BDC Is your baby keeping you awake at night? It should be. It's time to think about a transition program. BDC can help you. 
Aboriginal entrepreneur
Growth capital for Aboriginal business
Starting a business
Consulting Services
Strategic alliances

Aboriginal entrepreneur

With more than 20,000 Aboriginals running their own businesses, Aboriginal communities show higher rates of new business creation and self-employment growth than the Canadian average. With this increased activity comes the need for a greater variety of consulting and financial services. BDC's Aboriginal Banking Unit consists of Aboriginal people well aware of the specific needs of Aboriginal entrepreneurs, and offers customized, long-term, and flexible solutions. Aboriginal Art

BDC growth capital for Aboriginal business
Financing tailored to Aboriginal businesses, on or off reserve land. Finance your fixed assets (land, buildings, equipment), startup costs (up to $25,000), or intangibles such as R&D and market development costs.

Financial solutions
Other diverse financial products are available to help you grow your business.

Starting a business
Join the ranks of other highly successful Aboriginal entrepreneurs. BDC offers both financing and consulting services to help your business start on right foot.

Consulting Services
BDC's specialized business advisors offer support and solutions for Aboriginal entrepreneurs looking to increase their company's growth.

"I count on BDC for solid advice, and I am confident they will be there to help me with all my business needs. Our account manager takes an interest in our business and has encouraged our development."

Stu Mckay, owner of Stu Mckay Outfitters Ltd., a Manitoba fishing camp and guide service located on the Red River

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contact us
Business Development Bank of Canada
155 Carlton Street
Suite 220
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 3H8
Phone: (204) 983-3594
Fax: (204) 983-8522 
Contact Wendy MacNair by e-mail
Useful Links
  Aboriginal Business Canada
  Aboriginal Business Service Network
  Aboriginal Canada Portal
  CESO Aboriginal Banking
  Mentoring Pilot Project

Aboriginal newsletter

Spring 2006 SOAR Magazine


Autumn 2006 Aboriginal Banking Newsletter

  Previous issues
Business Tools
  BDC Business plan
  Entrepreneurial self-assessment
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