
Canada-Nunavut Business Service Centre

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Kivalliq Partners in Development (KPID)

Kivalliq Partners in Development (KPID)

Last Verified: 2004-07-12

Kivalliq Partners in Development is an organization designed to bring together the Inuit Land Claims organizations, territorial government bodies, and federally funded economic development programs. The partners include the Nunavut Department of Economic Development & Transportation, Human Resources Development Canada, Nunavut Tunngavik Inc., Kivalliq Inuit Association, and the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. Its goal is to promote economic development for the Kivalliq Region.

Kivalliq Partners in Development provide services to their clients in all areas of business development, from helping design a business plan to developing a marketing strategy, obtaining financial help, obtaining various skills for business, and understanding of the many programs available to business owners and the processes for accessing them.

Eligibility Criteria

Nunavut Land Claim Beneficiaries of the Kivalliq region are eligible for these programs.



Grants to Small Business

  1. Kivalliq Inuit Association grant - provides funding in the form of small business grants to Inuit owned firms, businesses and individuals
  2. Nunavut Sivummut grant - provides opportunities for Inuit to start new businesses or to carry out a commercial activity

Contributions to Business Development

  1. Business Planning & Development - Contributions to help cover costs for feasibility studies, engineering or legal advice, pilot projects, or new product testing.
  2. Business Creation, Expansion or Investment – Contributions to help businesses acquire or develop capital for establishment, expansion or investment in a business that will result in an increase in employment in the region. Contributions are tied to employment.
  3. Market and Product Development - Contributions for market development and product promotion are designed to help businesses increase sales of Nunavut products in new markets and help promote Nunavut as a travel destination.
  4. Business Management & Skills Acquisition - Contributions to provide assistance for training courses, short-term professional assistance, managerial training or training plan development for staff and management.
  5. Business Relief – Contributions to provide emergency short-term relief for businesses in financial difficulty.
  6. Contribution to Small Business, the Arts & Traditional Economies - Contributions to provide a small boost to small businesses or individuals who is usually unable to access capital through larger funding programs or banks. This includes support for arts & crafts production, traditional economies activities and insurance relief for Nunavut outfitters, guides and adventure operators.

Community Initiatives Program (CIP) – Contributions designed to assist communities with their own economic development and fill the gap between assistance to individual businesses and assistance that can affect the local and regional economic base.

Kivalliq Inuit Association Business Development Fund – similar to the Contributions to Business Development Program, but accessible only by Inuit businesses. Mostly used to assist in business creation or expansion.

Aboriginal Business Canada Assistance - provides business services and support to Canadian Aboriginal peoples through a variety of programs

Youth Entrepreneurship (YES) - Assists youth-oriented businesses (youth between the ages of 18 and 29) with the preparation of business plans, marketing and financing the start-up, expansion, modernization or acquisition of a commercially viable business, as well as with business advisory services. It can also assist with the eligible costs of activities that lead to entrepreneurship development of aboriginal youth, including youth awareness initiatives, business skills training and access to new business opportunities and technological advances.

Kivalliq Aboriginal Training Fund Programs (KATF)

Feepayers - provides workers with income support (employment insurance benefits) while participating in training courses/projects.

Project Based Training - focuses on individuals who are not in the workforce. Provides a combination of classroom and on-the-job training to assist participants to get skills and training needed to enter and stay in the workforce. Trainees are paid a training allowance and/or Employment Insurance Benefits while participating in the program.

Job Opportunities - focuses on individuals who are not in the workforce. Provides job opportunities that would normally lead to full time employment with the organization. On-the-job training and/or some classroom training would be provided to assist participants improve their position in the labour market. Participants are hired by the organization and are paid a wage during the program.

Self-employment Assistance - used to promote self-sufficiency in the labour market through self-employment. Income support is provided to participants eligible for Employment Insurance Benefits. Training and support for the participant would need to be provided by an agency similar to Kivalliq Partners in Development.

Workplace Based Training - used to provide assistance to employers who need to train and\or retrain their workers. The workers must be aboriginal.

Job Development (Local Projects) - used to provide training and\or work experience for participants not in the workforce. The objective is to improve their position in the labour market. Training can take place in the classroom and/or on-the-job under appropriate supervision.

Summer Career Placement - normally runs in the summer months from May to the end of August. The objective of the program is to provide students with a good summer work experience.

Job Creation - provides opportunities for people not currently in the workforce to maintain their work skills during times they are without work. Financial support to participants is provided in the form of regular or enhanced Employment Insurance Benefits.

Purchase of Training - provides training courses for the unemployed. Training is purchased from both public and private training institutions in order to help participants learn new job skills or get academic upgrading.

Youth Programs – Kivalliq Partners provides the following programs for unemployed youth between 15 and 30: Internship Program, Community Service Program, Summer Student Employment Program, and Labour Market Information Program.

First Nation/Inuit Child Care Programs – KPID provides a program which supports initiatives designed to increase the supply of quality child care services for children with working or studying parents residing in Inuit communities.

Disability/Disabled Persons Program – KPID provides special programs to help self-identified disabled person to obtain and retain employment.

Other - This category covers outside funding sources for all other business development funding projects not covered by the preceding schedules (i.e. special events promotion).


Business Counseling and Support – the Kivalliq Partners in Development offers general business planning and counseling services to assist new and existing businesses in accessing business creation or expansion funding assistance.  

Business Aftercare – the Kivalliq Partners in Development offers aftercare services to assist new and existing businesses in developing and implementing effective business management practices as they develop or expand their businesses.

