Supervisor of Political Financing Français

Office of the

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Political Process Financing Act (PDF)


Office of the Supervisor of Political Financing

The Office of the Supervisor of Political Financing under the Political Process Financing Act administers the Act and monitors compliance with its provisions.

The Act requires each registered political party to file a semi-annual financial return disclosing the sources of contributions, other sources of funds and details as to how those funds were used.

Each registered district association is required to file a similar return, on an annual basis. All these returns are reviewed by this Office.

The Act also places limits on how much may be spent to contest an election. The Chief Agent of each party must file an election period return showing how much has been spent. Similarly, the official agent of each candidate is required to file an election period return.

All financial returns are available for public examination at the Office of the Supervisor of Political Financing.

Office of the Supervisor of Political Financing
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