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The Business Link

Information provided by Lori Colborne
President - LSL Marketing & Consulting - (780) 413-9986


  • Marketing is EVERYTHING YOU DO TO PROMOTE your product or service and EVERYTHING THAT TOUCHES YOUR CUSTOMER. Look at all aspects of your business from a marketing point not just from an operational standpoint.

  • Marketing is A CONTINUOUS JOURNEY. To be most effective, marketing should be done daily and INCORPORATED in ALL AREAS OF YOUR BUSINESS.


  • People do business with people they KNOW, LIKE and TRUST

  • Ensure everything you do will cause customers and potential customers to know you better, like and trust you more.


  1. Saturate the market - effective but very expensive
  2. Innovative, dollar conscious marketing
  • The second choice is often the only option available to small business owners on a limited budget, however it can be very effective. The word innovative is an important part of this option: Dollar conscious without being innovative is just being "cheap" and will often cause your marketing to be ineffective.

Here are a few of the many marketing methods I have found to be successful and dollar conscious.


  • Most successful companies understand the value of cross promoting. Cross promoting is simply when two or more companies agree to promote each other and usually there is no payment involved. You must choose compatible businesses in order to achieve a successful cross promotion.

  • Brainstorm - what businesses have the same target market or market niche as you? What are your clients habits? What kind of recreational things do they do? What are some of the goods or services they would purchase on an ongoing basis? You will probably be amazed at how many companies you will think of as possible cross-promoting opportunities.

  • Make a list. Beside each company name or type of business write down how you could promote that business and how they could promote YOU.

    Example: if you made wedding cakes and on your list was a florist you may have recorded beside the florist that you would purchase all live flowers for your cakes from her if she refers her brides to you. You could also propose to trade photo albums of each others work for potential brides to see (don't forget to include your testimonial letters!) You could include a coupon for a "free gift' for any bride-to-be that comes in for a consultation, suggest the florist provides you with the same for your customers.

  • Ensure that what you want and what you can offer in return is a fair exchange.

  • When approaching a company about cross-promoting always present the "what's in it for them" first. Sell them on the benefits before you ask them "what's in it for you".

  • Be open to negotiate, the company you are approaching may come up with their own creative ideas you can use. If you can't work out a win/win situation, don't be discouraged! Move on to another company or industry on your list. Be selective and only choose the companies with the most potential, the ones you are able to work out the best cross-promotion with.


  • Offering your goods or services to charities is an excellent way to gain experience, exposure, and give back to the community all at the same time. Write a list of your favorite charity groups or organizations.

  • Gather information about the events and fund raisers they are planning. Get as many details as possible. Where is it held? When? What is the cost to attendees? What was the attendance at the last event? Are there door prizes? Silent auction? Grab bags? Coupon books? Banners? A program? P.A.? Announcements ... ?

  • Obtain a list of last years sponsors.

  • Take all of this information and look at your market niche. Can you see that your target market and the organization members or function attendees are the same? Example: if your target market is seniors, for example, then from a marketing point of view a group that deals with pre-schoolers would not be an ideal group for you to support. However, if the group that deals with pre-schoolers had an adopt-a-grandparent program, it could be a suitable match.

  • Analyze carefully all of the information you have gathered. Choose the two or three most suitable organizations.

  • Based on the information you have obtained, what can you offer this group and what would you like in return?

  • Be specific and fair.

  • Set up a meeting with the appropriate group representatives and outline your proposal. Be professional and approach it like you would any other business dealing. Remember to offer the "what's in it for them" first.

  • Put the agreement in writing and have both parties sign it.

  • It is appropriate to ask for a letter of reference from a charity if you have provided goods or services that were used by the group itself. Do request a letter or certificate regarding your support if you have been involved in any other capacity.


  • A referral incentive program is easy to implement and each client should be presented with this program. Example:

    Dear Mr. Smith,

    It's referrals from special customers like you which have helped my business grow and prosper. To say "Thank you", for every referral* that you send me, I will give you a gift of my product/service/gift certificate/gift (be specific).

    *Each referral that results in a sale or contract of a minimum of $X.XX

  • Make sure you phone and thank your customer for the referral even if it doesn't result in a business transaction. You could change the incentives periodically, as certain rewards work better with various clients and by changing the incentives, you will be able to identify and eliminate the least effective ones.

  • Once you have completed your transaction with a referral, it is vitally important that you send or even better deliver the reward immediately.


  • Customer feedback is invaluable, but don't expect to get it for free! You are asking customers for their valuable time and input, and out of gratitude you should be prepared to offer them something of value in return.

  • For each completed comment card you should offer your client a gift, a coupon, or enter their name in a draw.

  • When you implement a recommendation, you should contact the customer and thank them. In addition, you should reward the customer for the recommendation, reflecting the value of their contribution.

  • Comment cards and surveys must be brief, clear and specific. Always include ample room for general comments and recommendations.

  • Positive comment cards and surveys are an excellent marketing tool and can form a valuable part of your "Brag Book".


  • A brag book is a book of testimonials about your company that can be used to build credibility with future clients.

  • Request letters from your most satisfied customers to include in your book. This should be an ongoing practice as up to date letters are important to reflect your current quality of service or product.

  • Brag books may be part of your face to face presentation, can be displayed at your place of business, or copies of the testimonials can be sent with written proposals, and excerpts can be used in brochures and advertising.

  • Satisfied customers are more effective marketers than your own employees. Getting your customers to work for you is a cost-effective way to increase your staff without increasing your payroll.

  • This is but a few of the many ways to market your business on a limited budget. The challenge small and home based businesses face is how to continually develop methods that will work for your unique company.

- For more information on marketing and creative marketing ideas, please check The Business Link Calendar for upcoming Seminars and Brown Bag Presentations 

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