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RPP 2005-2006
Canada Firearms Centre

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Section 2 – Analysis of Centre Activities by Strategic Outcome

2.1 Centre Activity: Maximize public safety benefits of the Firearms Act

Under CAFC's approved PAA, the Centre has a single Strategic Outcome ~ "The risks to public safety from firearms in Canada and international communities are minimized". CAFC has two Centre 1 Activities: "Maximize public safety benefits of the Firearms Act " and "Effective management of the Centre". For the purpose of planning and reporting, and for consistency with Part II of Main Estimates, resources associated with the second Activity are incorporated with that of the first Activity.

As set forward in Section 1 of this RPP, Priorities 1, 2 and 3 relate to administering the Firearms Act , and Priorities 4 and 5 relate to the management of the Centre. Section 2.1 describes the activities specifically planned in support of the three first priorities as well as the ongoing activities relating to the Firearms Program. Activities planned in support of management priorities are outlined in Section 4 of this report, as they consist of "corporate services", and thus are not highlighted as a separate activity in the Main Estimates.

The information provided in the chart below is consistent with the Main Estimates and represents the total budget for the CAFC, including work undertaken to support the single Centre Activity as well as to manage the Centre.

Resources 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008
Financial Resources $82.3 M $82.3 M $82.3 M
Full Time Equivalents 345 345 345

The table below presents the CAFC plan for the next three years, by Centre Sub-Activity. The plan covers both ongoing and priority-specific activities, although for ease of presentation, all activities are included under one of the three priorities. The activities are measurable, with time-bounded indicators of success identified in italics .

Planned Activities for 2005-2006 to 2007-2008 by Priority for the Centre Activity

PAA Sub-Activity: Licensing
Description (as per PAA) Licensing of individuals to possess and acquire firearms, continuous eligibility screening, analysis and advice in support of CAFC, Chief Firearms Officers (CFOs), and federal agency operations, liaison with the RCMP National Police Services (NPS);Licensing of businesses, support to CFOs and Central Processing Site, client service and response nationally and provide safety training courses and material.
Expected Result from Sub-Activities Persons deemed to be a risk to society are prevented from owning firearms through CFOs refusing to issue a licence or revoking an existing licence.
Planned and Measurable Activities for the Next 3 Years, by CAFC Priority
Priority 1
Begin implementation of amendments to the Firearms Act and regulations
Priority 2
Continue to improve program delivery and client service
Priority 3
Leverage and expand new and existing partnerships to enhance compliance to the Firearms Act
Implement licence amendments in accordance with C-10A by Spring 2005. Establish a plan by Spring 2005 to process licence renewals and set service levels by Winter 2006.Establish a plan to implement system enhancements in 2005-2006. Continue to enhance and implement CAFC's service delivery model with provincial partners and federal colleagues, by Fall 2005.
PAA Sub-Activity: Registration
Description (as per PAA) Processing of firearms registration and transfer applications, including registration of imports; Liaison and support to public agencies, support to law enforcement, liaison with RCMP NPS;Client service and response nationally.
Expected Result from Sub-Activities Firearm ownership is lawful and responsible, and police and law enforcement activities are supported by registering and de-registering firearms, and revoking registration certificates.
Planned and Measurable Activities for the Next 3 Years, by CAFC Priority
Priority 1
Begin implementation of amendments to the Firearms Act and regulations
Priority 2
Continue to improve program delivery and client service
Priority 3
Leverage and expand new and existing partnerships to enhance compliance to the Firearms Act
Develop and implement, by Summer 2006, a plan to enable public agencies to prepare for the introduction of the amendments to the Public Agents Firearms Regulations. Develop and implement a strategy for enhancement of firearms verification program by Fall 2005.Develop and implement a quality assurance strategy for Registration data by Winter 2006. Partner with the Verifier's Network to examine impediments and to facilitate the firearms registration by individuals by Fall 2005.


PAA Sub-Activity: Justice System Support
Description (as per PAA) Delivery of Canadian Firearms Registry On-line (CFRO) to support policing and crime prevention efforts; Production of affidavits on licensing and registration information to support court proceedings.
Expected Result from Sub-Activities Useful information for policing and law enforcement is provided, leading to more effective prosecution, law enforcement investigations, crime and injury prevention, and community interventions by the police and other public safety officials.
Planned and Measurable Activities for the Next 3 Years, by CAFC Priority
Priority 1
Begin implementation of amendments to the Firearms Act and regulations
Priority 2
Continue to improve program delivery and client service
Priority 3
Leverage and expand new and existing partnerships to enhance compliance to the Firearms Act
Implement amendments to the Firearms Act and regulations relating to Public Agencies by Summer 2006, Import and export by Winter 2007. Develop and implement a strategy for enhancing the use of the Canadian Firearms Registry On-line information by police by Winter 2006 Initiate outreach activities to police community and provincial officials by Fall 2005.


