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Career, Employment and Youth Services

Who can be a sponsor?
  • School Boards
  • Municipalities and
  • Not-for-profit Community Agencies

Preference will be given to applicants willing to hire individuals identified by the Department of Human Resources, Labour and Employment (HRLE). Contact the nearest HRLE office for potential employees.

Federal/provincial government departments/agencies are not eligible for funding under this program.

Who can be hired?

  • Any student who is currently enrolled in level l,ll,lll (or who will complete level lll in the current year);
  • Is legally entitled to work in Canada; and
  • Who is not an immediate family member of the employer.


The subsidy shall be 100% up to a maximum of $7.00 per hour towards the hourly wage rate for a maximum average of 40 hours per week per pay period. An additional 12% of the contract value will be provided for administrative costs. A minimum of 20 hours per week must be provided.


Minimum of 3 weeks to a maximum of 8 weeks.


For information contact the HRLE office in your area:

Avalon Region

Central Region

Western Region

Labrador Region






Visit our website: (check Career, Employment and Youth Services - CEYS)

 Or contact:

 Labour Market and Career Information Hotline

1-800-563-6600 or 1-866-729-4685 (TTY for Hearing Impaired)




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