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Export Info-Guide

Last Verified: 2005-10-19

What is an Info-Guide?

The Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre created Info-Guides to help you navigate through the wide range of programs and services in a specific area as well as related regulations that may affect your business venture. Info-Guides featuring other topics of interest are also available by contacting the Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre at 984-2272 (in Winnipeg) or 1-800-665-2019 (toll free in Canada) or by e-mail at


First-Time Exporters

Team Canada Inc
250 - 240 Graham Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3C 4B3
Phone: 1-888-811-1119
TTY:  1-800-457-8466

If you have never exported before, it can be confusing to try and figure out what information you need in order to be successful. A vast network of people and organizations are available to provide assistance to smaller businesses as they prepare for the global marketplace.  Team Canada Inc is your first stop enroute to the trade information, counseling, market intelligence, financial assistance and on-the-ground support you need to make your export venture a successful one.  The Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre is the point of contact in Manitoba for this initiative.  A trained information officer will answer your questions and transfer you directly to the export program or service that best meets your needs.  The Centre also has an extensive trade research library available to you at no cost (See description under Research Facilities further on in this document).

Exporter Development Initiative
Ms. Bonnie deMoissac, International Business Development
An Agency of Manitoba Intergovernmental Affairs and Trade
1100 - 259 Portage Avenue,  Winnipeg, MB  R3B 3P4
Phone: (204) 945-3172 or Toll free in Canada & the USA 1-800-529-9981
Fax: (204) 945-2362

The Export Development Initiative has industry expertise, a focused commitment to growing exports and the contacts worldwide to make it happen.  Their consultants will work with you one-on-one -- in your shop or "on the road" -- to help you take your business to the next level.

Assistance and programs include: support for the new and emerging exporter and support for the experienced exporter seeking new markets.

Financial Assistance Programs - General

Financing Services for Smaller Capital Goods Exporters
Export Development Canada - EDC
Mr. Brent Prior, Senior Business Development Manager
2075 - 360 Main Street, Winnipeg, MB R3C 3Z3
Phone: (204) 975-5090 or Toll free 1-800-850-9626
Fax: (204) 975-5094

By working with EDC's small-business specialists, smaller companies can include export financing options with their export proposals that are comparable to the financing packages offered by larger competitors. EDC has fast and simple financing solutions to meet your needs and those of your buyer. With buyer financing, EDC lends money to your foreign buyer, but pays you directly, right here in Canada. And EDC assumes the repayment risk. EDC lines of credit with foreign financial institutions offer your buyer quick and easy access to financing at a familiar bank and in your buyer's own language. If you have ever been paid for an export sale by a promissory note, EDC has a note purchase program which turns your deal into a cash sale. And EDC helps exporters compete in more than 200 countries, including higher-risk and emerging markets.

Industrial Cooperation Program (CIDA-INC)
Canadian International Development Agency - CIDA
Toll-free (information): 1-800-230-6349

The Industrial Cooperation Program (CIDA-INC) is a cost-sharing program that provides a financial incentive (a cash contribution between $100 000 and $600 000) to Canadian companies to start a business or provide training in developing countries or countries in transition to a market economy.

Innovation Financing Solution
Business Development Bank of Canada - BDC
1100 - 155 Carlton Street, Winnipeg, MB R3C 3H8
Phone:  1-877-232-2269 (this number services all inquiries across Canada)

Provides loans of up to $250,000 to innovative businesses positioning themselves to take advantage of global markets. Eligible activities include:  boost sales by increasing support for inventory and receivables or by reducing trade payables; finance consulting services to help implement the required Human Resources policies and procedures, in order to better manage growth; provide working capital needed to develop new markets and products; pay research and development (R & D) costs associated with introducing these new products or services; finance development of e-commerce initiatives, such as Internet sites, intranet or extranet; implement a marketing plan or growth strategy; explore new export markets; adopt quality management standards, such as ISO certifications, QS 9000 and HACCP; complete a management buy-out when this is beneficial to the business purchase, development or transfer of new technology relating to process or product improvements.

