Government InfoPEI Business Employment Visiting the Island



Analyze the Business's Potential

How do I analyze the business's potential?

Start-Up Checklist & Small Business Guide

 Analyze the Business's Potential

Before You Begin: A Step-by-Step Analysis

Nature of Product or Service

  • Define exactly what business you are in.
  • What does your product or service do for your customers?
  • What doesn't it do?
  • What distinguishes your product from others?
  • What should it do later, but doesn't now?
  • Should product parts be manufactured or purchased?


  • What do you buy? What do you sell?
  • Is there evidence of a need for the product or service?
  • What comprises the market (age, income, geographical area, sex, occupation, etc.)?
  • What are target consumers' buying habits?


  • How will the product or service reach its market?
  • How will the product or raw materials reach you?
  • Who are your suppliers?
  • What trade and credit terms?
  • How long does it take to receive orders?


  • Who and where are they?
  • How does your product or service measure up (higher quality, lower cost)?
  • What sets you apart from the competition?

Expense of Start-Up

  • How much is the down payment on purchase or deposit on lease?
  • Necessary fixtures or remodeling cost?
  • Cost of purchase or lease of equipment?
  • Cost of initial inventory?
  • Utility deposits and installation fees?
  • Operating supplies cost?
  • Cost of taxes, permits, and licenses?
  • Cost of professional services (attorney, accountant, etc.)?
  • Advertising and promotion costs for opening?
  • Start-up employee salaries?

Projecting Sales and Expenses

  • Do you know how to determine what price you will charge?
  • What is your monthly sales volume?
  • What is expected rate of increasing sales?
  • What is cost of sales (merchandise, freight, labor, etc.)?
  • What are monthly fixed costs (rent, utilities, insurance, etc.)?
  • What are monthly variable costs?
  • What are monthly net profits?
  • How will you pay yourself before your business starts to make a profit?
  • What information is the basis for your projections?
  • Are they realistic?
  • How will you handle cash flow problems if sales don't cover expenses?

Legal Types of Businesses

  • Proprietorship, partnership, corporation or a hybrid form?
  • How much money do you need and where will it come from?
  • How is the initial money to be used?
  • What skills can you provide, and what other skills are needed?
  • How much control will you have over the business?
  • How will the business be taxed?
  • To what extent will you be personally responsible for debts or claims against the business?
  • What will happen to the business you are incapacitated?


  • Do you need to hire someone help you?
  • Do you know how to find someone (employment service? ads? schools?)?
  • What duties and responsibilities will they have?
  • What skills, experience, characteristics should they have?
  • Do your wages meet the local rate for similar work, and will they competent employees?
  • What training will you need to do?
  • Do you have a training plan and written procedures?
  • What rules do you need, and do you have written copy for each employee?
  • Are you familiar with the federal and state regulations on minimum wages, overtime, child labor or other employment conditions?
  • Have you met all the requirements for payroll taxes, workers' compensation, unemployment compensation?
  • Are you aware of employee relations laws?
  • Do you have all employer posters required for display (minimum wage equal opportunity, etc.)?


  • Federal and state income taxes?
  • What is the investment tax credit?
  • How and when do you file?
  • What employment taxes are involved?
  • What about unemployment taxes?
  • What about excise taxes, sales and use taxes, property taxes and inventory taxes?
  • What about impact fees?


  • What federal regulations apply?
  • Corporation filing requirements?
  • State, county and city licenses?
  • What zoning laws, building codes and health, fire and police standards apply?
  • What are the norms of the community?


  • What net income per year do you expect to get from your business? Can you live on this?
  • How much can you put back in the business to help it grow?
  • Do you need additional capital? For what? When? From whom?
  • How and to whom do you apply for a business loan?
  • What about government loans?
  • How will you handle cash flow problems if sales don't cover expenses, or accounts receivable are late?
  • Do you have a system designed to set aside funds for meeting tax payments (sales, income, unemployment compensation or other required tax remittances)?

Site Locations

  • Does your product or service require specific location needs?
  • Does proximity to suppliers or customers play an important role?
  • What about transportation, labor supply, utility costs, state and local taxes and regulations?
  • Do traffic count, parking facilities, and other business establishments play an important part in location?
  • Will zoning requirements permit you to base your business in your home?

Leasing Arrangements

  • Should you lease or buy your facilities?
  • How is rent determined (flat rate, percent of sales)?
  • Is rent high or low in relation to the area and facilities being rented?
  • Who owns improvements that the tenant makes?
  • How much insurance does the landlord hold, and does the landlord require the tenant to have certain coverage?
  • What are the lease renewal provisions?
  • Does the tenant have the right to sublet?
  • Are there any options for expansion?
  • Are there required operating hours?
  • Can you negotiate terms of lease?
  • Is it zoned for your type of business?

Insurance Coverage

  • What kind of property insurance is needed (fire, extended coverage, burglary, robbery, business interruptions)?
  • What kind of casualty insurance (liability, automobile)?
  • What about life insurance (sole proprietorship, partnership or corporation, key man, workers' compensation)?
  • Do you need fidelity or surety bonding?
  • Do you need fringe benefit insurance for your employees?

Record Keeping

  • What records do you need (payroll, taxes, sales, inventory)?
  • What financial statements do you need and at what intervals? Do you know how to use these statements?
  • What kind of record-keeping system will you use?
  • What services do you need from an accountant? How do you select one?


  • How will you provide visibility for your products, services, and business?
  • What image do you want for your business?
  • How will you identify your business site?
  • Who is your market, and what medium or media will reach the market?
  • How often do you advertise, and how much shall be spent?
  • What message should reach your potential customers?
  • What advantages would a web site offer your business or product?



94 Euston Street

Sweetapple, Rupert (Business Development Officer, Queens) Province of PEI

Canada/PEI Business Service Centre


Access PEI Montague

Llewellyn, Preston (Business Development Officer, Kings) Province of PEI


Access PEI O'Leary

Reaman, Steve (Business Development Officer, Prince) Province of PEI


Access PEI Souris - Johnny Ross Young Services Centre

Llewellyn, Preston (Business Development Officer, Kings) Province of PEI


Access PEI Summerside

Reaman, Steve (Business Development Officer, Prince) Province of PEI


Access PEI Wellington

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