Accessing These Programs and Services

Contact your local Community Economic Development Officer (CEDO) with your ideas. Your CEDO will help you develop a business plan and/or fill out the necessary program application forms. Once your ideas are recorded in a business plan, proposal and/or application, the CEDO will send it to the Kivalliq Partners in Development for review and consideration. The CEDO and Kivalliq Partners in Development staff are also there to help you collect needed financial information and letters of support.

For more information, you may contact your local Community Economic Development Officer or contact the Kivalliq Partners In Development directly.

Nunavut Contact(s):
Lucy Akoak
Community Economic Development Officer
Hamlet of Kugaaruk
P.O. Box 205
Kugaaruk, Nunavut  X0B 1K0
Telephone: (867)-769-6281
Fax: (867)-769-6069

Lizzie Angootealuk
Community Economic Development Officer
Hamlet of Coral Harbour
P.O. Box 30
Coral Harbour, Nunavut  X0C 0C0
Telephone: (867)-925-9015
Fax: (867)-925-8076

Alex Buchan
Community Economic Development Officer
Hamlet of Kugluktuk
P.O. Box 271
Kugluktuk, Nunavut  X0B 0E0

Tara Fesyk
Community Economic Development Officer
Hamlet of Baker Lake
P.O. Box 149
Baker Lake, Nunavut  X0C 0A0
Telephone: (867)-793-2874
Fax: (867)-793-2509

Kyra Fisher
Community Economic Development Officer
Hamlet of Kimmrut
P.O. Box 54
Kimmirut, Nunavut  X0A 0N0
Telephone: (867)-939-2247
Fax: (867)-939-2045

Brian Gibbons
Community Economic Development Officer
Hamlet of Arviat
P.O. Box 150
Arviat, Nunavut  X0C 0E0

Martha Gibbons
Community Economic Development Officer
Hamlet of Hall Beach
Bag 3
Hall Beach, Nunavut  X0C 0K0
Telephone: (867)-928-8972
Fax: (867)-928-8962

Charlotte Hickes
Community Economic Development Officer
Hamlet of Rankin Inlet
P.O. Box 310
Rankin Inlet, Nunavut  X0C 0G0
Telephone: (867)-645-2895
Fax: (867)-645-2146

David Kattegatsiak
Community Economic Development Officer
Hamlet of Chesterfield Inlet
P.O. Box 10
Chesterfield Inlet, Nunavut  X0C 0B0
Telephone: (867)-898-9206
Fax: (867)-898-9108

Chris King
Community Economic Development Officer
Hamlet of Cambridge Bay
P.O. Box 16
Cambridge Bay, Nunavut  X0B 0C0
Telephone: (867)-983-2337
Fax: (867)-983-2193

Alex Komaksiutiksak
Chief Executive Officer
Kivalliq Partners in Development
Box 709
Rankin Inlet, Nunavut  X0C 0G0

Marie Kringuk
Community Economic Development Officer
Hamlet of Repulse Bay
P.O. Box 10
Repulse Bay, Nunavut  X0C 0H0
Telephone: (867)-462-4101
Fax: (867)-462-4144

Morris Kuniliusie
Community Economic Development Officer
Hamlet of Qikiqtarjuaq
P.O. Box 4
Qikiqtarjuaq, Nunavut  X0A 0B0
Telephone: (867)-927-8832
Fax: (867)-927-8120

Carroll MacIntyre
Community Economic Development Officer
Hamlet of Igloolik
P.O. Box 30
Igloolik, Nunavut  X0A 0L0
Telephone: (867)-934-8429
Fax: (867)-934-8228

Philip Manik
Community Economic Development Officer
Hamlet of Resolute Bay
P.O. Box 60
Resolute Bay, Nunavut  X0A 0V0
Telephone: (867)-252-3616
Fax: (867)-252-3749

Robert McLean
Community Economic Development Officer
Hamlet of Sanikiluaq
General Delivery
Sanikiluaq, Nunavut  X0A 0W0
Telephone: (867)-266-8874
Fax: (867)-266-8903

Billy Padluq
Community Economic Development Officer
Hamlet of Clyde River
P.O. Box 89
Clyde River, Nunavut  X0A 0E0
Telephone: (867)-924-6706
Fax: (867)-924-6293

Jimmy Qappik
Community Economic Development Officer
Hamlet of Grise Fiord
P.O. Box 77
Grise Fiord, Nunavut  X0A 0J0
Telephone: (867)-980-9934
Fax: (867)-980-9128

Sheena Qaunaq
Community Economic Development Officer
Hamlet of Arctic Bay
P.O. Box 150
Arctic Bay, Nunavut  X0A 0A0
Telephone: (867)-439-9917
Fax: (867)-439-8767

Qiatsuq Qiatsuq
Community Economic Development Officer
Hamlet of Cape Dorset
P.O. Box 30
Cape Dorset, Nunavut  X0A 0C0
Telephone: (867)-897-8896
Fax: (867)-897-8142

Mary Sammurtok
Community Economic Development Officer
Hamlet of Whale Cove
P.O. Box 120
Whale Cove, Nunavut  X0C 0J0
Telephone: (867)-896-9961
Fax: (867)-896-9109

Colin Saunders
Community Economic Development Officer
Hamlet of Pond Inlet
P.O. Box 180
Pond Inlet, Nunavut  X0A 0S0
Telephone: (867)-899-8922
Fax: (867)-899-8929

Micheal Tuktoo
Community Economic Development Officer
Hamlet of Taloyoak
P.O. Box 8
Taloyoak, Nunavut  X0B 1B0
Telephone: (867)-561-5466
Fax: (867)-561-6810

Mark Young
Community Economic Development Officer
Hamlet of Pangnirtung
P.O. Box 253
Pangnirtung, Nunavut  X0A 0R0
Telephone: (867)-473-8950
Fax: (867)-473-8382

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Last Modified: 2004-07-16 Important Notices