Program Objective:
To assist Aboriginal youth between the ages of 16 to 30 to gain meaningful employment/labour market skills/experience.


Possible Programs:

  • youth summer program
  • pre-employment training
  • centrally located training centre
  • mentor ship program
  • business start up to a maximum of $10,000.00
  • co-operative education program
  • -pursuit of traditional occupations and life skills

To provide meaningful incremental and career development employment opportunities.


Eligible Participants:
Elementary or secondary Aboriginal students.
Be in danger of dropping out of school prematurely.
Students who intend to return to school.


Financial Parameters:


* At provincial student rate, when applicable otherwise determined by SLAAMB.


If unemployed/employed and eligible for regular funding (CRF) - negotiable rates are:
Up to a maximum of $9.50/hr for wages
Up to $8.00/hr per trainee for training costs
Up to $50.00/wk per trainee for overhead costs
Up to $5,000.00 for special costs


If unemployed and eligible for E.I. benefits either part 1 or 2 - negotiable rates are:
Up to a maximum of $8.00/hr for wages - training or wage subsidy
Up to $8.00/hr per trainee for training costs
Up to $50.00/wk per trainee for overhead costs
Up to $5,000.00 for specials
Up to maximum weekly E.I. benefits ($413) either combination of part 1 & 2 or only part 2 while on any "make work" projects.


Other Prerequisites:
Training be centred on individual need and education levels, personalized service and career orientation and development.
Training should be recognized experimental learning, Elder teachings, Aboriginal teaching methods, culture and language.
Community support through Band Council Resolutions or letter of support.


Criteria for Aboriginal Youth Programs:


That supporting coordinating bodies would be responsible for the following:

  • Respect all Aboriginal youth regardless of their status, age, religion, gender and educational level.
  • Assessments of participants to ascertain their educational and literacy levels and career interests.
  • Issues of administration, clearing house and coordination.
  • Contract agreements and training.
  • Data collection and reporting procedures.
  • Support services.
  • Other.

Benefits to Individuals:
Aboriginal youth would benefit by the training, work experience and placement in a career environment.
It would motivate them to re-enter or complete their education and pursue their career goals and interests.


Benefits to Communities:
There would be a future work force that would have an advantage through technology, better career opportunities and community support that would in turn benefit the whole community in the future.


Note: This program could be considered to be similar to the "targeted wage subsidy, self employment assistance, job creation partnerships, employment assistance services, labour market partnerships, research and innovations Employment Benefits/Support Measures established by HRDC" under Part 11 of the EI Act.

  It is agreed that this understanding will not in any way limit SLAAMB's flexibility to use this program to meet the needs at the community level.