Interpretation Guidelines Manual
British Columbia Employment Standards Act and Regulations

How to Use the On-Line Manual

Purpose of the Manual

The Interpretation Guidelines Manual sets out the Employment Standards Branch's interpretation of the B.C. Employment Standards Act and Regulation, which first came into effect on Nov. 1, 1995.

For More Information

Anyone with questions on the Act or Regulation may contact the Employment Standards Branch office toll-free information line at 1 800 663-3316.

Overview of Contents
  • This manual is divided into 15 parts corresponding to the 15 Parts of the Act.
  • The Table of Contents shows the section numbers and titles within each Part.
  • Each section or regulation is a single web page. There are numerous links within each section or regulation sending you to a separate page with related information. Use your back button to return to the page you were viewing.
  • Read the title of each page closely. Titles that say "E.S.A., Section X" mean that you are reading a Section of the Employment Standards Act. Titles that say "Regulation, Section X" mean that you are reading an employment standards Regulation. Titles are located on the left-hand side of each web page that you view, directly above the effective and revised dates.
Keyword Index

The Keyword Index contains a comprehensive list of key words and phrases from the manual. You can use the Keyword Index to locate specific as well as general topics. If you can't find the topic you need in the Table of Contents, check the Keyword Index. The Index has been broken into three separate files: A to E; F to O; and P to Z. A Legend, found at the beginning of the first index file (A to E), provides an explanation of the various references found in the Index.

At the beginning of each Keyword Index file are direct links to any alpha subject (A to Z) in the Index.

Revisions to the Manual

The Interpretation Guidelines Manual is a working document. Each section will be amended and updated, as required.

Notices of amendments to the guidelines will be posted on the website on an on-going basis.

Note: This manual is not a legal document and is meant to serve as a guideline only. It should not be used as a substitute for professional legal counsel.

Official copies of the Employment Standards Act and Regulation can be purchased from:

Crown Publications Inc.
521 Fort Street
Victoria, BC V8W 1E7
Tel: 250 386-4636
Fax: 250 386-0221