Office of the Premier

Op-ed / Premier Shawn Graham (06/10/16)

NB 1267

Oct. 16, 2006

EDITOR'S NOTE: The following op-ed article was issued today by Premier Shawn Graham. MEDIA CONTACT: Communications, Office of the Premier, 506-453-2144.

FREDERICTON (CNB) - It has been two weeks since I took office as New Brunswick's 31st premier. These have been two weeks like no other in my life. When I took my oath of office on Oct. 3, I said that I wanted to be sure that from day one we will govern boldly and fairly and wisely. The Charter for Change sets an ambitious agenda, and I knew that we had to get off to the strongest start possible. And I believe that the past two weeks have put us on a very clear course for our mandate.

The first matter of business for any new premier is selecting a cabinet, and it is an experience that is both exciting and challenging. I had 28 excellent candidates to choose from. In the end, I am very confident in the cabinet I've assembled and I believe they will represent the interests of our province very well.

On election night, I made a very clear pledge to the people of New Brunswick that our government would keep several commitments on the very first day of our mandate. Within minutes of the swearing-in ceremony, cabinet met for the first time and I am pleased to report that we kept every single one of those Day One commitments.

As part of our new cabinet we established a Department of Fisheries and a Department of Agriculture and Aquaculture, a Minister Responsible for Housing and a Minister Responsible for Seniors.

At midnight on Day One, the provincial tax on gasoline dropped 3.8 cents per litre. Once the HST was factored into the tax cut the drop was actually 4.3 cents per litre.

Within 24 hours of being sworn into office, I had the opportunity to travel to Saint John for a fundraiser for the Atlantic Coastal Action Program. While there, I presented Saint John Mayor Norm MacFarlane with a Memorandum of Understanding confirming our government's commitment to clean up the Saint John Harbour.

During that first cabinet meeting, we also agreed to the removal of seniors' homes, assets and life savings from the calculation of nursing home fees.

As well, we implemented a policy change that would remove the parental and spousal contribution requirements for student loans. Our government also established a program of $2,000 grants for first-year university students. Our Minister of Post-Secondary Education and Training is now in discussions with our universities and we hope to get these grants out to students early in the New Year.

Our government has set an ambitious agenda. The Charter for Change wasn't developed by one person and it won't be implemented by one person. It will take all of us pulling together.

That's why on Thursday, I was pleased to meet with more than 300 senior public servants from across the province and across all four parts of the public service. These men and women and the more than 45,000 employees they represent are the engine that drives government. New Brunswick has one of the best, if not the best, public services in the country and I have great faith in their ability to help us achieve our goals.

I must particularly acknowledge the work of the public service during the transition period. We had very aggressive goals for that first day and a very short time to achieve them. The cooperation and guidance provided by our public servants fills me with optimism for the work we are about to embark on together.

Of course, one of the great joys of my job is the opportunity to get out and meet New Brunswickers. Since taking office, I have met with business leaders in Saint John, with seniors in Fredericton and with students in Moncton. I look forward to traveling throughout out the province to speak with and listen to as many New Brunswickers as possible. I want to build the best province possible and that will take each and every one of us working together.

I believe you have to start a job the way you intend to proceed. Ours will be a government built on hope and hard work. We worked tirelessly to earn the trust of New Brunswickers, and now we will work twice as hard to keep it. We have four years to transform this province and I don't want to waste a moment. The first two weeks have been incredible, and I look forward to the next 200.


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