Security Compliance Loan
Export Development Canada - EDC
Phone: 1-888-283-2957

Canadian companies may need to enhance their security programs in order to meet the requirements of the Customs-Trade Partnership against Terrorism (C-TPAT). EDC’s Security Compliance Loan helps Canadian companies to finance the upgrades required to meet security standards, and helps them qualify to become C-TPAT-compliant. Security enhancements to property, personnel and procedures may be required.

Trade Assistance Program (TAP) Design and Website
Manitoba Intergovernmental Affairs and Trade
Room 1100 - 259 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB   R3B 3P4
Phone: (204) 945-2466 or  Toll free in Canada & the USA 1-800-529-9981
Fax: (204) 957-1793

The Trade Assistance Program (Design and Website) is designed to encourage Manitoba firms to develop new market opportunities outside the province by assisting with the costs of designing export-effective quality marketing and sales promotion material.

DESIGN - Assistance will consist of 50% of the expense up to a maximum of $2,000 to have an independent consultant create a design for promotional materials, eligible expenses could include design costs as well as translation expenses.

WEBSITE - Assistance will consist of 50% of the expense up to a maximum of $500 to have an independent consultant create a website, eligible expenses could include layout, design, translations, and/or photography sessions.

Trade Assistance Program (Show)
Manitoba Intergovernmental Affairs and Trade
Room 1100 - 259 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3B 3P4
Phone:  (204) 945-2466 or Toll free in Canada & the USA 1-800-529-9981
Fax:  (204) 957-1793

The Trade Assistance Program (Show) assists small and medium-sized Manitoba firms to launch products in new markets outside the province (primarily ouside of Canada) by cost-sharing participation in a recognized trade show up to a maximum of $2,000.

Trade Routes - Arts and Cultural Sector
Canadian Heritage
Phone:  1-866-999-7233

Provides support to Canadian arts and cultural exporters in the performing arts; visual arts; film/video; broadcasting/television; sound recording; publishing; new media; design;  crafts and heritage with access to the full range of government trade programs and services that operate under the Team Canada Inc banner.

Market Entry Support - provides direct support to arts and cultural clients with a focus on export preparedness and international market development.

In-Market Assistance - offers assistance to arts and cultural exporters from key sites around the world (New York, Los Angeles, Paris and London). They conduct outreach programs and connect with potential partners for Canada' arts and cultural sectors. They work with Canadians interested in exporting to specific markets and local partners interested in Canadian contacts.

Contributions Program -  It supports Canadian cultural exporters in export preparedness (to do business and compete on a global scale) and international market development (assisting organizations that are generally export-ready to build their capacity for successful international sales).

Financial Assistance Programs - Agri-Food

Note:  Please see the Bio-terrorism Act - U.S.A. information listed further on in this document on Licenses, Permits and Other Export Documentation.  This new requirement is mandatory for all food products being exported to the U.S.A.

Canadian Agriculture and Food International Program (CAFI)
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada - AAFC
Suite 402 - 303 Main Street, Winnipeg, MB R3C 3G7
Phone:  (204) 983-3032

The Program matches industry funds dollar for dollar to support activities that enhance and promote Canada's reputation as the world leader in supplying safe, high-quality agriculture, agri-food, beverage, and seafood products that meet the changing demands of world markets.  The two components of this program are: Long Term International Strategies (3 to 5 year plans); and Short Term Projects (typically 1 time activities).

Manitoba Agri-Ventures Initiatives (MAVI)
Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives
Marketing and Farm Business Management Branch, Agri-Ventures Section
Room 903 - 401 York Avenue, Winnipeg, MB  R3C 0P8
Phone: (204) 945-3498 or Toll free 1-800-282-8069
Fax: (204) 945-6134

Assists agriculture producers, farm families, agribusiness, agricultural and commodity organizations and rural economic development and community leaders in Manitoba by providing  business planning and market development assistance focusing on new and expanded uses for agricultural commodities.  Funding is available for development of business plans, feasibility studies, new product development, new process development and market development.

