Employment & Workplaces


Acts, Reference Guides and Related Materials

Reference Guides contain explanations of specific sections in the Acts, and are used by Occupational Health and Safety Officers and our clients to clarify the law and ensure consistency of application.

Occupational Health and Safety Act  

Hazardous Products Act (Canada)  

Smoke-free Places Act  

Regulations, Reference Guides and Related Materials

Reference Guides contain explanations of specific sections in the Regulations, and are used by Occupational Health and Safety Officers and our clients to clarify the law and ensure consistency of application.

Controlled Products Regulations (Canada)  

Disclosure of Information Regulations  

Fall Protection and Scaffolding Regulations  

First Aid Regulations  

General Blasting Regulations  

Ingredient Disclosure List (Canada)  

Occupational Diving Regulations New  

Occupational Health and Safety Appeal Panel Regulations  

Occupational Health Regulations  

Occupational Safety General Regulations  

Smoke-free Places Regulations  

Temporary Workplace Traffic Control Regulations  

Underground Mining Regulations  

Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)  

Draft Regulations

Codes of Practice  

Guidelines and Other Documents

Violence in the Workplace

Publications from Other Organizations

International Labour Organization

Recreation Facility Association of Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture and Fisheries

Health Canada

Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission of New Brunswick

American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine

European Agency for Safety and Health at Work

Videos and Graphics

Annual Reports


If the publication you want is not online, or if you would prefer the paper version, single copies of these items may be obtained by contacting the Occupational Health and Safety Division. Unless otherwise indicated, there is no charge for single copies. If you require multiple copies, please contact Government Publications


Last Updated: 2006-Nov-21
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