Beautiful Summerside! The City of Summerside
Prince Edward Island
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10.29.06 | 04:59 PM AT
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Job Opportunities
A listing of current positions available with the City of Summerside.

Business and Employment Opportunities (11)
A listing of current Business & HR opportunities available through out the City.

Wyatt Heritage Properties
The official Web site for the City's three beautiful, historic homes.

Speak Up!
Make your opinions heard and read what others have to say in our interactive discussion forum.

Video Tour
Take an online tour of our beautiful city.

Invest in Summerside
Your direct connection to the online home of the City's Economic Development Office.

Business Directory
Find a business in the City.

Walking Tour
Tour Summerside's historic houses and downtown core.

City of Summerside
45 Summer St.
P.O. Box 1510
C1N 4K4

Chamber of Commerce

N E W !

Snowbirds draw huge crowd to Summerside's waterfront
Thousands line up for spectacular aerial show

The Journal-Pioneer

It seemed every rock, every inch of bare pavement and shoreline was occupied for the military air show Saturday and Sunday at the Shipyard Market.

As many as 10,000 spectators lined much of Summerside’s waterfront and downtown, straining for a glimpse of the world-famous Snowbirds and CF-18 Hornet.


Summerside Electric to Purchase Renewable Energy

Summerside Electric has entered into an agreement with Ventus Energy Inc. to purchase renewable energy from a 99 Megawatt (MW) wind farm.


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t h e   c i t y   o f   s u m m e r s i d e

Revolution Media

Visit the PEI Play and Stay website.

S E A R C H !

To download a pdf of our 2003 City Survey Results, click here.

Summerside's Recreations Facilities
Check out what's happening at Summerside's recreation facilities. Click here

Summerside Connection Network - Route 2
Wireless high-speed now available in and around Summerside - get it now!

Summerside's Recreations Facilities
Click to view a 'live eye' on downtown Summerside!

Summerside Wellness Centre
Get all of the details on the Summerside Wellness Centre here!

View the the Wellness Centre's Events Schedule

E V E N T S !

11.18.05 –12.30.06
Summerside Connection Program Registration

03.01.06 –12.29.06

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[October Brochure]

N E W S !

Snowbirds draw huge crowd to Summerside's waterfront [more]

Nominations being accepted for Mayor's Medal of Honor [more]

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