
Minister to promote New Brunswick seafood in Asia (06/10/27)

NB 1322

Oct. 27, 2006

FREDERICTON (CNB) - Fisheries Minister Rick Doucet is leading a group of New Brunswick seafood processors to China and Japan to promote seafood products in that part of the world.

"The government is committed to working with industry in developing new markets and expand existing ones," Doucet said. "We are only scratching the surface in China and Japan, and we want to ensure we have a stronger trade foothold in both these countries."

A little more than seven per cent of New Brunswick's total seafood exports was shipped to Japan in 2005. Even though China represents only one per cent of New Brunswick seafood exports, it is a growing market that already is a larger trading partner for New Brunswick seafood than any individual European country.

"These countries hold a lot of potential for expanding our snow crab and herring roe markets, and for marketing species that are abundant here but not necessarily popular with North American consumers," Doucet said.

Nine New Brunswick companies will participate in Asia's largest seafood show, the China Fisheries and Seafood Expo, in Qingdao, Nov. 1-3. The group will hold various meetings and plant visits, while establishing the business contacts that the province needs to grow its business in China.

"We will hold discussions with various companies and individuals with a view to increasing trade activities with China as well as providing a better understanding of New Brunswick's competitive position in the global seafood industry," the minister said.

Doucet will then lead five snow crab and herring roe producers to Japan for discussions with Japanese importers of New Brunswick seafood. Among a series of meetings, he will sit down with Canada's Ambassador to Japan to discuss trade between New Brunswick and that country.

"Japan is New Brunswick's second most important trade partner for seafood, purchasing $62 million worth of seafood products in 2005," Doucet said. "This mission will prove extremely valuable to better understand the changing dynamics of the snow crab and herring roe markets, and to seek new opportunities in this large market of seafood consumers."

New Brunswick is the fourth largest exporter of fish and seafood products in Canada, with exports valued at $834 million in 2005.

The snow crab and herring roe processors taking part in the Asian mission are: McGraw Seafood, Tracadie-Sheila; Pêcheries G.E.M., Saint-Simon, Edmond Gagnon Ltd., Grand Barachois , Pêcheries St-Paul, Caraquet; and LA Trading Co., Caraquet. The following companies will participate at the China Fisheries and Seafood Expo: Cape Bald Packers, Cap-Pelé; Ocean Pier., Scoudouc; Moncton Fish Market , Moncton; and Alliance Seafood, Dieppe.


EDITOR'S NOTE: Attached is the itinerary for New Brunswick's seafood mission to Asia. MEDIA CONTACT: Alain Bryar, Communications, Department of Fisheries, 506- 444-4218.

Itinerary - New Brunswick's seafood mission to Asia

Monday, Oct. 30

-6 p.m.: Arrival in Qingdao

Tuesday, Oct. 31

-11 a.m.: Meeting with Chinese seafood restaurant chain in Qingdao interested in featuring New Brunswick seafood
-4:30 pm: Meeting with Chinese Trade Commissioners for Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Taiwan

Wednesday, Nov. 1

-Day: China Fisheries and Seafood Expo, Asia's largest seafood show
-Evening: Canadian reception hosted by the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency. A total of 200 potential Chinese seafood buyers to attend

Thursday, Nov. 2

-9 a.m.: Visit of Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute
-1 p.m.: Tour Chang International Reprocessing Facility

Friday, Nov. 3

-Visit of Shandong Oriental Ocean Sci-Tech Company. Products: crab and mackerel

Saturday, Nov. 4

-Morning: Visit of Yantai Lixing Foodstuff Co. Ltd. Product: Snow crab
-Afternoon: Visit of second plant producing specialty salmon products for European markets

Sunday, Nov. 5

-Morning: Travel to Dalian
-2 p.m.: Visit of Dalian Benli Foods Co. Ltd. Products: herring roe

Monday, Nov. 6

-Plant visit in Dalian of lobster and crab production

Tuesday, Nov. 7

-Travel to Sapporo, Japan.

Wednesday, Nov. 8

-9:30 a.m.: Visit of Ihara & Co. Products: Pacific herring roe
-1 p.m.: Visit of Honma Suisan. Products: herring roe

Thursday, Nov. 9

-Travel to Tokyo
-12:30 pm: Lunch with Ambassador Caron at ambassador's residence to discuss trade relations between New Brunswick and Japan, and to develop opportunities.

Friday, Nov. 10

-Early morning visit of Tsukiji Market.
-11 a.m.: Roundtable discussion at Canadian Embassy with Japanese importers.
-Afternoon: One-on-one meetings between New Brunswick companies and Japanese importers.


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