PAA Sub-Activity: Border Control
Description (as per PAA) Monitoring of firearms imported into and exported from Canada through partnership arrangements with Canada Border Services Agency, International Trade Canada and others.
Expected Result from Sub-Activities Controlled movement of firearms in and out of Canada.
Planned and Measurable Activities for the Next 3 Years, by CAFC Priority
Priority 1
Begin implementation of amendments to the Firearms Act and regulations
Priority 2
Continue to improve program delivery and client service
Priority 3
Leverage and expand new and existing partnerships to enhance compliance to the Firearms Act
Develop and implement, by Winter 2007, a plan to enable border control partners to prepare for introduction of Import and Export regulations. In cooperation with border control partners, develop and implement a quality assurance strategy for the Import and Export data during 2005-2006. Work with Canada Border Services Agency, RCMP/NPS and International Trade Canada to examine and enhance the mechanisms in place to support the Firearms Program during 2005-2006.


PAA Sub-Activity: International Initiatives
Description (as per PAA) Leading or participation in bilateral (e. g. Canada / U.S.), and international (e.g. United Nations, Organization of American States) initiatives and reviews related to illegal trafficking in firearms.
Expected Result from Sub-Activities

Relationships and coordination with US counterparts are enhanced;Participation in PSEPC shared portfolio initiatives;Contribution to reduced illegal firearms trafficking;Making a positive contribution to Canada's role in the international community.

Planned and Measurable Activities for the Next 3 Years, by CAFC Priority
Priority 1
Begin implementation of amendments to the Firearms Act and regulations
Priority 2
Continue to improve program delivery and client service
Priority 3
Leverage and expand new and existing partnerships to enhance compliance to the Firearms Act
    Establish partnerships with key organizations to develop new focus on continued compliance, and public safety and assist in conveying the message to program clients and stakeholders (measured by: a forward looking outreach strategy developed by - fall/winter 2005; and the number and relevance of the partnerships created).

Continue to work through the Firearms Trafficking Consultative Group within the Canada-US Cross-Border Crime Forum and contribute to setting joint priorities in combating cross-border, trans-national organized crime (measured by: the degree to which Canada's international agreements reflect domestic capacity to implement those commitments).

Participate in multilateral organizations to reinforce Canada's commitment to controlling illicit firearms trafficking (measured by: degree of compliance of Canadian arrangements with international commitments).


PAA Sub-Activity: Public/Stakeholder Outreach
Description (as per PAA)

Production and dissemination of materials to support program compliance, and CAFC/Firearms Program participation in stakeholder/partner events.

Building or expansion of partnerships and communications with stakeholders and communities.

Demonstration projects via contributions to support program delivery, including with Aboriginal communities and organizations and other voluntary community or professional groups.

Expected Result from Sub-Activities

Increased awareness and acceptance of program requirements;

Support to crime and injury prevention;

Assurance of a long-term foundation/network to achieve Firearms Program objectives.

Planned and Measurable Activities for the Next 3 Years, by CAFC Priority
Priority 1
Begin implementation of amendments to the Firearms Act and regulations
Priority 2
Continue to improve program delivery and client service
Priority 3
Leverage and expand new and existing partnerships to enhance compliance to the Firearms Act
Prepare public education communications strategy and products to inform clients of legislative and regulatory amendments (measured through periodic monitoring within CAFC and with portfolio partners to determine the extent to which communications deliverables align with CAFC and portfolio program priorities).

Target web updates to coincide with coming into force of amended regulations (measured by: timeliness of updates in line with coming into force of amendments).

Continue portfolio and interdepartmental communications coordination to increase opportunities to deliver public safety benefit messages (measured through periodic monitoring within CAFC and with portfolio partners to determine the extent to which communications deliverables align with portfolio program priorities).

Develop and implement a targeted approach to public outreach to support CAFC and its operations in reaching out to inform clients and stakeholders (measured by: an outreach strategy developed by March 2006)

Develop or expand partnerships and undertake outreach activities to increase awareness of the Program and to support compliance as well as community-level interventions when needed (measured by: range and extent of partnerships supporting the Program; range of use of contribution funding to support partner/stakeholder initiated projects; other firearms safety initiatives that stakeholders/partners might engage in.)

1 Reference is made to "Centre" Activity as opposed to "Program" Activity to differentiate the Activities of the Centre as an agency from those of the overall Firearms Program, which involve several federal departments.

2.2 Resource Breakdown by Sub-Activity for 2005-2006 to 2007-2008 for the Centre Activity

  Financial Resources* Human Resources*
Sub-Activities 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008
Licensing 61.5 61.5 61.5 250 250 250
Registration 15.7 15.7 15.7 86 86 86
Justice System Support** 0.8 0.8 0.8 - - -
Border Control 1.7 1.7 1.7 2 2 2
International Initiatives 0.1 0.1 0.1 1 1 1
Public/Stakeholder Outreach 2.5 2.5 2.5 6 6 6
Total $82.3 M $82.3 M $82.3 M 345 345 345

* Financial Resources and Human Resources attributable to Corporate Services have been allocated within the Centre's sub-activities.

** Human Resources attributable to Justice System Support sub-activity are accounted within the Department of Justice's HR strength.

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