Government of New Brunswick

Natural Resources



Application Packages


Application Packages are used to apply to use Crown lands. The packages include general information, basic elegibility, application form and guide.

If you intend to apply to use Crown lands located along the shore of inland or coastal waters, you must also include with the Application Form the Coastal Land Use Application Form.

You must complete the application form, include all the required attachments and mail your application to:

Department of Natural Resources
Crown Lands Branch
Land Use Application Service Center
P.O. Box 6000

Information: 1-888-312-5600 or

Note: Documents in the Adobe format (PDF) require the Adobe Reader, which can be downloaded from the Adobe Homepage ( ). PDF format

See Fact Sheets

Acquiring Crown land document PDF

Crown land Leases PDF document

Easement - right of way PDF document

Crown Reserved Road PDF document

Crown Waterfront Reserve PDF document


See Fact Sheets

Land Exchange PDF document

Licence of Occupation PDF document

Campsite Lease PDF document

Shooting Range Lease PDF document

Protected Natural Areas (PNA) PDF document

Wind Exploration PDF document

Department of Natural Resources
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Last Modified: 10/27/2006