Programs - North and South America

Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada - DFAIT
4th Floor - 400 St. Mary Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3C 2V2
Phone:  (204) 983-2300 or Toll free 1-800-267-8376
Fax:  (204) 984-3182

Export USA consists of three programs that assist potential and existing companies considering exporting to the USA or expanding their US markets.
New Exporters to Border States Program (NEBS):
Focuses on Export education and targets Canadian Incorporated companies considering exporting to the US.  NEBS introduces the essentials of exporting, including practical export information and first-hand exposure to markets in the US.
Exporters to the United States Program (EXTUS):
This program  focuses on expanding the markets of successful exporters to other regions of the US.  It combines sessions with industry experts, entry to a major national/regional trade show and a networking opportunity with distributors, representatives and buyers.
Reverse NEBS:
This program serves Canadian companies not yet exporting to the US by providing seminars in Canada covering the essentials of exporting.

Canadian companies who participate must agree to be entered into Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada's database.

Export Insurance

Export Receivables Insurance
Export Development Canada - EDC
Mr. Brent Prior, Senior Business Development Manager
Suite 2075, 360 Main Street, Winnipeg, MB R3C 3Z3
Telephone: (204) 975-5090 or Toll free - 1-888-332-3777
Fax: (204) 975-5094

Provides exporters with the opportunity to insure contracts against a wide range of commercial and political risks, including bankruptcy of the foreign buyer, failure to pay by the foreign buyer, refusal of goods by the foreign buyer, cancellation of the contract before the goods are shipped, payment delays caused by a blockage of funds or transfer difficulties, war or hostilities in the buyer's country (or in countries affecting the buyer's country), and cancellation or non-renewal of export or import permits.  There is a $250 policy initiation fee.  Average premium rate is between 1 and 2 percent of the invoice value.

Online Information Sources

agentMall Online
Canadian Professional Sales Association (CPSA)

The Canadian Professional Sales Association (CPSA) has launched agentMall on their website.  agentMall gives you direct access to three great tools:
agentSource - CPSA’s National Directory of sales agents and brokers.  It allows you to find an agent for your product.
agentInfoDesk - lists the resources and trade services you need to better negotiate agency agreements and to find the information or resource channels you need to get results.
agentExchange - CPSA's monthly e-bulletin.  It features articles to keep you up-to-date on issues related to business tips, tax and legal information for both agents and manufacturers, a calendar of trade events, a broadcast of "lines available" and more.

Exporting Goods from Canada - A Handy Customs Guide for Exporters
Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA
Phone: 1-800-959-2221

This publication outlines the requirements that you as an exporter or agent must fulfill to meet your obligations to report exports under the Customs Act. It describes why you have to report your goods; what goods you have to report; how, where, and when you report; and how to complete Form B13A, Export Declaration.

Team Canada Inc
Internet address:
This web site is Team Canada Inc's on-line resource for Canadian businesses seeking export information.  The system provides access to information on foreign markets, trade statistics, exporting financing, trade shows, export missions, and other sources of assistance.  This is an excellent website for first-time exporters.

International Business Opportunities Centre - IBOC
Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada - DFAIT
125 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, ON   K1A 0G2
Phone: 1-888-811-1119
Fax: (613) 996-2635

Matches business leads provided by Canadian trade commissioners around the world with Canadian firms who have the interest and ability to supply the requested products or services.  To be eligible for these opportunities, Canadian companies can register with the Canadian Company Capabilities system or the Virtual Trade Commissioner database.  Companies on these databases will be contacted when an opportunity arises and, if the company is interested in pursuing the opportunity, will be given the information to contact the foreign buyers either directly or through the trade commissioner who originated the business lead. Information on how to register for both the Canadian Company Capabilities and the Virtual Trade Commissioner databases is contained in this Info-Guide.

Manitoba Business Calendar
Manitoba Trade and Investment Corporation
An Agency of Manitoba Intergovernmental Affairs and Trade
1100 - 259 Portage Avenue,  Winnipeg, MB  R3B 3P4
Phone: (204) 945-3691 or Toll free 1-800-529-9981
Fax: (204) 957-1793

This site hosts a regularly maintained business and trade calendar which lists events happening throughout the province of Manitoba.  If you have a business or trade event that you would like to list on the calendar, contact the Manitoba Trade and Investment Corporation.

