Employment Standards

Site Map

Fact Sheets Act and Regulations On-Line Forms Frequent Questions Contact Us Other Links Site Map Introduction
  • About the Employment Standards
  • Who do we serve
  • The Complaint Process and the Labour and Employment Board

Fact Sheets

  • Payroll Keeping Requirements
  • Rules of Payment
  • Minimum Wage and Weekly Rest Period
    A. Minimum Reporting Wage
    B. Examples
  • Paid Public Holidays
  • Notice of Dismissal, Layoff or Termination
  • Vacations and Vacation Pay
  • Maternity Leave
  • Child Care Leave
  • Bereavement Leave
  • Employment of Children
  • Unfair Employer Action
  • Equal Pay for Equal Work
  • Court Leave
  • Family Responsibility
  • Sick Leave
  • Compassionate Care Leave

Act and Regulations

  • New Brunswick Acts and Regulations
  • Employment Standards Act
  • Regulations
  • General
  • Minimum Wage
  • Minimum Wage for Categories of Employees in Crown Construction work
  • Minimum Wage for Counsellor and Program Staff at Residential Summer Camps

Other Links

  • Industrial Relations (http://www.gnb.ca/0110/0001e.htm)
  • New Brunswick Human Rights Commission (http://www.gnb.ca/hrc-cdp/)
  • Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission (http://www.whscc.nb.ca/)
  • Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (http://www.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca/)
  • National Website for Labour Jurisdiction Information Exchange (http://www.labour-info-travail.org/E_main.cfm)

On-Line Forms

  • Authorization to Employ a Child (PDF file)
  • On-Line Complaint Form

Contact Us

Frequent Questions

  • What is Minimum Wage in New Brunswick?
  • When is an employee entitled to Overtime Pay?
  • Is an employee entitled to a break?
  • Employment Insurance Benefits and the Record of Employment
  • Discrimination/Sexual Harassment/Harassment
  • What is Vacation Pay and how much Vacation Time is an employee entitled to?
  • What are the Paid Public Holidays in New Brunswick?
  • Who qualifies for Paid Public Holiday pay?
  • Who is entitled to receive notice of layoff/termination?
  • How does an employer dismiss an employee for cause?
  • Does an employer need "just cause" to dismiss an employee?
  • Who is entitled to Sick Leave?
  • What are the Maternity Leave and Child Care Leave standards?


© copyright 2003
Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour
P.O. Box 6000
Chestnut Complex
Fredericton, N.B. CANADA E3B 5H1
tel.: (506) 453-3902, fax: (506) 453-3806



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