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Keeping Safe: Women at Work

Tips for women working alone

No matter where you work, or what type of work you do, you can reduce the risk of violence in the workplace by increasing personal awareness and planning responses to threatening situations. Employers can introduce some basic safety devices and train staff in safety awareness, and small business owners can work together to set up safety programs. Awareness and prevention are the keys to increasing safety for women in the workplace.


You can increase your safety by increasing your awareness. Use this information to plan the actions you can take to reduce risk.


Alone and Alert


  • Know staff in other stores and businesses, be aware of their schedules.

  • If you are suspicious of people hanging around or strange phone calls-notify the police and staff in neighbouring stores. Try to get a description of the person and the car.

  • Be assertive and confident, look at and greet customers.

  • If you feel uncomfortable after someone enters, trust your instincts. Look directly at the person, make it clear you are in charge and cannot be intimidated. Phone for help.
  • Make sure that back doors or secondary doors are locked.

  • Check all lighting before it gets dark.


  • Ask about the risk assessment plan at your workplace.

  • Plan emergency exits, know about safe places and pay phones.

  • Try to imagine an appropriate response to various situations and decide ahead of time how you will respond.

  • If your work takes you to new or different settings, be alert and make mental notes of your surroundings when you arrive. The first time you go into a new setting, or if you are in a place where you feel uneasy, phone your own workplace when you arrive and again before you leave.


  • Avoid discussing where you live, after-work plans, or vacation plans in front of, or with, customers or with anyone who makes you feel uncomfortable.

Aware in the Office

Trust your instincts. If somebody you work with makes you uncomfortable, discuss the situation with a co-worker you trust, and plan your response to potential problems.


  • If you feel threatened, make a scene, yell.

  • When you enter an office or meeting place alone, be aware of your surroundings.

  • If you must meet new work contacts out of the workplace, meet at a public place. Keep personal information private.

  • Avoid having new work contacts walk you to the car or escort you to your home or hotel room.

  • When entering an elevator, stand next to the controls. Wait for the next elevator if you feel uneasy about the occupants. If someone makes you feel uncomfortable, push the button for the next floor or push the alarm and all buttons (except stop).


  • Let security or a friend know, tell them when you expect to leave.

  • While another co-worker is present check that all doors are locked and make sure washrooms/storage rooms are empty.

  • If you suspect someone is lurking outside, call police/security officers.

  • If you enter a washroom and you suspect someone might be in there, don't call out. Back out, go to a safe area with a lockable door and phone for help. (Plan ahead for safe places).


  • If you are alone or working late, and you encounter someone unfamiliar, indicate that you are not alone. Say "my supervisor will be right here and will be able to help you."

  • Use assertive, but respectful, language.


Workers' Compensation Board guidelines call for employers to do a workplace risk assessment to determine how much risk there may be of a violent incident occurring, and to identify appropriate prevention measures. There are some basic steps that employers can take to increase workplace safety. Here are some ideas:


  • Pre-program phone to 911 or local police emergency number.

  • Install phones in isolated areas such as storage rooms.

  • Have an alarm installed that rings in the workplace and in a neighbouring business or household.

  • Attackers expect alarm buttons to be at the desk - place them elsewhere - where customers will not be setting them off accidentally, but where staff can reach them.

  • Install several buttons-put them by all doors, store rooms and coolers.


  • Install good outside lighting and train staff to check lights before dusk.

  • Ensure the service desk is visible through windows and is well lit.

  • Make sure windows are not obscured - ensure passers-by can see in.

  • Make sure there is a clear exit route from the service desk to the door.


  • Set up a business watch or mall watch program with neighbouring businesses.

  • Develop a buddy system for employees to get to bus stops or their cars after work.


Increase Your Personal Awareness - Everywhere

Your risk of attack increases if you appear to be unaware of what's going on around you. Learn to be aware and recognize risk.

  • Be observant and aware of your surroundings. Walk with a purpose. Keep your head up, look around and directly at people to assess them, but don't stare.

  • When you feel something just isn't right, trust your feelings.

  • Digging in your purse, wearing headphones or struggling with heavy briefcases/luggage and uncomfortable clothing reduces your ability to be prepared.

