Department of Government Services Government of Newfoundland and Labrador

Description: Adobe® Acrobat® Reader software is a utility for viewing Adobe® PDF documents. Acrobat® Reader can be downloaded for free from Adobe's Web site ( In addition to viewing and printing PDF documents, some documents are designed as forms users may complete before printing.

File(s) for Download


  1. File(s): Registry of Companies
  2. File(s): Registry of Deeds
  3. File(s): Registry of Co-operatives
  4. File(s): Registry of Lobbyists
  5. File(s): Registry of Limited Partnerships
  6. Legend

Files(s): Registry of Companies

Type Title (I.D.) Bytes Modified
Portable Document Format (PDF) Annual Return
(Form 23)
44 01-11-05
Used by local corporations with share capital. To maintain its corporate status, a corporation must file an Annual Return on or before April 1st of the following year.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Annual Return - Extra Provincial
(Form 28)
28 01-11-05
Used by extra-provincial corporations carrying on business in the province and registered with the Registry of Companies. To maintain its corporate status, a corporation must file an Annual Return on or before April 1st of the following year.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Annual Return - No Share Capital
(Form 29)
35 01-11-05
Used by local corporations without share capital. To maintain its corporate status, a corporation must file an Annual Return on or before April 1st of the following year.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Application for Exemption
(Form 31)
45 22-01-04
Used by a corporation that wants to apply for an exemption from certain legislative requirements of the Act.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Articles of Amalgamation
(Form 9)
43 22-01-04
Used to amalgamate 2 or more corporations to create a new corporation.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Articles of Amendment
(Form 4)
32 22-01-04
Used to change the information recorded in the Articles of Incorporation; i.e. change the name of the corporation, change the registered office or the allowable number of directors.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Articles of Arrangement
(Form 15)
38 22-01-04
Drafted pursuant to an order of the Court arising from an application for re-organization of the corporation(s).
Portable Document Format (PDF) Articles of Continuance
(Form 11)
34 22-01-04
Used by corporations that were under the former Act and are to continue under the current Act, also used by corporations incorporated under the laws of another jurisdiction that desire to import into Newfoundland from that jurisdiction.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Articles of Dissolution
(Form 18)
38 22-01-04
Used to dissolve a corporation.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Articles of Incorporation
(Form 1)
108 22-11-04
Used in the process of incorporating a corporation in the Province. Contains key information including name, share structure, permissible number of directors, etc.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Articles of Incorporation Without Share Capitol
(Form 1a)
126 22-11-04
Used in the process of incorporating a corporation without share capital in the Province.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Articles of Reorganization
(Form 14)
32 22-01-04
Used by corporations pursuant to a court order to file changes to the articles of incorporation.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Articles of Revival
(Form 16)
39 22-01-04
Used to revive a corporation that was previously dissolved.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Fees 61 01-05-07
Schedule of Fees Prescribed by the Minister of Government Services for Registry of Deeds and Companies.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Notice of Directors
(Form 6)
232 01-02-05
Used in the process of incorporating/amalgamating or when adding or changing a director at a later date.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Notice of Registered Office
(Form 3)
41 01-02-05
Used in the process of incorporating/amalgamating or when a corporation changes the Registered Office at a later date.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Power of Attorney
(Form 26)
105 22-01-04
Used to appoint an individual to act as an attorney for service for an extra-provincial corporation carrying on an undertaking in the Province.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Restated Articles of Incorporation
(Form 7)
34 22-01-04
Used by a corporation that has filed other amendments to bring all changes together in a restated form.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Schedule A 9 22-01-04
Used by a corporation without share capital (not for profit) to file the aims, goals and objectives of the organization.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Schedule B 5 22-01-04
Used by a corporation without share capital (not for profit) to determine how to dispose of assets when dissolving.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Statement for Registration
(Form 24)
120 22-01-04
Used by corporations that are incorporated under the laws of another jurisdiction, but carry on an undertaking requiring registration in the Province.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Statement of Intent to Dissolve
(Form 20)
35 22-01-04
Used by a corporation to notify the public of its intent to dissolve or also to advise of its intent not to dissolve.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Statutory Declaration
(Form 25)
30 01-11-05
A declaration to verify that the information given in the Statement for Registration - Extra-Provincial Company is true.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Notice of Change of Chief Place of Business
(Form 32)
100 22-01-04
Used by Extra-Provincial Corporation to Notify the Registrar of a Change of Chief Place of Business.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Notice of Change of Registered Office in Newfoundland and Labrador
(Form 33)
98 22-01-04
Used by Extra-Provincial Corporation to Notify the Registrar of a Change of Registered Office in Newfoundland and Labrador.

