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Phase out of Record of Employment Laser Print (ROE Laser)

Who should read this information?
Why is ROE Laser being phased-out?
What are the alternatives to ROE Laser?
What will businesses have to do to prepare for the phase-out?
What if a business already has a large supply of ROE Laser serial numbers?
Will the ROE Laser software still work?
Will Service Canada stop accepting laser ROEs?
What is required to transition from ROE Laser to ROE Web?
What is required to transition from ROE Laser to paper-based ROEs?
Will employers still have access to the laser ROEs they have issued?
Will technical help continue to be available during the phase-out period?

Who should read this information?

Employers and payroll professionals who are registered for and continue to use the ROE Laser print software should read this information. Service Canada will be informing all registered users of the ROE Laser product about the phase-out of ROE Laser by mail.


Why is ROE Laser being phased-out?

The manufacturer of the equipment that is used to support the ROE Laser product has informed us that maintenance for the outdated server equipment will no longer be available. This equipment provides the functionality and security required to issue serial numbers for laser ROEs. The ROE Laser software distributed to employers is also not compatible with newer computer platforms.  For these reasons it is no longer feasible to continue with the product. Without the support of the manufacturer, Service Canada will no longer be able to issue new serial numbers to ROE Laser users after December 29th, 2006. To minimize the inconvenience to employers, the product will be phased-out gradually ending April 30th, 2008. Businesses will have to use either Record of Employment on the Web (ROE Web) or paper based ROEs once ROE Laser is phased-out.


What are the alternatives to ROE Laser?

Service Canada is encouraging employers to transition to ROE Web as soon as possible. The Record of Employment on the Web (ROE Web) is a comparable and improved Internet based application that allows employers to create, amend, submit, view and print ROEs. The ROE Web application is available in the 53 week format. The application has also been updated to include an Import feature which can be used to extract and import specified data into the employer’s payroll software as a reference to the ROEs issued. When a business uses ROE Web there is no need to order or store a supply of blank paper ROEs, mail the second copy to our Bathurst office or to store a paper copy of the ROEs that have been issued.

Employers and payroll professionals who are not converting to the ROE Web application can issue ROEs using the three-part paper Record of Employment.


What will businesses have to do to prepare for the phase-out?

Service Canada will be informing registered ROE Laser users by mail throughout October and November 2006:

  • to request a supply of serial numbers that will accommodate their needs for the phase-out period and,
  • to complete and return a Business Questionnaire.

ROE Laser users are being asked to consider their current stock of serial numbers and their needs up to the end of the transition period, April 30th, 2008. If the business enterprise is prepared to transition to ROE Web before that date, it is advised to adjust its supply order accordingly. ROE Laser users are instructed to call 1 800 385-5470 as soon as possible to order serial numbers, after December 29th, 2006 Service Canada will no longer be able to issue serial numbers for laser ROEs. Businesses that will not be registering to use ROE Web will have to convert to the paper-based ROE once the supply of serial numbers is exhausted. ROE Laser users will also be asked to complete and return a Business Questionnaire within five (5) business days. The information provided on the Business Questionnaire will help us to tailor the assistance we provide to businesses during the transition period.


What if a business already has a large supply of ROE Laser serial numbers?

Businesses will not need to order additional serial numbers for laser ROEs if it is estimated that their current supply will last through the transition period ending April 30, 2008. However, businesses do not need to exhaust their supply of serial numbers before registering to use ROE Web. Service Canada is encouraging businesses to transition to ROE Web as soon as they can. Businesses that will not be registering to use ROE Web will have to convert to the paper-based ROE when the supply of serial numbers has been exhausted.


Will the ROE Laser software still work?

The ROE Laser software that has been loaded onto a user’s computer will still function. However, the ROE Laser software may no longer function if the user makes changes to the browser or if the computer is upgraded. 


Will Service Canada stop accepting laser ROEs?

Although ROE Laser will be phased-out during the transition period ending April 30, 2008, Service Canada will continue to accept laser ROEs submitted by workers for Employment Insurance benefit purposes.


What is required to transition from ROE Laser to ROE Web?

ROE Laser users are being advised to complete and return the Business Questionnaire to help us tailor the assistance required.   Businesses that contract a Payroll Service Provider or payroll professional (accountant or bookkeeper) to issue their Records of Employment should contact them about using ROE Web. Businesses using their own payroll system to issue ROEs will be contacted by a Service Canada representative to assist them.  Businesses using commercial “off-the-shelf” software will be contacted after we have determined from the software vendor if they will be including the ROE Web interface in their product.


What is required to transition from ROE Laser to paper-based ROEs?

Businesses that will not be registering to use ROE Web will need to convert to the paper-based ROE when their supply of serial numbers for Laser ROEs has been exhausted. These businesses will need to order a supply of paper ROEs about 4 to 6 weeks before exhausting the serial numbers assigned for ROE Laser. The paper form consists of three parts; part one is given to the employee, part two is to be mailed to:

Record of Employment 
P.O. Box 9000,
Bathurst, NB E2A 4T3   

Part 3 is to be retained with the payroll records for 6 years.


Will employers still have access to the laser ROEs they have issued?

Employers will still have access to an electronic version of the laser ROEs they have issued as long as the ROE Laser software remains loaded on the users computer. However, upgrades to computer platforms may not be compatible with the software. If the ROE Laser software is to be removed, employers will need to print and store a copy of all Laser ROEs issued within the previous 6 years.


Will technical help continue to be available during the phase-out period?

Employers can call the Business Service Centre Help Desk at 1 800 385-5470, weekdays between 8:00 am and 8:30 pm Atlantic time for technical assistance.  This assistance will be available during the phase-out period.

Last modified :  2006-10-23 Important Notices