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Faculty of Business Administration
Memorial University of Newfoundland

Exchange Student Projects

The Faculty of Business Administration currently has 23 reciprocal academic student exchanges with institutions in China, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany, England, Scotland, Ireland, the Czech Republic, and Mexico. Our students usually go on exchange in the fall term (September - December), while the foreign students are here throughout the year. These students can do a project for your firm while receiving academic course credit. 


Outbound:  In the months preceding the exchange, selected local students will meet with a firm that has a potential project. The student, the firm and the faculty will agree on the nature and scope of the project prior to departure for the exchange.

Inbound:  Foreign students would meet with interested firms upon arrival in Newfoundland and then agree on a project, which will be completed during their stay at Memorial. 


The firm obtains information relevant to its internationalization plans. The student gains valuable international business experience. 


The firm would pay a nominal administrative fee to the centre and cover any expenses that the student incurs on its behalf (e.g. travel). 

For more information, contact:

Centre for International Business Studies 
Faculty of Business Administration 
Memorial University of Newfoundland 
Phone-(709) 737-2086 
Facsimile-(709) 737-8954 
Susan Vaughan, Director



email cibs@mun.ca