File(s): Registry of Deeds

Type Title (I.D.) Bytes Modified
Portable Document Format (PDF) Affidavit 65 22-01-04
Portable Document Format (PDF) Affidavit in Proof 64 22-01-04
Portable Document Format (PDF) Affidavit in Value 66 22-01-04
Portable Document Format (PDF) Fees: Deeds 58 01-05-07
Portable Document Format (PDF) Fees: Condominium 83 22-01-04
Portable Document Format (PDF) Fees: Mechanics Lien 82 22-01-04

Files(s): Registry of Co-operatives

Type Title (I.D.) Bytes Modified
Portable Document Format (PDF) Articles of Incorporation
(Form 1)
67 20-04-07
Used in the process of incorporating a co-operative in the Province. Requires key information including name, share structure, number of directors, fiscal year, objectives of the co-op, etc.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Notice of Registered Office or Notice of Change of Registered Office
(Form 3)
88 22-01-04
Used in the process of incorporating/amalgamating or when a co-operative changes the Registered Office at some later date.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Articles of Amendment
(Form 4)
102 22-01-04
Used to change the information recorded in the Articles of Incorporation or Continuance; i.e. change of Registered Office, change in co-operative name, change in number of directors or fiscal year end.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Amendment of By-laws
(Form 6)
103 22-01-04
Used to change the information recorded in the co-operatives by-laws; i.e. membership requirements, notice of meetings, voting, duties of officers, management, etc.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Notice of Directors
(Form 7)
87 22-01-04
Used in the process of incorporating/amalgamating or when adding or changing a director at a later date.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Restated Articles of Incorporation
(Form 9)
106 22-01-04
Used by a co-operative that has filed other amendments to bring all changes together in a restated form.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Articles of Amalgamation
(Form 11)
116 22-01-04
Used to amalgamate two or more co-operatives to create one new co-operative.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Statutory Declaration Accompanying Articles of Amalgamation
(Form 12)
96 22-01-04
An officer of an amalgamating co-operative declares that the co-operative is able to pay its liabilities and that no creditor will be prejudiced by the amalgamation.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Articles of Dissolution
(Form 21)
108 22-01-04
Used to dissolve a co-operative.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Statement of Intent to Dissolve or Statement of Revocation of Intent to Dissolve
(Form 22)
107 22-01-04
Used to notify the Registrar of intent to dissolve or to revoke its prior intent to dissolve.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Extension of Time for Holding General Meeting
(Form 25)
112 15-05-06
Used to request an extension to the time that the annual general meeting must be held.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Annual Return - Other Co-operatives
(Form 27)
42 15-05-06
Used by all other locally incorporated co-operatives. To maintain its good standing status a co-operative must file returns required by the Registrar annually.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Statutory Declaration
(Form 28)
92 22-01-04
Used by a co-operative when required by the Registrar under Section 24 of the Co-operatives Act to verify a statement by affidavit.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Statement for Registration - Extra-Provincial
(Form 29)
111 22-01-04
Used by co-operatives that are incorporated under the laws of another jurisdiction, but carry on an undertaking requiring registration in the Province.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Annual Return - Extra-Provincial
(Form 32)
71 22-01-04
Used by extra-provincial co-operatives carrying on business in the province and registered with the Registry of Co-operatives. To maintain its co-operative status, a co-operative must file an Annual Return on or before April 30 of the following year.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Power of Attorney
(Form 33)
64 22-01-04
Used to appoint an individual to act as an attorney for service for an extra-provincial co-operative carrying on an undertaking in the Province.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Co-operatives Schedule of Fees 58 01-05-07

Files(s): Registry of Lobbyists

Type Title (I.D.) Bytes Modified
Portable Document Format (PDF) Code of Conduct 15 11-10-05
The purpose of this Code is to assure the public that lobbying is done ethically and with the highest standards, with a view to maintaining and enhancing public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of government decision-making. In this regard, the Code complements the registration requirements of the Lobbyist Registration Act.
Portable Document Format (PDF) A Guide to the Newfoundland and Labrador Registry of Lobbyists 80 09-12-05
The intention of this guide is to help individuals and organizations understand their responsibilities under the Lobbyist Registration Act.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Frequently Asked Questions 64 11-10-05
A collection of common questions and associated answers with respect to the Lobbyist Registration Act.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Fee Schedule 17 11-10-05
A Schedule of Fees set by the Registrar with the approval of the Minister of Justice for the purpose and administration of the Lobbyist Registration Act.
Portable Document Format (PDF) Registration Form — Consultant Lobbyist 66 11-10-05
A paper-based form for consultant lobbyists to file a return to the Registrar for each lobby undertaking carried out by the concultant lobbyist. Note: You can also file on-line at a lower fee.)
Portable Document Format (PDF) Registration Form — In-House Lobbyist(s) 65 11-10-05
A paper-based form for a senior officer to file a return to the Registrar for lobby activities carried out by the organization's in-house lobbyist(s). Note: You can also file on-line without incurring a registration fee.

File(s): Registry of Limited Partnerships

Type Title (I.D.) KB Modified
Portable Document Format (PDF) Fees: Limited Partnerships 61 01-05-07


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Copyright © 2000 — Last modified on Tuesday, 01-May-2007 Newfoundland Daylight Time