-15: Marketing Material for Systems Currently Used by Radio Stations, January 2002
[filed January 18, 2002]
Transcripts of Prophet Systems Innovations video
[filed April 24, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-16: Étude de droit comparé sur des questions de radiodiffusion des ouvres musicales et de leur reproduction pour la radiodiffusion, préparée par Docteur Silke von Lewinski en collaboration avec Dorothee Thum
[déposé le 15 mars 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-16.A: Biographical sketch of Dr. Silke von Lewinski
[filed April 29, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-17: Confidential - The Canadian Commercial Radio Industry; Financial Performance and Impact of the Proposed CMRRA/SODRAC Tariff, prepared by Deloitte & Touche, 17 January 2002
Appendix A: Résumé of Aleksandar Ciric
Appendix B: Detailed Projection Assumption
Appendix C: TRAM Report for August 2001
[filed January 18, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-17.A: Supplementary Report to January 17, 2002 Deloitte & Touche Report, April 12, 2002
[filed April 16, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-17.B: Handout of PowerPoint presentation
[filed April 23, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-18: The Use of the Repertoire of CMRRA/SODRAC on Commercial Radio Stations, prepared by Paul Audley & Associates with CMRRA and SODRAC, January 2002
Appendix A: C.V. of Margaret McGuffin
Appendix B: CAB Agreement with CMRRA and SODRAC
Appendix C: Memo from Benoît Gauthier re: Methodology, Oct. 30, 2000
Appendix D: Detailed Findings, Repertoire Use Analysis (on CD-R)
[filed January 18, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-18.A: Addendum to report filed January 18, 2002 and to Appendix D: Database (on CD-R)
[filed April 16, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-19: Confidential - Summary of Interrogatory Responses Relied Upon, prepared by Paul Audley & Associates, January 2002
Appendix A: Memoranda from Benoît Gauthier, October 14, October 31 and November 21, 2000
Appendix B: Summaries of Selected Data from Responses to Interrogatories 24, 27, 33 to 37, 42 and 43
[filed January 18, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-20: Confidential - The Value of the Use of the CMRRA/SODRAC Repertoire by Commercial Radio Stations, prepared by Paul Audley & Associates, January 2002
Appendix A: C.V. of Paul Audley
Appendix B: Calculation of Average Use of Music on Commercial Radio Stations - Music Format Stations Only
Appendix C: CAB Responses to Interrogatories CMRRA/SODRAC 30, 31 and 32
Appendix D: Use of SODRAC Repertoire on TVA, TQS, TéléQuébec, TV5, MusiMax and MusiquePlus, 1996 to 2000
Appendix E: Foreign Radio-Television Licences: SODRAC Agreements with Foreign Collective Societies
[filed January 18, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-20.A: Supplementary Report, prepared by Paul Audley, Paul Audley & Associates Ltd., April 2002
[filed April 16, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-20.B: Report on the Value to Radio Stations of the Reproduction Rights for Musical Works, prepared by Professor Marcel Boyer, April 2002
[filed April 16, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-21: Confidential - Radio Music Use Survey - Aggregation of Financial Data and Marketing Plans, prepared by Deloitte & Touche, November 5, 2001
[filed January 18, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-22: Confidential - CAB Responses to Interrogatory CMRRA/SODRAC #24
[filed January 18, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-23: Confidential - CAB Responses to Interrogatory CMRRA/SODRAC #27
[filed January 18, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-24: Confidential - CAB Responses to Interrogatories CMRRA/SODRAC #33 and #34
[filed January 18, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-25: Confidential - CAB Responses to Interrogatory CMRRA/SODRAC #35
[filed January 18, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-26: Confidential - CAB Responses to Interrogatory CMRRA/SODRAC #36
[filed January 18, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-27: Confidential - CAB Responses to Interrogatory CMRRA/SODRAC #37
[filed January 18, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-28: Confidential - CAB Responses to Interrogatory CMRRA/SODRAC #38
[filed January 18, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-29: Confidential - CAB Responses to Interrogatory CMRRA/SODRAC #40
[filed January 18, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-30: Confidential - CAB Responses to Interrogatory CMRRA/SODRAC #41
