Government of Alberta News Release

Edmonton, April 25, 2001

Government proclaims Health Information Act

Strict and clear rules for the protection of personal health information became law today as the Health Information Act was proclaimed.
Building on the way the health system currently operates, the Act sets rules around the collection, use, access and disclosure of personal health information. Personal privacy is now better protected. Health data will only be used to improve patient care and the management of the health system.

"The Health Information Act protects the personal health information of all Albertans. Patients will be given access to their information upon request but will have to sign a consent before it can be released," explained Health and Wellness Minister Gary Mar. "Prior to this Act, there were no comprehensive rules in legislation that protected this important information."

The Act also clarifies that Albertans have the right to review their personal health information and ask for copies of that information, request explanations or have corrections made.

The Information and Privacy Commissioner has created an implementation grace period to allow the health system six months to be ready to comply with the Act.

Over the last four years, there has been an extensive consultation with doctors, nurses, health authorities, pharmacists, Albertans and other stakeholders to develop the Act itself and the regulations, practices and guidelines for implementing it.

Acknowledging that in some areas key stakeholders still have concerns, Mar said, "We are working closely with police services, physicians and the other stakeholders to implement and monitor the impact of this new legislation."

"If needed I will be prepared to make changes based on experience with the Act," Mar concluded.

The Honourable Gary Mar will hold a media availability today at 1:00 p.m. outside his legislative office (Room 323).

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For more information, contact:

Michael Shields - Alberta Health and Wellness - (780) 427-7164

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