Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick
Current Session
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Current Session

First Session, 56th Legislature

  • Speech from the Throne
    Document HTML
    Highlights HTML

  • Opposition Reply to the Speech from the Throne

  • Capital Estimates
    (Minister of Finance)

  • Budget Documents
    (Minister of Finance)

  • Reply to Budget Speech

  • Journals of the Legislative Assembly
    (Minutes of daily sittings, including disclaimer)

  • First Reading Bills
    (Text of bills, including disclaimer)

  • Status of Legislation

  • Order and Notice Paper
    Orders of the Day

Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick
P.O. Box 6000 (706 Queen Street)
Fredericton, N.B. CANADA E3B 5H1
tel.: (506) 453-2506 fax: (506) 453-7154
e-mail: wwwleg@gnb.ca