Manitoba Companies Directory
Manitoba Trade and Investment Corporation
An Agency of Manitoba Intergovernmental Affairs and Trade
1100 - 259 Portage Avenue,  Winnipeg, MB  R3B 3P4
Phone: (204) 945-0047 or Toll free 1-800-529-9981
Fax: (204) 945-1354

The Manitoba Companies Database allows you to connect your organization to potential buyers, sellers and partners - across Canada and around the world - by showcasing your Manitoba organization in both domestic and international markets.  In order to register your company, contact Manitoba Trade and Investment Corporation as noted above.

Industry Canada - IC
Phone:  1-800-328-6189
Fax:  (613) 954-2340

Strategis is Industry Canada's website of business and consumer information.  Topics include Company Directories, Trade and Investment, Business Information by Sector, Economic Analysis Statistics, Research Technology, Innovation, Business Support Financing, Licences, Legislation, Employment Learning and Consumer Information. The site also provides access to the Canadian Company Capabilities system which allows you to advertise your company and its products, services and/or expertise free of charge to over 40 million Internet users.

UN Development Business Directory Online

Looking for a partner?  The UN Development Business’s "Business Directory" is now online.  The Directory lists the web sites for companies involved in international business, and can be used to locate partners for business opportunities

The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service - TCS
Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada - DFAIT
4th Floor - 400 St. Mary Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3C 4K5
Phone: (204) 983-7349 or Toll free 1-800-551-4946

Formerly known as WIN Exports, this database of Canadian exporters is used exclusively by over 500 Canadian Trade Commissioners worldwide to connect foreign buyers with Canadian products and services.  There is no cost to register your company, it must be registered on-line.

World Development Indicators 2003

If you want to find out more about the countries where you do business, the World Bank’s recently published "World Development Indicators 2003" is the source for you.  It includes 800 indicators for 152 economies, covering topics such as demographics, income distribution, organization, exports and imports, external debt, military expenditures, education, health and GDP.

Licenses, Permits and Other Export Documentation

Exporting is one of the most controlled activities throughout the world.  Export shipments must be accompanied by certain documents to leave Canada and to enter the country of import.  A variety of free publications are available from the Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre to guide exporters through this process.  Canada Border Services Agency (formerly known as Canada Customs) helps other federal government departments by administering and enforcing regulations on their behalf.  If you are exporting goods that are controlled, prohibited, or regulated, you have to submit the appropriate permit, certificate, or license before you export them, regardless of the goods' destination or value. The following list gives a general overview as to which items have controls placed on them and which department exporters should contact in order to meet the necessary requirements when goods leave Canada.  Exporters should also investigate a foreign country's trade regulations (i.e. required licenses, permits and/or certificates) prior to shipping any goods.

Bioterrorism Act - U.S.A.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Phone:  Toll free (Canada & USA) - 1-888-INFO-FDA (1-888-463-6332)

Manitoba Contact:
Canadian Food Inspection Agency - CFIA
Dan Wuerch
Phone: (204) 984-4230

As part of its efforts to protect the nations' food supply against terrorism and other food-related emergencies, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has published regulations that require:
* Registration with FDA of all domestic and foreign food facilities that manufacture/process, pack, or hold food for human or animal consumption in the United States.
* Advance notice to FDA of any shipment of human or animal food imported or offered for import began Dec. 12, 2003.
* Requires persons who manufacture, process, pack, transport, distribute, receive, hold, or import food to establish and maintain records.

In the event of a potential or actual bio-terrorism incident or an outbreak of food-borne illness, facility registration information will help the FDA determine the location and source of the event and permit the agency to quickly notify facilities that may be affected.  Facilities can register on-line at; by completing a paper form, via fax at or by submitting a CD-ROM with relevant information to the FDA.  For assistance with on-line registration call (301) 575-0156, fax (301) 210-0247, or e-mail

The Bio-terrorism Act requires that Prior Notice be provided to the FDA in advance of an imported food's arrival to the U.S.  The FDA will use this information to review, evaluate, and assess the information, and determine whether to inspect the imported food.  Prior notice for nearly all of the current imported food shipments can be filed using CBP's Automated Broker Interface of the Automated Commercial System (ABI/ACS).  Prior notice can be submitted either through ABI/ACS or the FDA's Prior Notice System Interface.