[filed January 18, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-31: Confidential - CAB Responses to Interrogatory CMRRA/SODRAC #42
[filed January 18, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-32: Confidential - CAB Responses to Interrogatory CMRRA/SODRAC #43
[filed January 18, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-33: Confidential - CAB Responses to Interrogatory CMRRA/SODRAC #44
[filed January 18, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-34: Confidential - CAB Responses to Interrogatory CMRRA/SODRAC #45
[filed January 18, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-35: Confidential - CAB Responses to Interrogatory CMRRA/SODRAC #50
[filed January 18, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-36: Confidential - CAB Responses to Interrogatories CMRRA/SODRAC #51 and #52
[filed January 18, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-37: Confidential - Electronic version of Exhibits CMRRA/SODRAC-22 through 36 (CAB Responses to Interrogatories CMRRA/SODRAC #24, 27, 33 to 38, 40 to 45 and 50 to 52), excluding sample contracts filed with Exhibits 31 and 32
[filed January 18, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-38: Documents soumis en 1996 par L'Association Canadienne de la Radio et de la Télévision de Langue Française au sujet du projet de loi C-32
[déposés le 16 avril 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-39: Transcript of 1997 Proceedings of the Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications: CAB Testimony re: Bill C-32
[filed April 16, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-40: Transcription des débats du Comité permanent du patrimoine canadien (Chambre des communes) : témoignage de la SODRAC au sujet du projet de loi C-32
[déposé le 16 avril 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-41: Lettre envoyée aux stations de radio du Québec en 1994 au nom de la SODRAC
[déposée le 16 avril 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-42: Déclaration de décembre 1995 (modifiée le 28 mars 1996) réclamant le paiement des stations de radio du Québec à la SODRAC
[déposée le 16 avril 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-43: Copies of 1996 correspondence between Michel Arpin, on behalf of MusiquePlus, and the CRTC
[filed April 16, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-44: Conventions (5) entre la SODRAC et certains auteurs-compositeurs
[déposées le 24 avril 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-45: Expert report of Ralph Oman on U.S. copyright law governing the use of musical works by radio broadcasting companies
[filed April 29, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-46: Excerpt of Deloitte & Touche Report filed as Exhibit NRCC-29 in NRCC Tariff 1.A proceedings re: The Canadian Commercial Industry: Financial Performance and Impact of Neighbouring Rights
[filed April 29, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-47: Comparison of 1998 Projection by Peter Macaulay (Deloitte) and Actual Results for 2000
[filed April 29, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-48: CRTC Financial Database System - Financial Summary - Radio, Low-Use and Music Stations 2001
[filed April 29, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-49: Comparison of Macaulay and Deloitte Projections by Station Group for 2001 with Actual CRTC Data for 2001, Number of Stations, Revenue and EBITDA Margin
[filed April 29, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-50: Extract of Canadian Music Network - "Glenn O'Farrell: The New CAB Driver"
[filed May 1, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-51: Extract of 2001 Radio Marketing Guide
[filed May 1, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-52: Radio Industry Data, HSBC Securities (Canada) Ltd., 29 January 2002
[filed May 1, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-53: Extract of Rogers Communications Inc. 2001 Annual Report
[filed May 1, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-54: (1) Broadcasting Public Notice CRTC 2002-19; (2) Broadcasting Decision CRTC 2002-92
[filed May 1, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-55: Extract of RBC Capital Markets on the Canadian Broadcasting Industry Update
[filed May 1, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-56: Statement of Royalties to Be Collected by the CBRA for the Fixation and Reproduction of Works and Communications Signals by Media Monitors During 2003, 2004 and 2005
[filed May 1, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-57: Page from the CAB Web site
