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First Nations and Métis Relations

Do you need information about registering as a Status Indian?
Do you need information about membership in the Métis Nation?

2006-07 Performance Plan for First Nations and Métis Relations

Government of Saskatchewan Guidelines for Consultation with First Nations and Métis People
Saskatchewan First Nations and Métis Economic Development Program

The Department of First Nations and Métis Relations provides the Government of Saskatchewan with a more focused approach to its work involving First Nations and Métis people. The department works to coordinate existing programs in other departments and provide greater overall direction to the government's approach to issues concerning First Nations and Métis people. We ensure that the Province's commitments, with respect to lands and resources, are fulfilled. Of particular importance is the work we do with First Nations and Métis people on issues of education and participation in the economy. We do our work in partnership with First Nations and Métis people.

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