Failing to register is a criminal violation.  Imports will be detained, and FDA may seek debarment of persons or companies involved.

Sale of Wheat and Barley
Canadian Wheat Board
Export Permits Department
423 Main Street, P.O. Box 816 Station Main, Winnipeg, MB   R3C 2P5
Phone: (204) 983-0239 or Toll free 1-800-275-4292
Fax: (204) 983-3841

Controls the export of barley and wheat products.

Certificates of Origin
Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce
Suite 100 - 259 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3B 2A9
Phone: (204) 944-8484
Fax: (204) 944-8492

Documentation required by Customs to certify the Canadian origin of goods being exported.  You can also obtain the following documents online:
Certificate of Origin under the North American Free Trade Agreement:
Certificate of Origin under the Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement:
Certificate of Origin under the Canada-Chile Free Trade Agreement:

Commercial and Government Entity Code (CAGE)
U.S. Department of Defense

A CAGE Code is a five (5) position code that identifies companies doing or wishing to do business with the US Federal Government.  Contractors are required to register in the Department of Defence Central Contractor Registration (CCR) database prior to the awarding of any contract, basic agreement, blanket ordering agreement or blanket purchasing agreement unless the award results from a solicitation issued on or before May 31, 1998.  Non US companies CAGE code information is available by contacting Directorate of Technical Information & Codification Services in Ottawa by phone (819) 994-9401, fax (819) 994-9398 or e-mail

Controlled Goods Program
Public Works and Government Services Canada
Phone:  1-866-368-4646
The Controlled Goods Program is a new domestic industrial security program that controls the examination, possession and transfer of certain controlled goods.  Anyone who deals with these controlled goods in Canada is required to register with the Controlled Goods Program. Some examples of controlled goods that are covered by the program are certain firearms, ammunition with a calibre greater than 12.7 millimeters and aerospace, satellite and other goods and technologies that guide weapons system.

Export Certificates
Export Controls Division
Export and Import Controls Bureau
Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada - DFAIT
P.O. Box 481, Station "A", Ottawa, ON  K1A 9K6
Phone: (613) 996-2387
Fax: (613) 996-9933

Restrictions and quotas are placed on certain goods or countries the goods are destined to pursuant to Canadian government policy or in order to implement an intergovernmental arrangement or commitment such as NAFTA.  The certificate verifies that the imported goods are eligible for a specific duty.

Export Permits
Export Controls Division (EPE)
Export and Import Controls Bureau
Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada - DFAIT
Tower C, 4th Floor, 125 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, ON K1A 0G2
Phone: (613) 996-2387 or Toll free 1-800-267-8376
Fax: (613) 996-9933

Required documentation for goods on the Export Control List or goods destined to a country on the Area Control List.  Up-to-date listings of all export controls are available from the number above or the Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre.

Food and Animal Products
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
6th Floor, 269 Main Street, Winnipeg, MB  R3C 1B2
Phone:  (204) 983-2200 or Toll free 1-800-442-2342
Fax: (204) 984-6008

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), in conjunction with other federal departments, administers regulations pertaining to the import, export and/or labelling requirements for the following agricultural products:

Animals (live) -
Dairy Products -
Eggs and Egg Products -
Fish, Seafood and Production -
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (including nuts and edible fungi) -
Fruit and Vegetable Products - Processed (includes processed fruits and vegetables and their products - canned & frozen - as well as maple products) -
Grains and Field Crops -
Labelling -
Meat and Poultry -
Plants -
Wildlife -

Canadian Food Inspection Agency certifies that exported food meets foreign country requirements where there are reciprocal inspection/certification agreements with other countries.  Animal health programs and Plant protection programs contribute to the protection of Canada's animal resource base: livestock and fish and Canada's plant resource base: crops and forests - against the introduction and spread of regulated pests and diseases of significance to human health, the environment and the economy.  It also regulates the humane transportation of animals.