[filed May 1, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-58: Confidential - CMRRA/SODRAC Interrogatory #39 and CKKL-FM's Responses
[filed May 2, 2002]
[filed May 6, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-60: Outline of Oral Argument (with list of references to evidence and testimonies; document on the value of the reproduction right; list of authorities referred to)
[filed May 10, 14 and 15, 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-61: Confidentielle - Lettre du 15 décembre 2000 de l'Association des radiodiffuseurs communautaires du Québec à la SODRAC
[déposée le 14 mai 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-62: Confidentielle - Lettre du 18 décembre 2000 de l'Alliance des radios communautaires (ARC) du Canada à la SODRAC
[déposée le 14 mai 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-63: Confidentielle - Lettre du 20 décembre 2000 de la SODRAC à l'Association des radiodiffuseurs communautaires du Québec et à l'Alliance des radios communautaires (ARC) du Canada
[déposée le 14 mai 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-64: Confidentielle - Lettre du 9 janvier 2001 de l'Association des radiodiffuseurs communautaires du Québec et de l'Alliance des radios communautaires (ARC) du Canada à la SODRAC
[déposée le 14 mai 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-65: Liste des membres de l'Alliance des radios communautaires (ARC) du Canada - à jour en mars 2002
[déposée le 14 mai 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-66: Liste des membres de l'Association des radiodiffuseurs communautaires du Québec - mise à jour le 26 mars 2002
[déposée le 14 mai 2002]
CMRRA/SODRAC-67: E-mail dated May 15, 2002 from Colette Matteau to the Board in response to Mr. O'Neill's information filed as CAB-40 re: Total Operating Costs for Non-Commercial Radio Stations in Québec
[filed May 15, 2002]

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Canadian Association of Broadcasters (CAB)
CAB-1: Statement of Case
[filed March 22, 2002]
Revised version filed April 8, 2002
CAB-2: Witness Statement of Panel re: The Commercial Radio Context
[filed March 22, 2002]
CAB-3: Public Notice CRTC 1995-184, A Policy to Govern the Introduction of Digital Radio
[filed March 22, 2002]
CAB-4: Confidential - Draft Executive Summary - Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) Corridor Engineering Study, prepared by D.E.M. Allen & Associates Ltd. Consulting Engineers, March 18, 2002
[filed March 22, 2002]
CAB-5: Review of Selected CMRRA/SODRAC Evidence, prepared by Kaan Yigit, Solutions Research Group Consultants Inc., March 2002
Appendix A: Translation of the Circum Study (filed as Exhibit CMRRA/SODRAC-13)
[filed March 22, 2002]
CAB-6: Deloitte & Touche Music Use Survey Summary Report, prepared by Kaan Yigit, Solutions Research Group Consultants Inc., January 2002
[filed March 22, 2002]
CAB-7: Witness Statement of Panel re: Technology of Radio: The Practice of Transfer of Format Reproductions
[Revised version filed April 10, 2002]
CAB-8: Financial Study of the Proposed CMRRA/SODRAC Tariff, prepared by Peter Macaulay, P. Macaulay & Associates Inc., March 21, 2002
Appendices A to L
[filed March 22, 2002]
CAB-9: Witness Statement of Panel re: The Business of Commercial Radio Stations in Canada
[Revised version filed April 10, 2002]
CAB-10: Public Notice CRTC 1998-41, Commercial Radio Policy 1998
[filed March 22, 2002]
CAB-11: Witness Statement of Panel re: Radio and the Music Industry
[Revised version filed April 10, 2002]
CAB-12: The Oakes Research Report for the CAB Submission to the Copyright Tribunal on Neighbouring Rights, prepared by Oakes Research, May 1998
[filed March 22, 2002]
CAB-13: Witness Statement of Panel re: The Canadian Recording Industry
[Revised version filed April 10, 2002]
CAB-14: Opinion on Economic Issues in Copyright Board Hearing of CMRRA/SODRAC Tariff, prepared by Professor Frank Mathewson, University of Toronto Department of Economics and Institute for Policy Analysis, Charles River Associates Canada Ltd., April 1, 2002
[filed April 2, 2002]
CAB-15: Report on the Reproduction Right - International Context, prepared by Paul Kempton, Media Matrix Group
[filed April 26, 2002]
CAB-16: CAB Report re: Ephemeral and Transfer of Format Exceptions (Legislative History and Context), prepared by Howard Knopf, Macera & Jarzyna LLP, March 21, 2002
[filed March 22, 2002]
CAB-17: C.V. of Chris Gordon, Program Director, CKKL-FM Ottawa
[filed April 18, 2002]
CAB-18: C.V. of Duff Roman, Vice President, Industry Affairs & Digital Operations, CHUM Ltd.
