Department of Justice
  Access and Privacy
  Access and Privacy
  How to Make a Request
  for Information
  How to Request a
  Correction of Personal
  How to Request a Review

Access and Privacy Information

In 1996, the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories passed the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The Act shows the government’s commitment to open, accessible and accountable government.

The Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act gives individuals a legal right to request access to information held by Northwest Territories public bodies. Information may only be withheld if it falls under one of the limited and specific exceptions set out in the Act.

The Act also provides for the correction and protection of personal information collected used and disclosed by public bodies. It gives the individual to whom the information relates to, the right to access and correct this information. It also sets the conditions for when a public body may collect, use and disclose personal information.

The Act complements other ways of obtaining government information. It is intended to be used as a last resort and does not limit or replace existing procedures for accessing government information or records.

Access and Privacy Directory 
How to Make a Request for Information
How to Request a Correction of Personal Information
How to Request a Review

The Records and Access Co-ordinator is part of the Policy and Planning Division and is available to help with questions about access to information and protection of privacy.

For more information, please contact:

Records and Access Co-ordinator
Policy and Planning Division
Department of Justice
Government of the Northwest Territories
PO Box 1320
Yellowknife NT X1A 2L9
(867) 920-6418

Please contact the Access and Privacy Coordinators/Contacts for information in other Public Bodies/Government Departments.

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