Importing and Exporting Cultural Property
Canadian Heritage
Movable Cultural Property Program
15 Eddy Street - 3rd Floor, Gatineau, PQ   K1A 0M5
Phone: (819) 997-7761 or Toll free: 1-866-811-0055
Fax: (819) 997-7757

In order to preserve Canadian heritage, the department has established export restrictions for objects of historical, scientific and cultural significance.  The Canadian Cultural Property Export Control List describes the categories of cultural property that require export permits in order to leave Canada.

Marketing Freshwater Fish
Freshwater Fish Marketing Corporation
Fisheries and Oceans Canada - DFO
1199 Plessis Road, Winnipeg, MB   R2C 3L4
Phone: (204) 983-3112
Fax: (204) 983-6497

A Crown corporation which regulates interprovincial and export trade in freshwater fish. The FFMC is a buyer, processor and marketer of freshwater fish harvested from lakes in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, the Northwest Territories and Northwestern Ontario.  The FFMC has the exclusive right to trade and market fish produced within its mandated region on an interprovincial and export basis. While fishermen may sell freshwater fish directly to consumers within the province or territory in which they are licensed to fish, they cannot sell the fish to anyone other than the FFMC for resale, unless authorized under special dealers licenses issued by the FFMC.

Controlled Substances and Precursors
Health Canada - HCan
Office of Controlled Substances
123 Slater Street, A.L. 3503D, Ottawa, ON   K1A 1B9
Phone: (613) 952-2131
Fax: (613) 941-4760

Any person wishing to manufacture, import or export, give, transport, send, deliver or distribute a narcotic or to cultivate cannibas must be a licensed dealer.  A licensed dealer wanting to export or import a narcotic must also obtain a permit from Health Canada.

Temporary Importation/Exportation Programs
Canada Border Services Agency - CBSA
Customs Client Services
269 Main Street, Winnipeg, MB   R3C 1B3
Phone: 1-800-461-9999
Fax: (204) 983-6635

The Temporary Exportation Regulations set out the purposes and conditions under which goods may be exported temporarily and receive full or partial relief of customs duties and taxes on goods that are exported for repairs, additions, or work done abroad and subsequently returned to Canada, as long as specific conditions are met. 

Wild Animal and Plant Trade
Environment Canada - EC
CITES Office
Canadian Wildlife Service
351 St. Joseph Blvd., Gatineau, PQ   K1A 0H3
Phone: (819) 997-1840 or Toll free 1-800-668-6767
Fax: (819) 953-6283

The department controls the import, export and interprovincial transport and sale of certain wild species of animals and plants, as well as their parts and derivatives, as outlined in the Wild Animal and Plant Trade Protection and Regulation of International and Interprovincial Trade Act (WAPPRIITA).

Research Facilities

C/MBSC Library and Research Services
250 - 240 Graham Avenue, P.O. Box 2609, Winnipeg, MB  R3C 4B3
Phone: 984-2272 or Toll free 1-800-665-2019
Fax: (204) 983-3852

One of the most comprehensive business market research facilities in Manitoba containing a wealth of business, trade and industrial information. Resources include publications, audio and video tapes, periodicals, and access to data banks.  Provides a wide range of services including problem-solving research and assistance locating other government programs and services.  There is no cost for any of the Centre's services.

Other Export Programs, Services and Information Sources

Advanced Manufacturing Initiative - AMI
Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters - Manitoba Division
Helen Mitchell, Project Administrator
110 Lowson Crescent, Winnipeg, MB R3P 2H8
Phone: (204) 949-1454

The Advanced Manufacturing Initiative (AMI) is a three-year initiative, Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters, in partnership with both the federal and provincial governments, will work cooperatively to ensure manufacturers achieve significant gains in productivity and effectiveness and as a result, sustain and enhance their global competitiveness. The AMI is focused in two areas - "Lean Thinking" and "Human Resource Development." The AMI will address these specific areas, through the development of training programs on Lean Manufacturing principles and practices, leadership development, human resource management practices, skills training and other critical areas identified by manufacturers.

Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada
666 - 999 Canada Place, Vancouver, B.C.  V6C 3E1
Phone:  (604) 684-5986
Fax:  (604) 681-1370

The Asia Pacific Foundation, through a variety of programs, assists Canadian businesses to become more competitive in the Asia Pacific region.  The Foundation maintains a network of databases with information on businesses, trade statistics and educational resources related to the Asia Pacific region.

CMHC International
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Canadian Housing Export Centre
Phone:  1-800-668-2642

Supports and promotes the export of Canadian housing products and expertise by identifying market opportunities and providing practical information and advice to the housing industry.

Canada Export Awards
Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada - DFAIT
Phone:  1-888-811-1119

An annual award for outstanding achievement in the export field open to all Canadian firms that have been exporting goods and/or services for three or more consecutive years.  Trading houses, banks and transport, market research, packaging and promotion firms are also eligible. 

Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada - DFAIT
4th Floor - 400 St. Mary Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3C 2V2
Phone: (204) 983-5851
Fax: (204) 983-3182

A bilingual trade newsletter published twice monthly and distributed free to approximately 55,000 readers. Contains information on tender calls; international market opportunities; government programs and services for exporters; upcoming trade fairs, missions and conferences; export "success stories"; and special reports on trade issues and agreements.

Canadian Association of Importers and Exporters
Suite 1618 - 438 University Avenue, Toronto, ON  M5G 2K8
Phone:  (416) 595-5333
Fax: (416) 595-8226

A private, non-profit organization, which services Canada's trade community.  It is Canada's key source of information on Canadian customs and trade policy. It provides Canadian importers and exporters with critical and timely information, effective representation to government and effective solutions for members' concerns.

Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters
103 - 611 Corydon Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3L 0P3
Phone:  (204) 949-1454
Fax: (204) 943-3476

The Canadian Manufacturers' Association and the Canadian Exporters' Association combined their efforts to form this organization which deals with provincial and national issues pertaining to manufacturing in the areas of labour, education and training, worker's compensation, workplace safety and health, environment, taxation, government liaison, and both local and national trade initiatives. 

Centre for International Business Studies
Faculty of Management, Room 436 Drake Centre
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB   R3T 2N2
Phone: (204) 474-9730
Fax: (204) 474-7545

Focuses on the development and promotion of trade education and research.  Major activities include: seminars for business on various aspects of international trade; cooperative projects between businesses and students enrolled in international marketing courses; sponsorship of research programs on international business issues; and funding local case studies for use in courses and seminars.

Enquiries Service
Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada - DFAIT
Phone:  1-800-267-8376
TTY:  (613) 944-9136

Offers information on international markets and Canadian foreign policy to new and experienced exporters, the business community and the general public.  By calling the toll free number, you can obtain information on departmental programs and services, subscribe to CanadExport, obtain specific publications as well as customized information packages, or be referred to specialists within the department, in Canada and abroad.

Export Alert! - RegWatch - Standards Alert!
Standards Council of Canada - SCC
Suite 200 - 270 Albert Street, Ottawa, ON  K1P 6N7
Phone:  (613) 238-3222 ext. 461

A unique automated e-mail notification service that helps exporters keep abreast of regulatory changes in global markets.  It provides you with advance warning when foreign regulators are changing the requirements that apply to your products.  It gives you automatic notification of proposed regulatory changes in your field of interest; access to the full text of changes; and the opportunity to comment on changes.  To subscribe, contact the Standards Council at the internet address listed above.

Export Diagnostic
Team Canada Inc
Phone: 1-888-811-1119

A tool designed to verify your level of preparedness to do business in world markets.  It helps potential exporters to become export ready by providing valuable information with respect to language and cultural issues, the challenges of different monetary systems, legal and tax implications, developing sources of financing, the need for careful research into new market opportunities, and measures to ensure the protection of intellectual property.