[filed April 18, 2002]
CAB-19: C.V. of Wayne A. Stacey, President, Wayne Stacey & Associates Ltd.
[filed April 18, 2002]
CAB-20: C.V. of Michael Giunta, Music Director, Galaxie
[filed April 18, 2002]
CAB-21: C.V. de Michel Arpin, Conseiller principal, Affaires réglementaires et gouvernementales, Astral Média
[déposé le 18 avril 2002]
CAB-22: C.V. of Patrick A. Grierson, President, Canadian Broadcast Sales
[filed April 18, 2002]
CAB-23: C.V. of Rob Braide, Vice President and Genearl Manager, CJAD/CJFM-FM Montreal
[filed April 18, 2002]
CAB-24: C.V. of Laura H. Nixon, Vice President, Finance, Rogers Broadcasting Limited
[filed April 18, 2002]
CAB-25: C.V. of J.J. Johnston, General Manager & VP Programming, CORUS Radio Ontario
[filed April 19, 2002]
CAB-26: C.V. of Chuck McCoy, Vice-President, Toronto Operations, Rogers Broadcasting Limited
[filed April 19, 2002]
CAB-27: (1) Letter dated October 1, 2002 from David Basskin to Music Publishers re: The Broadcast Mechanical Tariff; (2) Transcripts of David Basskin's testimony before the Canadian Heritage Committee on Bill C-32, November 7, 1996
[filed April 22, 2002]
CAB-28: Déclaration amendée, SODRAC c. Télé-Métropole, datée du 9 juillet 1992
[déposée le 22 avril 2002]
CAB-29: Copyright Board's rulings during interrogatory process between the parties
[filed April 25, 2002]
CAB-30: CRTC Broadcasting Public Notices 2002-2 and 2001-39-3
[filed April 26, 2002]
CAB-31: PowerPoint Presentation of Wayne A. Stacey "How Radio Works - A brief technical description of the radio broadcasting process"
[filed April 26, 2002]
CAB-32: Slides on Scott Studios Trim, Label, Convert Program, MP2 Conversion
[filed April 26, 2002]
CAB-33: Program sheet, CJMJ FM Majic 100 7am-9am, April 22, 2002
[filed April 26, 2002]
CAB-34: Excerpt from Submission to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage re: Study on the State of the Canadian Broadcasting System, September 10, 2001
[filed May 1, 2002]
CAB-35: Gold Ribbon Finalists Lists 2001/Finalistes du ruban d'or 2001
[filed May 1, 2002]
CAB-36: Profile of Randy Stark, Director, Stark Ravings
[filed May 1, 2002]
CAB-37: Documents on Canadian Talent Development and CAB's involvement in it
[filed May 2, 2002]
CAB-38: CAB's proposal of graduated tariff rates
[filed May 7, 2002]
CAB-39: Outline of Oral Argument
[filed May 10, 2002]

List of References to Evidence
[filed May 23, 2002]
CAB-40: E-mail dated May 14, 2002 from J. Aidan O'Neill to the Board re: Total Operating Costs for Non-Commercial Radio Stations in Québec
[filed May 14, 2002]

haut de la page

Copyright Board/Commission du droit d'auteur
Board-1: Entente de la SODRAC avec l'Association des radios communautaires du Canada (ARCC) et l'Association des radiodiffuseurs communautaires du Québec (ARCQ) pour les années 2000, 2001 et 2002
[déposée le 22 avril 2002]
Board-2: CMRRA's Proposed Tariff for the Reproduction of Musical Works by Non-Commercial Radio Stations for 2003 to 2007
[filed April 25, 2002]

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