  • Have your keys ready. Keep them in your pocket, but as you approach your car or door have the right key positioned to open the lock immediately.

  • Carry a personal safety alarm on your key ring, or wear it around your neck or pinned to your clothing.

  • Report any suspicious incidents to employers or police.


The most important defence tools you have are awareness and action.

Only you can decide how you will respond to an attack and how to respond if the attacker has a weapon. Use whatever force you feel is necessary to escape the situation and be ready to take the first opportunity to take action and get away.


  • If you are grabbed don't freeze or panic. First, breathe deeply to calm yourself, then try to get attention. Yell loudly and repeatedly. Try shouting words like FIRE, HELP, NO and STOP. Blow a whistle, push a personal safety alarm, bang on something noisy. BE LOUD AND PERSISTENT.

  • If there is anyone near by, give them instructions to help you. Single out someone and send them for help - "You, in the red jacket, call the police". This will encourage bystanders to get help when they may not know what action to take.

  • If you decide to fight back, remember there are many effective ways of responding to each type of attack. Prepare yourself to fight back, do whatever feels right to you. Try to imagine yourself responding successfully to different types of attack situations. Practise taking deep breaths to keep calm. Self-defense courses can teach you valuable skills and help you learn about vulnerable points on the body, but the best defence is to be vigilant and ready to respond.



  • Carry a schedule. After dark, arrive just before the transit vehicle is due.

  • On the bus, sit near others and tell the driver if you are being bothered.

  • Use the Request Stop service available on some bus routes. Call BC Transit for more information on this service.


  • Do not identify your keys with car plate numbers or name/address.

  • Carry personal safety alarms on your key chain. They will help attract attention if you are attacked.

  • Keep your car in good repair, the gas tank at least half full, and always check the tires.

  • Park in well lit spaces. Walk with others after dark.

  • If you use underground parkades, make sure you park near the attendant or exit.

  • Always lock your car and keep all windows tightly closed.

  • Have your key ready, check inside the car to be sure no one is hiding.

  • Don't open your car window more than one inch to speak to someone approaching your car, or just drive away if you feel uncomfortable.

  • If you suspect another car is following your car, do not go home. Drive to a service/police/fire station and stay in your car, honking the horn in short repeated blasts until someone comes out to help you.


  • Place a "help/ call police" sign in the window. Do not raise the hood of your car as that stops you from noticing if someone is approaching the car.

  • Stay in the car with windows closed and doors locked.

  • Only open the window one inch to speak to anyone other than the police.


  • Wear comfortable shoes, such as runners.

  • If you are using a stairwell, be sure it is well lit and that you can quickly exit to a safe place.

  • Stay on well lit streets, in the centre of the sidewalk, away from bushes, doorways and parked cars - anywhere that an attacker could hide. Cross the road if necessary.

  • If you think someone is following you, turn around and check. Let them know you are aware of their presence. Do not go to your car or your house. Cross the street and go to a safe place, such as a store or restaurant.


  • Make sure your reservations are guaranteed if you're arriving late.

  • Purchase a travel lock or alarm/motion detector for hotel room doors. These items are available from locksmiths.

  • Use a business card or first initials at check in - keep your name private.

  • Leave instructions not to give out your room number or your name.

  • Get a room on upper floors close to the elevator. Make sure you are away from stairwells and fire stairs/exits.

  • Do not enter the room if you suspect someone is in there, if you are being followed, or if someone is lingering near your door.
  • If you're in a motel try to get a room next to the office or the manager's unit, and keep all windows locked.


  • Check for early and late shuttle bus service.

  • Leave only your car key with parking lot attendants.

  • Do not accept rides from people you have met on the airplane, and be cautious about sharing taxis.


  • Tell staff, or friends/family members if you work alone, where you are going and when you expect to arrive and leave. Include dates you'll be in various locations. Leave emergency contact numbers.

  • Make sure anyone attending to your business, mail or phone machine does not give out information about your absence or travel plans.

FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL          Getting Help

Your local police station, RCMP office or crime prevention association
Ask for the community programs officer. They offer information programs and brochures for a variety of personal safety situations.

Offices for women students or student services at universities and colleges
They have a variety of information and may be able to direct you to local programs.



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