Export Your Services...Take a World View
Team Canada Inc
Toll-free:  1-888-811-1119

The most comprehensive Internet information product for exporters of services.  It is an export-readiness tool that helps you in any stage of your operation, from shedding light on exporting services, to helping you prepare the tools to export your services, to stepping onto the world stage.  It features information on world markets for service exporters, available assistance, publications, useful contacts and exporting tips.

Forum for International Trade Training - FITT Inc.
4th Floor, 30 Metcalfe Street, Ottawa, ON  K1P 5L4
Phone:  1-800-561-3488

A national, not-for-profit, professional organization, founded in 1992 by industry and government to develop and deliver international trade training programs and services, establish country-wide standards and certification and generally ensure continuing professional development in the practice of international trade.  FITT programs are delivered across Canada through community colleges, universities, private organizations and on-line.  It offers the following programs:

1.  The Certified International Trade Professional (C.I.T.P.) - The only national professional designation in Canada that recognizes individual experience in international trade.
2.  FITTskills - consists of eight courses that can be taken as a comprehensive package or individually, that focus on the practical aspects of international business.
3. FITTservices was designed for small and medium-sized service firms, it assists these firms in developing a viable export plan for a specific market or market opportunity.
4.  Going Global -    Workshop series designed to help you make that crucial exporting decision and get you off to a good start on your journey towards foreign markets.
5. EnterpriseFITT - An international trade training, individually tailored to meet the unique requirements of a business or organization.

International Trade Canada (Regional Offices)
Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada - DFAIT
4th Floor - 400 St. Mary Avenue, Winnipeg, MB   R3C 2V2
Phone: (204) 983-5851 or Toll free 1-888-811-1119
Fax: (204) 983-3182

The International Trade Centre, using the resources of trade commissioners in 90 countries, assists Canadian exporters by arranging presentations, trade missions and shows.  ITCan staff can provide you with export planning advice, market studies, export counselling, information about export development, trade fairs and missions.  Also provides a number of services to companies seeking technology transfer opportunities abroad or joint ventures with foreign investors.

Market Development and Promotion
Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives
Marketing and Farm Business Management Branch
903 - 401 York Avenue, Winnipeg, MB   R3C 0P8
Phone: (204) 945-4491
Fax: (204) 945-6134

Provides advice and assistance to identify, investigate and develop foreign and domestic markets for the food products sector.  Initiates outgoing and incoming trade missions, organizes seminars relating to specific agricultural commodities, assists with new product development, and supplies market intelligence.

Sales to the U.S. Department of Defense and NASA
Canadian Commercial Corporation - CCC
Suite 1100 - 50 O'Connor Street, Ottawa, ON  K1A 0S6
Phone:  1-800-748-8191

This service provides Canadian exporters with privileged access to one of the largest procurement markets in the world in the sectors of civil aerospace equipment and technologies; specialized defense electronics and specialized information and software systems.  When Canadian exporters sell through CCC, they benefit from relaxed U.S. government procurement rules including waiver of U.S. cost accounting standards for contracts, waiver of requirements for submitting cost and pricing data, waiver of some of the regulations of the Buy American Act and duty-free entry for goods and services.  All purchases over US $100,000 from Canadian companies are contracted exclusively through CCC.

Trade Development Pool
Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce
100 - 259 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB  R3B 2A9
Phone: (204) 944-8484
Fax: (204) 944-8492

A volunteer pool of companies with an interest in Trade development.  Providing a forum for exchange of trade information and fosters the development of a worldwide network of trade contacts.  The Pool maintains formal trade liaisons and establishes new contacts by hosting foreign trade officials and other dignitaries.

Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre
250 - 240 Graham Ave
P.O. Box 2609
Winnipeg, Manitoba  R3C 4B3
Telephone: 204-984-2272
Fax: 204-983-3852
Toll-free (information): 1-800-665-2019
TTY Toll-free (hearing impaired): 1-800-457-8466
TTY (hearing impaired): 1-800-457-8466
Web site:
Hours of operation: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday

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Canada Business Service Centres, 2005

Last Modified: 2006-05-19 Important Notices